
Posted on 2010-04-08 12:28  blackcat  阅读(710)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报

Since I was back, I’ve been collecting quite a few negatives about this country. I am not a betrayer to China, but there are just too many things making me to dislike what i do and what i see here everyday. To be more optimistic, I’d like to say that China’s got a lot of growing pain. It might be because I used to be looking at it from an outer space, i saw the growth. But since I started to feel it from within, it has become more of a pain than anything else. Too many of Chinese businesses are built on cash not credit. Fraud, corruption issues are all around. Even if you are able to obtain a bank loan, most of which goes to real estate companies nowadays, you know that it is rather a relationship than a credit. Our society just do not care about credit. Here is an example, in Chinese we like to say “浪子回头金不换”



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