Spark 运行架构核心总结
3.1 standalone模式
- 基本术语:
- Application:在Spark 上建立的用户程序,一个程序由一个驱动程序(Driver Program)和集群中的执行进程(Executer)构成。
- Driver Program:运行应用程序(Application)的main函数和创建SparkContext的程序。
- Executer:运行在工作节点(Work Node)上的进程。Executer负责运行任务(Task)并将各节点的数据保存在内存或磁盘中。每个应用程序都有自己对应Executer
- Work Node:集群中运行应用程序(Applicatuon)的节点
- Cluster Manager: 在集群上获取资源的外部服务(如Standalone,Mesos,Yarn),称作资源管理器或集群管理器
- Job: 包含多个Task的并行计算,往往由Spark Action(如save,collect)触发生成,一个Application中往往会产生多个Job
- Stage:每个Job被分成了更小的任务集合(TaskSet),各个阶段(Stage)相互依赖
- Task:被发送到某一个Executer的工作单元
- DAGScheduler:基于Stage的逻辑调度模块,负责将每个Job分割成一个DAG图
- TaskScheduler:基于Task的任务调度模块,负责每个Task的跟踪和向DAGScheduler汇报任务执行情况
Spark Application在集群中以一组独立的进程运行,通过你的驱动程序(driver program)中的SparkContext 对象进行协作。
具体来说,SparkContext可以连接到多种类型的集群管理器 cluster managers (standalone cluster manager, Mesos ,YARN),这些 cluster managers 负责跨应用程序分配资源。一旦连接,Spark就获得集群中的节点上的executors,接下来,它会将应用程序代码发送到executors。最后,SparkContext发送tasks到executors运行。
注意:该驱动程序会一直监听并接受其executor传入的连接(spark.driver.port在网络配置部分)。这样,driver program必须可以寻找到工作节点的网络地址。数据不能跨应用程序(SparkContext)访问,除非写入外部系统
2.1.1 SparkContext类(代表连接到spark集群,现在一个jvm只能有一个sc,以后会取消):
说明:这里的下划线_代表默认值,比如Int 默认值就是0,String默认值就是None 参考知乎
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * | Private variables. These variables keep the internal state of the context, and are | | not accessible by the outside world. They're mutable since we want to initialize all | | of them to some neutral value ahead of time, so that calling "stop()" while the | | constructor is still running is safe. | * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ private var _conf: SparkConf = _ private var _eventLogDir: Option[URI] = None private var _eventLogCodec: Option[String] = None private var _env: SparkEnv = _ private var _jobProgressListener: JobProgressListener = _ private var _statusTracker: SparkStatusTracker = _ private var _progressBar: Option[ConsoleProgressBar] = None private var _ui: Option[SparkUI] = None private var _hadoopConfiguration: Configuration = _ private var _executorMemory: Int = _ private var _schedulerBackend: SchedulerBackend = _ private var _taskScheduler: TaskScheduler = _ private var _heartbeatReceiver: RpcEndpointRef = _ @volatile private var _dagScheduler: DAGScheduler = _ private var _applicationId: String = _ private var _applicationAttemptId: Option[String] = None private var _eventLogger: Option[EventLoggingListener] = None private var _executorAllocationManager: Option[ExecutorAllocationManager] = None private var _cleaner: Option[ContextCleaner] = None private var _listenerBusStarted: Boolean = false private var _jars: Seq[String] = _ private var _files: Seq[String] = _ private var _shutdownHookRef: AnyRef = _
2.1.2 Executor(一个运行任务的线程池,通过RPC与Driver通信):
这里有两个参数:spark.executor.heartbeat.maxFailures = 60,spark.executor.heartbeatInterval = 10s,意味着最多每隔10min会重新发送一次心跳
/** Reports heartbeat and metrics for active tasks to the driver. */ private def reportHeartBeat(): Unit = { // list of (task id, accumUpdates) to send back to the driver val accumUpdates = new ArrayBuffer[(Long, Seq[AccumulatorV2[_, _]])]() val curGCTime = computeTotalGcTime() for (taskRunner <- runningTasks.values().asScala) { if (taskRunner.task != null) { taskRunner.task.metrics.mergeShuffleReadMetrics() taskRunner.task.metrics.setJvmGCTime(curGCTime - taskRunner.startGCTime) accumUpdates += ((taskRunner.taskId, taskRunner.task.metrics.accumulators())) } } val message = Heartbeat(executorId, accumUpdates.toArray, env.blockManager.blockManagerId) try { val response = heartbeatReceiverRef.askWithRetry[HeartbeatResponse]( message, RpcTimeout(conf, "spark.executor.heartbeatInterval", "10s")) if (response.reregisterBlockManager) { logInfo("Told to re-register on heartbeat") env.blockManager.reregister() } heartbeatFailures = 0 } catch { case NonFatal(e) => logWarning("Issue communicating with driver in heartbeater", e) heartbeatFailures += 1 if (heartbeatFailures >= HEARTBEAT_MAX_FAILURES) { logError(s"Exit as unable to send heartbeats to driver " + s"more than $HEARTBEAT_MAX_FAILURES times") System.exit(ExecutorExitCode.HEARTBEAT_FAILURE) } } }
// Maintains the list of running tasks. private val runningTasks = new ConcurrentHashMap[Long, TaskRunner]
下面是TaskRunner 的run方法,贴出来,以后研究
override def run(): Unit = { val taskMemoryManager = new TaskMemoryManager(env.memoryManager, taskId) val deserializeStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis() Thread.currentThread.setContextClassLoader(replClassLoader) val ser = env.closureSerializer.newInstance() logInfo(s"Running $taskName (TID $taskId)") execBackend.statusUpdate(taskId, TaskState.RUNNING, EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER) var taskStart: Long = 0 startGCTime = computeTotalGcTime() try { val (taskFiles, taskJars, taskProps, taskBytes) = Task.deserializeWithDependencies(serializedTask) // Must be set before updateDependencies() is called, in case fetching dependencies // requires access to properties contained within (e.g. for access control). Executor.taskDeserializationProps.set(taskProps) updateDependencies(taskFiles, taskJars) task = ser.deserialize[Task[Any]](taskBytes, Thread.currentThread.getContextClassLoader) task.localProperties = taskProps task.setTaskMemoryManager(taskMemoryManager) // If this task has been killed before we deserialized it, let's quit now. Otherwise, // continue executing the task. if (killed) { // Throw an exception rather than returning, because returning within a try{} block // causes a NonLocalReturnControl exception to be thrown. The NonLocalReturnControl // exception will be caught by the catch block, leading to an incorrect ExceptionFailure // for the task. throw new TaskKilledException } logDebug("Task " + taskId + "'s epoch is " + task.epoch) env.mapOutputTracker.updateEpoch(task.epoch) // Run the actual task and measure its runtime. taskStart = System.currentTimeMillis() var threwException = true val value = try { val res = taskAttemptId = taskId, attemptNumber = attemptNumber, metricsSystem = env.metricsSystem) threwException = false res } finally { val releasedLocks = env.blockManager.releaseAllLocksForTask(taskId) val freedMemory = taskMemoryManager.cleanUpAllAllocatedMemory() if (freedMemory > 0) { val errMsg = s"Managed memory leak detected; size = $freedMemory bytes, TID = $taskId" if (conf.getBoolean("spark.unsafe.exceptionOnMemoryLeak", false) && !threwException) { throw new SparkException(errMsg) } else { logError(errMsg) } } if (releasedLocks.nonEmpty) { val errMsg = s"${releasedLocks.size} block locks were not released by TID = $taskId:\n" + releasedLocks.mkString("[", ", ", "]") if (conf.getBoolean("", false) && !threwException) { throw new SparkException(errMsg) } else { logWarning(errMsg) } } } val taskFinish = System.currentTimeMillis() // If the task has been killed, let's fail it. if (task.killed) { throw new TaskKilledException } val resultSer = env.serializer.newInstance() val beforeSerialization = System.currentTimeMillis() val valueBytes = resultSer.serialize(value) val afterSerialization = System.currentTimeMillis() // Deserialization happens in two parts: first, we deserialize a Task object, which // includes the Partition. Second, deserializes the RDD and function to be run. task.metrics.setExecutorDeserializeTime( (taskStart - deserializeStartTime) + task.executorDeserializeTime) // We need to subtract's deserialization time to avoid double-counting task.metrics.setExecutorRunTime((taskFinish - taskStart) - task.executorDeserializeTime) task.metrics.setJvmGCTime(computeTotalGcTime() - startGCTime) task.metrics.setResultSerializationTime(afterSerialization - beforeSerialization) // Note: accumulator updates must be collected after TaskMetrics is updated val accumUpdates = task.collectAccumulatorUpdates() // TODO: do not serialize value twice val directResult = new DirectTaskResult(valueBytes, accumUpdates) val serializedDirectResult = ser.serialize(directResult) val resultSize = serializedDirectResult.limit // directSend = sending directly back to the driver val serializedResult: ByteBuffer = { if (maxResultSize > 0 && resultSize > maxResultSize) { logWarning(s"Finished $taskName (TID $taskId). Result is larger than maxResultSize " + s"(${Utils.bytesToString(resultSize)} > ${Utils.bytesToString(maxResultSize)}), " + s"dropping it.") ser.serialize(new IndirectTaskResult[Any](TaskResultBlockId(taskId), resultSize)) } else if (resultSize > maxDirectResultSize) { val blockId = TaskResultBlockId(taskId) env.blockManager.putBytes( blockId, new ChunkedByteBuffer(serializedDirectResult.duplicate()), StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER) logInfo( s"Finished $taskName (TID $taskId). $resultSize bytes result sent via BlockManager)") ser.serialize(new IndirectTaskResult[Any](blockId, resultSize)) } else { logInfo(s"Finished $taskName (TID $taskId). $resultSize bytes result sent to driver") serializedDirectResult } } execBackend.statusUpdate(taskId, TaskState.FINISHED, serializedResult) } catch { case ffe: FetchFailedException => val reason = ffe.toTaskEndReason setTaskFinishedAndClearInterruptStatus() execBackend.statusUpdate(taskId, TaskState.FAILED, ser.serialize(reason)) case _: TaskKilledException | _: InterruptedException if task.killed => logInfo(s"Executor killed $taskName (TID $taskId)") setTaskFinishedAndClearInterruptStatus() execBackend.statusUpdate(taskId, TaskState.KILLED, ser.serialize(TaskKilled)) case CausedBy(cDE: CommitDeniedException) => val reason = cDE.toTaskEndReason setTaskFinishedAndClearInterruptStatus() execBackend.statusUpdate(taskId, TaskState.FAILED, ser.serialize(reason)) case t: Throwable => // Attempt to exit cleanly by informing the driver of our failure. // If anything goes wrong (or this was a fatal exception), we will delegate to // the default uncaught exception handler, which will terminate the Executor. logError(s"Exception in $taskName (TID $taskId)", t) // Collect latest accumulator values to report back to the driver val accums: Seq[AccumulatorV2[_, _]] = if (task != null) { task.metrics.setExecutorRunTime(System.currentTimeMillis() - taskStart) task.metrics.setJvmGCTime(computeTotalGcTime() - startGCTime) task.collectAccumulatorUpdates(taskFailed = true) } else { Seq.empty } val accUpdates = => acc.toInfo(Some(acc.value), None)) val serializedTaskEndReason = { try { ser.serialize(new ExceptionFailure(t, accUpdates).withAccums(accums)) } catch { case _: NotSerializableException => // t is not serializable so just send the stacktrace ser.serialize(new ExceptionFailure(t, accUpdates, false).withAccums(accums)) } } setTaskFinishedAndClearInterruptStatus() execBackend.statusUpdate(taskId, TaskState.FAILED, serializedTaskEndReason) // Don't forcibly exit unless the exception was inherently fatal, to avoid // stopping other tasks unnecessarily. if (Utils.isFatalError(t)) { SparkUncaughtExceptionHandler.uncaughtException(t) } } finally { runningTasks.remove(taskId) } }
注意这里的StandaloneExecutorBackend是一个概念(我在spark项目中没找到),实际上的spark standalone的资源调度类是 CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend
1.构建Spark Application的运行环境(启动SparkContext),SparkContext向资源管理器(ClusterManager)(可以是Standalone、Mesos或YARN)注册并申请运行Executor资源;
3.SparkContext构建成DAG图,将DAG图分解成Stage,并把Taskset发送给Task Scheduler。
Executor向SparkContext申请Task,Task Scheduler将Task发放给Executor运行同时SparkContext将应用程序代码发放给Executor。
CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend(receive方法里是若干模式匹配,类似于switch case,根据相关模式执行相应操作。主要有注册Executor,运行Task等)
override def receive: PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = { case RegisteredExecutor(hostname) => logInfo("Successfully registered with driver") executor = new Executor(executorId, hostname, env, userClassPath, isLocal = false) case RegisterExecutorFailed(message) => logError("Slave registration failed: " + message) exitExecutor(1) case LaunchTask(data) => if (executor == null) { logError("Received LaunchTask command but executor was null") exitExecutor(1) } else { val taskDesc = ser.deserialize[TaskDescription](data.value) logInfo("Got assigned task " + taskDesc.taskId) executor.launchTask(this, taskId = taskDesc.taskId, attemptNumber = taskDesc.attemptNumber,, taskDesc.serializedTask) } case KillTask(taskId, _, interruptThread) => if (executor == null) { logError("Received KillTask command but executor was null") exitExecutor(1) } else { executor.killTask(taskId, interruptThread) } case StopExecutor => stopping.set(true) logInfo("Driver commanded a shutdown") // Cannot shutdown here because an ack may need to be sent back to the caller. So send // a message to self to actually do the shutdown. self.send(Shutdown) case Shutdown => stopping.set(true) new Thread("CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend-stop-executor") { override def run(): Unit = { // executor.stop() will call `SparkEnv.stop()` which waits until RpcEnv stops totally. // However, if `executor.stop()` runs in some thread of RpcEnv, RpcEnv won't be able to // stop until `executor.stop()` returns, which becomes a dead-lock (See SPARK-14180). // Therefore, we put this line in a new thread. executor.stop() } }.start() }
var driverEndpoint: RpcEndpointRef = null protected def minRegisteredRatio: Double = _minRegisteredRatio override def start() { val properties = new ArrayBuffer[(String, String)] for ((key, value) <- { if (key.startsWith("spark.")) { properties += ((key, value)) } } // TODO (prashant) send conf instead of properties driverEndpoint = createDriverEndpointRef(properties) } protected def createDriverEndpointRef( properties: ArrayBuffer[(String, String)]): RpcEndpointRef = { rpcEnv.setupEndpoint(ENDPOINT_NAME, createDriverEndpoint(properties)) } protected def createDriverEndpoint(properties: Seq[(String, String)]): DriverEndpoint = { new DriverEndpoint(rpcEnv, properties) }
DAGScheduler: 根据Job构建基于Stage的DAG(Directed Acyclic Graph有向无环图),并提交Stage给TASkScheduler。 其划分Stage的依据是RDD之间的依赖的关系找出开销最小的调度方法,如下图
注:从最后一个Stage开始倒推,如果有依赖关系 就先解决父节点,如果没有依赖关系 就直接运行;这里做了一个简单的实验:Spark DAGSheduler生成Stage过程分析实验
2.4.2 任务调度简介:
TaskSchedulter: 将TaskSet提交给worker运行,每个Executor运行什么Task就是在此处分配的. TaskScheduler维护所有TaskSet,当Executor向Driver发生心跳时,TaskScheduler会根据资源剩余情况分配相应的Task。
- Spark on Standalone模式为TaskScheduler
- YARN-Client模式为YarnClientClusterScheduler
- YARN-Cluster模式为YarnClusterScheduler
3.1 standalone模式
- Standalone模式使用Spark自带的资源调度框架
- 采用Master/Slaves的典型架构,选用ZooKeeper来实现Master的HA
- 框架结构图如下:
- 该模式主要的节点有Client节点、Master节点和Worker节点。其中Driver既可以运行在Master节点上中,也可以运行在本地Client端。当用spark-shell交互式工具提交Spark的Job时,Driver在Master节点上运行;当使用spark-submit工具提交Job或者在Eclips、IDEA等开发平台上使用”new SparkConf.setManager(“spark://master:7077”)”方式运行Spark任务时,Driver是运行在本地Client端上的
- 运行过程如下图:(参考至)
- SparkContext连接到Master,向Master注册并申请资源(CPU Core 和Memory)
- Master根据SparkContext的资源申请要求和Worker心跳周期内报告的信息决定在哪个Worker上分配资源,然后在该Worker上获取资源,然后启动StandaloneExecutorBackend;
- StandaloneExecutorBackend向SparkContext注册;
- SparkContext将Applicaiton代码发送给StandaloneExecutorBackend;并且SparkContext解析Applicaiton代码,构建DAG图,并提交给DAG Scheduler分解成Stage(当碰到Action操作时,就会催生Job;每个Job中含有1个或多个Stage,Stage一般在获取外部数据和shuffle之前产生),然后以Stage(或者称为TaskSet)提交给Task Scheduler,Task Scheduler负责将Task分配到相应的Worker,最后提交给StandaloneExecutorBackend执行;
- StandaloneExecutorBackend会建立Executor线程池,开始执行Task,并向SparkContext报告,直至Task完成
- 所有Task完成后,SparkContext向Master注销,释放资源
4 RDD实战
sc.makeRDD(Seq("arachis","tony","lily","tom")).map{ name => (name.charAt(0),name) }.groupByKey().mapValues{ names => names.toSet.size //unique and count }.collect()
提交Job collect
提交Stage , 开始Task 运行调度
Stage0的DAG图,makeRDD => map ; 相应生成了两个RDD:ParallelCollectionRDD,MapPartitionsRDD
Stage1 的DAG图,groupByKey => mapValues; 相应生成两个RDD:ShuffledRDD, MapPartitionsRDD
- 将这些术语串起来的运行层次图如下:
- Job=多个stage,Stage=多个同种task, Task分为ShuffleMapTask和ResultTask,Dependency分为ShuffleDependency和NarrowDependency