1 Zephyr的时间服务基础
Time:Kernel Clocks是系统所有基于时间服务的基础,包括Timer和Sleep。
Zephyr提供两种时钟计数,一个是高精度的32位硬件时钟计数(hardware clock),cycle表示的长短由硬件决定;
另一个是64位的tick计数(system clock),每个tick大小是由系统配置的,1ms~100ms不等。
2 Zephry的Time
我们知道Zephyr有两种clock计数:hardware clock和system clock。
system clock是内核很多基于时间服务的基础,包括timer或者其他超时服务。
当然,system clock是建立在hardware clock基础之上的。系统决定一个tick多长时间,然后换算成多少个hardware clock cycles。
通过对hardware clock编程,hardware clock倒计数然后产生中断,一个中断表示一个tick。
即使是20ms delay,很有可能时间delay达到30ms,因为当前设置的delay只有到下一次tick产生才会设置在下两个tick到期。
系统时间相关服务建立在tick之上,tick建立在hardware clock之上,hardware clock具有最高精度,因此如果想要高精度时间测量,可以使用hardware clock。
s64_t time_stamp; s64_t milliseconds_spent; /* capture initial time stamp */ time_stamp = k_uptime_get(); /* do work for some (extended) period of time */ ... /* compute how long the work took (also updates the time stamp) */ milliseconds_spent = k_uptime_delta(&time_stamp);
u32_t start_time; u32_t stop_time; u32_t cycles_spent; u32_t nanoseconds_spent; /* capture initial time stamp */ start_time = k_cycle_get_32(); /* do work for some (short) period of time */ ... /* capture final time stamp */ stop_time = k_cycle_get_32(); /* compute how long the work took (assumes no counter rollover) */ cycles_spent = stop_time - start_time; nanoseconds_spent = SYS_CLOCK_HW_CYCLES_TO_NS(cycles_spent);
3 Zephyr的Sleep
Zephyr的时间一个应用是Thread Sleeping,线程可以通过k_sleep()来延迟一段时间处理。在这段时间内,当前线程进入睡眠。在sleep时间满足并且当前进程被调度到,才会继续运行。
void k_sleep(s32_t duration) Put the current thread to sleep. This routine puts the current thread to sleep for duration milliseconds. Return N/A Parameters duration: Number of milliseconds to sleep. void k_wakeup(k_tid_t thread) Wake up a sleeping thread. This routine prematurely wakes up thread from sleeping. If thread is not currently sleeping, the routine has no effect. Return N/A Parameters thread: ID of thread to wake.
Busy Waiting是另一种延迟操作,k_busy_wait和k_sleep有以下不同:
- k_busy_wait基于hardware clock进行计数,更加精确;k_sleep基于system tick。
- k_busy_wait期间不会将CPU调度权交出去;k_sleep允许CPU调度别的线程。
- k_busy_wait只能在非常短延时的情况下使用。
void k_busy_wait(u32_t usec_to_wait) Cause the current thread to busy wait. This routine causes the current thread to execute a “do nothing” loop for usec_to_wait microseconds. Return N/A
4 Zephyr的Timer
Zephyr时间另一应用是Timers,包括几个要素duration(第一次定时器)、period(第一次超时之后的周期性定时器)、expiry function(超时函数)、stop function(提前结束Timer)、status(Timer的状态)。
Zephyr Timer还有另一种同步读取状态的功能,这个功能会将当前进程阻塞,直到timer状态非零(即timer已经发生过超时,最起码一次)或者timer被停止。如果已经非零或者被停止,则当前线程不用等待。
struct k_timer my_timer; extern void my_expiry_function(struct k_timer *timer_id); k_timer_init(&my_timer, my_expiry_function, NULL); 或者: K_TIMER_DEFINE(my_timer, my_expiry_function, NULL);
void my_work_handler(struct k_work *work) { /* do the processing that needs to be done periodically */ ... } K_WORK_DEFINE(my_work, my_work_handler); void my_timer_handler(struct k_timer *dummy) { k_work_submit(&my_work); } K_TIMER_DEFINE(my_timer, my_timer_handler, NULL); ... /* start periodic timer that expires once every second */ k_timer_start(&my_timer, K_SECONDS(1), K_SECONDS(1));
K_TIMER_DEFINE(my_status_timer, NULL, NULL); ... /* start one shot timer that expires after 200 ms */ k_timer_start(&my_status_timer, K_MSEC(200), 0); /* do work */ ... /* check timer status */ if (k_timer_status_get(&my_status_timer) > 0) { /* timer has expired */ } else if (k_timer_remaining_get(&my_status_timer) == 0) { /* timer was stopped (by someone else) before expiring */ } else { /* timer is still running */ }
K_TIMER_DEFINE(my_sync_timer, NULL, NULL); ... /* do first protocol operation */ ... /* start one shot timer that expires after 500 ms */ k_timer_start(&my_sync_timer, K_MSEC(500), 0); /* do other work */ ... /* ensure timer has expired (waiting for expiry, if necessary) */ k_timer_status_sync(&my_sync_timer); /* do second protocol operation */ ...
5 system tick机制
.word _timer_int_handler(vector_table.S)--> _timer_int_handler(cortex_m_systick.c)--> _sys_clock_tick_announce(cortex_m_systick.c)--> _nano_sys_clock_tick_announce(_sys_idle_elapsed_ticks)--> handle_timeouts-->遍历_timeout_q,执行超时timer的函数。 handle_time_slicing static inline void handle_timeouts(s32_t ticks) { sys_dlist_t expired; unsigned int key; /* init before locking interrupts */ sys_dlist_init(&expired); key = irq_lock(); struct _timeout *head = (struct _timeout *)sys_dlist_peek_head(&_timeout_q);---------------取_timeout_q的头 ... head->delta_ticks_from_prev -= ticks;----------------------------------减去逝去tick数 /* * Dequeue all expired timeouts from _timeout_q, relieving irq lock * pressure between each of them, allowing handling of higher priority * interrupts. We know that no new timeout will be prepended in front * of a timeout which delta is 0, since timeouts of 0 ticks are * prohibited. */ sys_dnode_t *next = &head->node; struct _timeout *timeout = (struct _timeout *)next; _handling_timeouts = 1; while (timeout && timeout->delta_ticks_from_prev <= 0) {------------当前timeout已经超时 sys_dlist_remove(next);-----------------------------------------将next(即当前timeout)从列表移除 /* * Reverse the order that that were queued in the timeout_q: * timeouts expiring on the same ticks are queued in the * reverse order, time-wise, that they are added to shorten the * amount of time with interrupts locked while walking the * timeout_q. By reversing the order _again_ when building the * expired queue, they end up being processed in the same order * they were added, time-wise. */ sys_dlist_prepend(&expired, next);------------------------------将next加入到expired列表 timeout->delta_ticks_from_prev = _EXPIRED;----------------------将timeout(next)的delta_ticks_from_prev设置为_EXPIRED irq_unlock(key); key = irq_lock(); next = sys_dlist_peek_head(&_timeout_q);------------------------重新取_timeout_q的头 timeout = (struct _timeout *)next; } irq_unlock(key); _handle_expired_timeouts(&expired);--------------------------------遍历_timeout_q列表,选出超时timer到expired之后,然后在_handle_expired_timeouts中一个一个执行。
_handling_timeouts = 0; }
k_sleep-->_add_thread_timeout--> k_timer_init-->_time_expiration_handler--> k_timer_start--> k_delayed_work_submit_to_queue--> _add_timeout--------------------------------_add_timeout是操作_timeout_q的核心 static inline void _add_timeout(struct k_thread *thread, struct _timeout *timeout, _wait_q_t *wait_q, s32_t timeout_in_ticks) { __ASSERT(timeout_in_ticks > 0, ""); timeout->delta_ticks_from_prev = timeout_in_ticks; timeout->thread = thread; timeout->wait_q = (sys_dlist_t *)wait_q; K_DEBUG("before adding timeout %p\n", timeout); _dump_timeout(timeout, 0); _dump_timeout_q(); s32_t *delta = &timeout->delta_ticks_from_prev; struct _timeout *in_q; ... SYS_DLIST_FOR_EACH_CONTAINER(&_timeout_q, in_q, node) {----------遍历_timeout_q列表,找出合适的位置:delta的值小于等于下一节点,大于前一节点。 if (*delta <= in_q->delta_ticks_from_prev) { in_q->delta_ticks_from_prev -= *delta; sys_dlist_insert_before(&_timeout_q, &in_q->node,--------将新节点timeout插入到in_q之前 &timeout->node); goto inserted; } *delta -= in_q->delta_ticks_from_prev;-----------------------初始delta是和当前时间的差值,在寻找插入位置的过程中会逐渐递减,相对时间参考点逐渐后移。一直以前一个timer超时点为基准。 } sys_dlist_append(&_timeout_q, &timeout->node); inserted: K_DEBUG("after adding timeout %p\n", timeout); _dump_timeout(timeout, 0); _dump_timeout_q(); ... }
_sys_soc_suspend--> k_tick_add--> void k_tick_add(u32_t time) { u32_t tick; struct _timeout *timeout; tick = _ms_to_ticks(time); _sys_clock_tick_count += tick;---------------------------系统Tick计数值 timeout = (struct _timeout *)sys_dlist_peek_head(&_timeout_q); if (timeout) timeout->delta_ticks_from_prev -= tick;-------------------------????只补偿了链表头,是否有必要补偿所有节点。 }