ALinq(V2.2) 双主键关联 Bug(已修正)
2010-02-24 17:06 麦舒 阅读(489) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报这个 Bug 已经修正,但尚未发布,急需用的可以和我联系。
Is possible to create association EntitySet with multiple primary keys?
See the example:
IdCompany |
PK |
IdOrder |
PK |
Number |
Sum |
IdCompany |
FK |
IdOrder |
FK |
IdDetail |
PK |
Qtde |
PriceUnit |
Sum |
I did search on google in linq to sql references and not found something about.
I tried do the code:
[Association(Name = "ORDER_DETAILS", Storage = "_Details", ThisKey = "IdCompany,IdOrder", OtherKey = "IdCompany,IdOrder")]
Can you help me? (I have a license)