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加大 -U 使用严格模式,限制update 和where语句

mysql -uroot -p -U


mysql> delete from anyux.test;
ERROR 1175 (HY000): You are using safe update mode and you tried to update a table without a WHERE that uses a KEY column
-- 提示 当前为严格模式,你更新表不能没有where条件并且使用索引



alter table anyux.test add key id_idx(id);



delete from anyux.test where id=8;



rename table anyux.test to anyuxweb.test;

4. 插入内容

use anyuxweb; create table anyuxweb.t1(id int ,name char(20)); desc anyuxweb.t1;

 insert into anyuxweb.t1 values(1,'a'),(2,'b');


insert into anyuxweb.t1 (`name`) values("c");



create table anyuxweb.t2 like anyuxweb.t1;
desc anyuxweb.t2;
insert into anyuxweb.t2 select * from anyuxweb.t1;
select * from anyuxweb.t2;


posted on 2017-12-26 19:19  anyux  阅读(308)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报