网海拾贝 2012-07 (linuxmint, git/hg, emacs, vim...)
1. LinuxMint
- Cinnamon
2.1. 对比
- 我痛恨 Git 的 10 个理由 - 开源中国
- 为什么我们要放弃Subversion
- 决定采用Mercurial(Hg)了
- (转)CVS,GIT,Mercurial和SVN比较 - 绿里奇迹 - 博客园
- Git和Mercurial(Hg)的分析 (by google code)
- 個人對Mercurial和Git的不同感想
- Git Vs Mercurial hg? 异地协同开发,分布式SCM方案选择! - - ITeye技术网站
- World Hello - 群英汇版本控制系统的选择:subversion, hg, git
- git vs hg - 挖金子的矿工 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET
- Why we chose Mercurial and Bitbucket
- [ ] version control - What is the Difference Between Mercurial and Git? - Stack Overflow
- [ ] Why we chose Mercurial and Bitbucket
2.2. 迁移/配合使用
- svn/git
- git/hg
- svn/hg
- Mercurial(Hg) 与 SVN的双代码管理 - 战魂小筑 - C++博客
- 在Google Code上用 Mercurial 取代 Subversion 管理你的项目 – Leeiio Chaos Made
- HGSVN同步SVN和Mercurial
- RepositoryConversion - Mercurial
- Migrating to Mercurial - hgbook]
- WorkingWithSubversion - Mercurial Wiki ★★★★
- HgSubversion - Mercurial
- 使用 HG 来作为代码管理工具 (hgsubversion, hgsvn)
- Interacting with Subversion
2.3. Git
- magit Cheatsheet #emacs
- Using etckeeper with git on Ubuntu
- Etckeeper – Keep under control your configuration files !
- Uses of git (除了做VCS,git还有什么其它的用途么?)
- Setup git on windows to use kdiff3 as it’s mergetool
- 涉及Git内部机制的几篇文章
- A successful Git branching model » nvie.com ★★★★
- Using Git as a versioned data store in Python
- Reset Demystified (Pro Git的作者详细讲解git reset,据说这是git里面最复杂的一个子命令)
2.4. Hg
- Mercurial: The Definitive Guide (hgbook) ★★★★★
- Mercurial - 分布式版本控制系统 (IBM developerWorks上的介绍)
- Why we chose Mercurial and Bitbucket
- Mercurial for Subversion Users - Pylons Cookbook - PythonWeb
3.1 org-mode
- Organize Everything With Org Mode
- Literate programming and my Emacs configuration file
- org-mode In Your Pocket Is a GNU-Shaped Devil :: dot unplanned
- ORGMODE-MARKDOWN: Support for exporting to markdown from orgmode
3.2 Emacs 24
- New Features in Emacs 24 (by Xah Lee)
- A peek at Emacs 24 - (think)
- What’s New in Emacs 24 | Mastering Emacs: part I, part II
- A Gentle introduction to CEDET
- Alex Ott's blog: ECB & fresh Emacs/CEDET... (ECB终于有点新进展了)
- A functional introduction to CEDET – EDE (EDE是CEDET提供的工程管理模块)
- CEDET news
- Javascript completions in Emacs using CEDET and Firefox/mozrepl
3.4 Why Emacs (& Emacs vs Vim)
这些链接其实有一半没认真看过,都是陆陆续续添加到Read It Later列表里面的,因为有一阵老想写一篇《为什么我转向了Emacs》,现在觉得其实没多大意义 :-)。
- 程序式编辑程序: 为什么要用 Emacs/Vim,而不是任何其他编辑器 ****
- Why I Still Use Emacs ****
- 中文翻译: 为什么我还在使用 Emacs ?
- Why I switched from vim to emacs
- Why Emacs - batsov
- Why Emacs? - emacslife
- why I run shells inside Emacs
- Why Should You Use GNU Emacs Instead of Vi?
- What Makes Emacs So Great?
- Advantages of everything-is-text *
- Emacs and Vim ****
- Emacs or Vim
- Why I choose Emacs over Vim
- Vim vs Emacs « Aaron Meurer's SymPy Blog Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
- Capture ex command output - Vim Tips Wiki (这个链接其实是一条vim tips,但我当初是因为想在:version里面进行搜索而不知道办法,然后看了这条之后就下决心学习Emacs了)
3.5 misc
- dokuwiki-el: GNU Emacs frontend to the dokuwiki wiki engine (zim)
- emacs下实现像vim的taglist - horst Hu的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET
- yuanotes/taglist.el
- Feeding the Cloud: Proper indentation of Javascript files using js2-mode in emacs
- Compiling and running scripts in Emacs
4. Vim
- Why Vim
- Why I use Vim ****
- Why Vim
- 为什么这些死脑筋们在用 VI ? - 开源中国社区
- The Vim Learning Curve Is a Myth
- From Vim to Emacs + Evil mode and back again
- Tips
- less with syntax highlighting
- Vim Cheat Sheat for Programmers by Michael Pohoreski
- 给程序员的VIM速查卡
- Fortune vimtips : vimtips is a project to use fortune software to view vimtips.
- 插件管理
- 手把手教你把Vim改装成一个IDE编程环境(图文) - 吴垠的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET
- 拼装的艺术:vim之IDE进化实录 - a byte of free - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET
5. Misc
5.1 Programming
- Lisp的永恒之道
- Understanding '*', '*args', '**' and '**kwargs' - Agiliq Blog
- MsgPack vs. JSON: Cut your client-server exchange traffic by 50% with one line of code
- C++, Ruby, CoffeeScript: a visual comparison of language complexity
- 每个程序员都应该学习使用Python或Ruby
5.2 Linux
- Etckeeper – Keep under control your configuration files !
- 5 Cool Things You Can Do With an SSH Server - How-To Geek
- Gnome notifications from your Terminal!
- Ubuntu Zombies (吐槽Ubuntu)
- UbuntuHelp:UbuntuLTSP/GDMVNCInetdssh - Ubuntu中文 (getting VNC to work at the GDM level)
- Linux下个人知识管理(PKM)工具推荐
- 图灵社区 : 阅读 : 十个你可能没用过的Linux命令
- How To Make A Hotkey On The Linux Console LG #55
- segfault.in » PDF Manipulations And Conversions From Linux Command Prompt
- Securing a VNC Server on Linux with SSH
5.3 Android
- How to Run Android Apps on Your Desktop the Easy Way - How-To Geek
- 有多少人觉得模拟器太慢?有多少人试过用Android-x86来做应用开发啊? - 移动平台 / Android
- 25 Most Popular Free Android Games You Would Love Playing
5.4 Wine
- Ubuntu Wine Team in Launchpad
- VINEYARD- An application to integrate wine into Ubuntu
- Feeding the Cloud: Installing Fallout 3 on Ubuntu Lucid
- 文逸网 ::::帖子标题: 阅读chm的另一解决方案(wine+hh.exe)