




       (1)Android lint 简介:http://blog.csdn.net/hudashi/article/details/8333349;

       (2)如何在android studio 中使用 link工具:http://www.cnblogs.com/cheerego/p/5175764.html


1.Inspection Result for Inspection Profile 'Project Default'


2 该项给了两类提示


   (1) Image without contentDescription:

         问题概要:[Accessibility] Missing contentDescription attribute on image

         解决办法:所有的imageview都添加属性 android:contentDescription="@string/desc"  此处字符串不能为“”

         说明:其实这个属性是方便一些生理功能有缺陷的人使用应用程序的。比如我们有一个ImageView里面放置一张颜色复杂的图片,可能一些色弱色盲的人,分不清这张图片中画的是什么东西。如果用户安装了辅助浏览工具比如TalkBack,TalkBack就会大声朗读出用户目前正在浏览的内容。TextView控件TalkBack可以直接读出里面的内容,但是ImageView TalkBack就只能去 读contentDescription的值,告诉用户这个图片到底是什么。


  (2) Missing labelFor attribute

        问题概要:No label views point to this text field with an android:labelFor="@+id/@+id/editableHeight" attribute



3 Android>Lint>Correctness>Message 


       (1)Potential Plurals

          问题概要:在字符串的国际化工程中,有一个英文字符串为:<string name="details_title">%1$d of %2$d items:</string>

                           lint提示warning:Formatting %d followed by words ("items"): This should probably be a plural rather than a string


                           <plurals name="number_of_albumset_video">

                                  <item quantity="one">%1$d video</item>

                                  <item quantity="other">%1$d videos</item>

                           </plurals >


        (2)Unused quantity translations

               问题概要: 在中文字string.xml中定义了如下的字符串:

                <plurals name="number_of_albumset_photo">

                      <item quantity="one">%1$d 张照片</item>

                      <item quantity="other">%1$d 张照片</item>

                </plurals >

               lint提示For language "zh" (Chinese) the following quantities are not relevant: one

       解决办法:中文中没有单复数的区分,所以,将"<item quantity="one">%1$d 张照片</item>" 删除即可  



       (1) Button should be borderless

            问题概要:在Button控件设置如下属性android:layout_width="0dp"  android:layout_weight="1" 时,提示warning

            解决办法:添加 style="?android:attr/buttonStyle" 属性


       (2) Missing inputType or hint


            解决办法:添加hint属性 android:hint="";


        (3)Missing support for Google App Indexing           

             不知道修改了哪里,改warning消失了 -_-

        (4)Text size is too small

            问题概要:从用户角度出发,官方建议开发者Avoid using sizes smaller than 12sp.


        5.  Android>Lint>Usability>Icons 





           (1) AllowBackup/FullBackupContent Problems




                          https://wenku.baidu.com/view/c43af666f342336c1eb91a37f111f18583d00c79.html(如何使用adb backup 和 adb restore 进行备份)


           (2) Using setJavaScriptEnabled

               问题概要:Using setJavaScriptEnabled can introduce XSS vulnerabilities into you application, review carefully.

               解决办法:Your code should not invoke setJavaScriptEnabled if you are not sure that your app really requires JavaScript support.



           (3) ConentProvider 安全问题(没有及时现场截图)

                  问题概要:Exported content providers can provide access to potentially sensitive

                  解决办法:如果确定要给其他应用调用  设置export = "true" 时,加上tools:ignore="ExportedContentProvider",并在manifest文件开头添加tools命名空间;如果只在应用内使用,设置export = "false"

                  参考: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13448480/exported-content-providers-can-provide-access-to-potentially-sensitive-data

           (4) Service安全问题(没有及时现场截图)

                问题概要:Exported service does not require permission



            7 Android > Lint > Internationalization


              (1)Hardcoded text:该项主要针对xml布局文件中的硬编码问题,[I18N] Hardcoded string "title", should use @string resource;[I18N] Hardcoded string "这是PreviewLayout", should use @string resource

              (2)Overlapping items in RelativeLayout:该项主要针对RelativeLayout中部分空间相互重叠了,只要调整大小和位置即可。

              (3)TextView Internationalization:该项主要针对代码中直接使用字符串的问题,尽量提取取来作为资源文件存储在xml中

          8.Android > Lint > Performance(性能)


               (1)FrameLayout can be replaced with <merge> tag


                   解决办法:使用merge来代替FrameLayout ; 



                (2)Handler reference leaks


                   解决办法:如果按照下面参考网站的建议,handler被定义为static,那么其中引用的很多变量和方法都必须定义为static,会比较麻烦。笔者在按照提其给定的方法 private final MyHandler mHandler = new MyHandler(this); 实例化静态handler的时候甚至连编译都无法通过,this处报错。自己通过尝试,使用了如下的方法进行了处理,最终解决了hanler内存泄漏的问题 

                   private Handler mHandler = new Handler(getMainLooper());

                   参考:http://www.jcodecraeer.com/a/anzhuokaifa/androidkaifa/2014/1106/1922.html (引用了权威开发者的建议,对handler做了一定深度的剖析)

                (3) HashMap can be replaced with SparseArray

                   问题描述:For maps where the keys are of type integer, it's typically more efficient to use the Android SparseArray API. This check identifies scenarios where you might want to consider using SparseArray instead of HashMap for better performance.



                (4) Inefficient layout weight


                (5) Layout has too many views

                   问题概要:检测某个布局文件,出现warning:activity_share_template_detail.xml has more than 80 views, bad for performance


                 (6) Missing baselineAligned attribute

                  问题概要:When a LinearLayout is used to distribute the space proportionally between nested layouts, the baseline alignment property should be turned off to make the layout computation faster.(as中的提示)

                   解决办法:Set android:baselineAligned="false" on this element for better performance(as中的提示)


                 (7) Missing recycle() calls

                  问题概要:Many resources, such as TypedArrays, VelocityTrackers, etc., should be recycled (with a recycle() call) after use. This lint check looks for missing recycle() calls.


                 (8) Nested layout weights



                 (9) Node can be replaced by a TextView with compound drawables

                  问题概要:A LinearLayout which contains an ImageView and a TextView can be more efficiently handled as a compound drawable (a single TextView, using the drawableTop, drawableLeft,drawableRight and/or drawableBottom attributes to draw one or more images adjacent to the text). If the two widgets are offset from each other with margins, this can be replaced with a drawablePadding attribute.

                  解决方法:使用一个Textview + compound drawables 可以替代掉 一个LinearLayout 嵌套 textview和imageview的布局,效率和代码量明显极大地优化了

                (10) Obsolete layout params

                 问题概述:The given layout_param is not defined for the given layout, meaning it has no effect. This usually happens when you change the parent layout or move view code around without updating the layout params.This will cause useless attribute processing at runtime, and is misleading for others reading the layout so the parameter should be removed.


                (11)Overdraw: Painting regions more than once


                    If you set a background drawable on a root view, then you should use a custom theme where the theme background is null. Otherwise, the theme background will be painted first, only to have your custom background completely cover it; this is called "overdraw". NOTE: This detector relies on figuring out which layouts are associated with which activities based on scanning the Java code, and it's currently doing that using an inexact pattern matching algorithm. Therefore, it can incorrectly conclude which activity the layout is associated with and then wrongly complain that a background-theme is hidden. If you want your custom background on multiple pages, then you should consider making a custom theme with  your custom background and just using that theme instead of a root element background. Of course it's possible that your custom drawable is translucent and you want it to be mixed with the background. However, you will get better performance if you pre-mix the background with your drawable and use that resulting image or color as a custom theme background instead.

                 解决办法:在自定义主题中将background设置为null。因为不是每个界面的根布局都使用同一个背景 ,需要自己定义,所以最好在主题中处理(根据自己的项目中的情况来的)

                (12)Unused resources


          9. Android > Lint > Usability > Typography 



             (1) 问题概要:在字符串中用三个"."表示省略号"…" ,导致提示warning:Replace "..." with ellipsis character (…, &#8230;) ? (at line 551)


             (2)问题概要:在字符串中使用了非标准的连字符,导致提示warning:Replace "-" with an "en dash" character (–, &#8211;)


             参考:部分符号对应的编码 http://www.w3school.com.cn/tags/html_ref_symbols.html


posted @ 2017-06-28 17:51  宋者为王  阅读(5560)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报