


Unit 12 Leisure Activities




The pie chart shows the six sporting activities of male students at Hamilton

University as a percentage of total participation. Overall, team sports make up

over two thirds of sports played by the group, with a 67.5 percent participation

rate. Soccer is the most popular sport, with 30 percent of students involved in

this activity. This is followed by basketball, with 25 percent participation. Tennis is

the third most popular sport, with 15 percent of students choosing this activity.

Volleyball and swimming share equal popularity, each with 12.5 percent participation,

while the least popular sport, athletics, attracts only 5 percent of male students at

Hamilton University.


Language Focus

-Linking ideas: reporting percentages using qualifying phrases

When giving results or other information in percentage form, we often add a phrase with 'with' or 'at’ to the end of the main statement.

...with 30% of students involved in this activity

...with a 30 percent participation rate

...with 30% participation 30 percent

Soccer is the most popular team sport, with over 30 percent of students involved in this sport.

The third most popular activity is going shopping, with a 20 percent participation rate.


16 .Complete the sentences below using the data in the box and qualifying phrases.

music 33% -- drama 25% -- art history 15% -- dancing 12.5% -- Latin 7.5% -- painting 7%

1. Music is the _________ subject, with __________ of students _____________ this subject.

2. Drama ____________ most popular subject, at ________________.

3. Art History is the third _____________ with _____________ rate.

4. Dancing ______________ most popular activity, with 12.5% _____ involved ______.

5. Latin is the second ____________, at ___________.

6. Painting is _________ subject, ____________ only ____________ participation.


The pie chart shows the six sporting activities of male students at Hamilton University as a percentage of total participation. Overall, team sports make up over two thirds of sports played by the group, with a 67.5 percent participation rate. Soccer is the most popular sport, with 30 percent of students involved in this activity. This is followed by basketball, with 25 percent participation.Tennis is the third most popular sport, with 15 percent of students choosing this activity.Volleyball and swimming share equal popularity, each with 12.5 percent participation,while the least popular sport, athletics, attracts only 5 percent of male students at Hamilton University.




Model 2

The pie chart shows the six optional subjects chosen by students at Grand High School as a percentage of total participation. Overall, the performance arts -- music, drama and dancing make up over two thirds of elective subjects chosen, with a 68 percent participation rate. Individually, music is by far the most popular activity, at 35 percent, followed by drama, with a 21 percent participation rate. The third most popular activity is art history, at 15 percent, followed closely by dance, at 12 percent. The least popular elective subjects are Latin, with a 10 percent participation rate, and painting, at 7 percent.

7.Writing practice 分析




Check the meaning of the words below in your dictionary. If possible, check them in an English-English dictionary as well as a translation dictionary.


Leisure Activities

athletics .swimming

baseball tennis

basketball volleyball


cinema music

dancing nightclubs

drama painting

Internet shopping

'do' or 'play'

We use the verbs 'do' or 'play' to talk about different types of sports. To talk about leisure activities, there re a range of different verbs we can use. Keep a notebook with a list of sports and leisure activities and the verb that goes with them, as this will help you to learn new words, to read them, and to use them correctly.

4 Complete this chart by writing the sports from the table above into the correct columns.



e.g. athletics

e.g. baseball





Complete the sentences in the paragraph below by choosing the best option from the words in brackets.

In western high schools, some subjects, such as maths and language, are compulsory, but there are also many (election/elective) (subjects/subjective). (Participate/Participation) in some kind of (option/optional) subject is required at most schools. At Smith High School, a larger (percent, percentage) of students prefer (playing/doing) soccer (to/than) basketball. However, at Jones High School, (perform/performance) activities are (more popular, most popular) than sports, and 65% (percent, percentage) of students (do/play) drama and music. Of the (populate/population) of 1,300 students at Mary High School, the largest (percent/percentage) of students prefers team sports as their (optional/option), whereas at Frank High School, this is (reverse/reversed), and 55 (percent/percentage) choose individual sports such as __________ (?), or ___________ (?), rather than team (sport/sports). At both schools, basketball (attract/attracts) a significant (percent/percentage) of students.

Fill in the gaps to make a rule for using the words percent and percentage.

In English we use the word ____________ with comparative words. For example, we say, ‘A larger _____________ of students prefer soccer to basketball.' Or, 'The highest of students do drama.' We use _____________ with numbers. For example, we say '65 _____________ of students prefer soccer and 55 ____________ prefer basketball'.


Write five sentences using this phrase and the sentence structure from the model.Before you write, decide which phrase is the 'whole' and which is the 'part: Then put the "part' first.

a. the Chinese GDP(gross domestic product) -- global wealth

b. New Zealand mortality statistics -- the six major causes of death

c. total retail sales in the year 2006 -- sales of tobacco and alcohol products

d. the number of cars, buses, trucks and bicycles on the road -- vehicular traffic in China

e. five major import areas -- total imports to Australia


Look at the information given below. Write sentences about the information using the superlative form and the adjective 'popular'.

a. Shopping 30% -- watching movies 15% -- going to parties 25% (leisure time activity)

b. Drama 30% -- music 32% -- dancing 38% (option)

c. Eating in restaurants 19% -- eating at home 52% -- eating at a friend's house 29%

d. Watching TV 55% -- going to a movie 33% -- reading a book 7%

e. Soccer 25% -- badminton 45% -- table tennis 12% (sport)



Basketball is the second most popular sport.

Tennis is the third most popular sport.

Volleyball and swimming are the second least popular sports.

Following the examples, write five sentences, using the information below and in the brackets. skiing 30% -- rugby 25% -- basketball 20% -- badminton 15% -- hockey 10%

a. Skiing ____________________________________________(most)

b. Rugby ____________________________________________(2 / most)

c. Basketball _________________________________________(3 / most)

d. Badminton _________________________________________(2 / least)

e. Hockey ____________________________________________(least)


Complete the paragraph using the information in the box and ranking the superlatives. soccer 30% -- basketball 25% -- tennis 15% -- volleyball 12.5% -- swimming 12.5% -- athletics 10%

Soccer is ___________ popular sport, with 30% participation. Basketball ________ , at 25%. Tennis _______________sport, with a participation rate of 15%. Volleyball and swimming together are the _______________ sports, with only 12.5 participation each. The _____________ is athletics, with a participation rate of 10%.


Use the verbs below in the correct present simple form to complete the sentences.

make up share attract show

a. The pie chart ___________ the sporting activities of male students at Hamilton University.

b. Team sports ___________ over two thirds of the sports played by the population group.

c. Going to the cinema and going out to nightclubs _____________ equal popularity as leisure activities among the female students at Hamilton University

d. Performance arts _____________ over two thirds of students at Y High School.

posted on 2017-02-13 10:15  McDelfino  阅读(570)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报