Gnuplot的使用 the gnuplot program form
2.unzip the to a directory, try to use wgnuplot.exe
3.set the system environment variables to make sure that wgnuplot.exe could be use under cmd
4.write file named filename which could be used in gnuplot(don't forget pause -1 at last otherwise you cant see the graph)
5.use system("wgnuplot.exe filename") in your c++ program,make sure include "stdlib.h" header file.
Edison wang   2009-7-14

set title "A demonstration of boxes in mono with style fill pattern"

#其中right top表示位置显示。 Left 表示框子里的字左对齐。 width X用来限定框子大小。
#box X用来表示选用哪种类型的框子--颜色可能不同。 这里在png图里,如果width是0的画,会显得box
set key right top Left reverse width 0 box 3

set xlabel "Number of queries(Hundred)" 0,0
set ylabel "Number of messages" 0,0

set boxwidth 0.9 absolute

#set style fill solid 1.00 border -1
set style fill pattern 3 border -1

set style histogram clustered gap 1 title offset character 0, 0, 0
set datafile missing '-'
set style data histograms
#set xtics border in scale 1,0.5 nomirror rotate by -45 offset character 0, 0, 0
set xtics   ("5" 0, "10" 1, "15" 2, "20" 3, "25" 4, "30" 5, "35" 6, "40" 7, "45" 8, "50" 9)
set yrange [0 : 25] noreverse nowriteback
#set size 0.7,0.6

set terminal windows
#eg:u 3 ti col title "Cluster Search" 就是表示title为Cluster Search的'柱子'的数据来自data
plot 'diadata.txt' using 2:xtic(1) ti col title "Recommend Search", '' u 3 ti col title "Cluster Search", '' u 4 ti col title "Simple Search"
set terminal png
#set output "diagram.png"
pause -1

数据文件 文件名为“diadata.txt”
#Number of queries(Hundred)
#Number of messages
Axis    Recommend   Cluster           Simple
5        18.95             19.9487515    20.0672495
10      17.53             19.916748      20.227685
15      15.27             19.580625      20.0324985
20      13.51             19.3010005    19.977125
25      3.06               5.5678747      20.2019375
30      0                    0                     20.0405605     
35      0                   0                     20.0024375
40      0                    0                     20.4801885
45      0                    0                     20.1574375
50      0                    0                     19.584875

posted @ 2009-08-12 06:07  莫忆往西  阅读(395)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报