网页添加飘动窗口(图片链接)+ IE8下js解析错误




 1 var Rimifon = {
 2     "Ads": new Object,
 3     "NewFloatAd": function (imgUrl, strLink) {
 4         var ad = document.createElement("a");
 5         ad.DirV = true;
 6         ad.DirH = true;
 7         ad.AutoMove = true;
 8         ad.Image = new Image;
 9         ad.Seed = Math.random();
10         ad.Timer = setInterval("Rimifon.Float(" + ad.Seed + ")", 50);
11         this.Ads[ad.Seed] = ad;
12         ad.Image.Parent = ad;
13         ad.style.position = "absolute";
14         ad.style.left = 0;
15         ad.style.top = 0;
16         ad.style.zIndex=999999;
17         ad.Image.src = imgUrl;
18         ad.Image.onmouseover = function () { this.Parent.AutoMove = false; }
19         ad.Image.onmouseout = function () { this.Parent.AutoMove = true; }
20         if (strLink) {
21             ad.href = strLink;
22             ad.Image.border = 0;
23             ad.target = "_blank";
24         }
25         ad.appendChild(ad.Image);
26         document.body.appendChild(ad);
27         return ad;
28     },
29     "Float": function (floatId) {
30         var ad = this.Ads[floatId];
31         if (ad.AutoMove) {
32             var curLeft = parseInt(ad.style.left);
33             var curTop = parseInt(ad.style.top);
34             if (ad.offsetWidth + curLeft > document.body.clientWidth + document.body.scrollLeft - 1) {
35                 curLeft = document.body.scrollLeft + document.body.clientWidth - ad.offsetWidth;
36                 ad.DirH = false;
37             }
38             if (ad.offsetHeight + curTop > document.body.clientHeight + document.body.scrollTop - 1) {
39                 curTop = document.body.scrollTop + document.body.clientHeight - ad.offsetHeight;
40                 ad.DirV = false;
41             }
42             if (curLeft < document.body.scrollLeft) {
43                 curLeft = document.body.scrollLeft;
44                 ad.DirH = true;
45             }
46             if (curTop < document.body.scrollTop) {
47                 curTop = document.body.scrollTop;
48                 ad.DirV = true;
49             }
50             ad.style.left = curLeft + (ad.DirH ? 1 : -1) + "px";
51             ad.style.top = curTop + (ad.DirV ? 1 : -1) + "px";
52         }
53     }
54 } 


<script type="text/javascript" src="js/piao.js"></script>


1 <div style="width:10px;height:10px;">
2     <script type="text/javascript">
3         Rimifon.NewFloatAd("img/0biye/0.jpg", "front/tDODetail.aspx?type=source&id=73"); 
4     </script> 
5  </div>

注:.NewFloatAd(“图片地址”,“链接地址”)函数里面的两个参数分别是 图片地址 和 链接地址。



问题描述:挂上之后出现了IE8下js解析错误的问题,网页左下角提示“网页上有错误”,点开后提示为:Parsing Error:Unable to modify the parent container element before the child element is closed.

查了一下说是可能 “页面未加载完前js代码操作了body里的元素,将相关js代码移到</body>后面”。 (http://www.cnblogs.com/acker/archive/2011/07/27/2117927.html

重新修改了一下<body>里的div,将div里的 “Rimifon.NewFloatAd("img/0biye/0.jpg", "front/tDODetail.aspx?type=source&id=73");”  移到<body>标签外就可以了。

1 </body> 
3 <script type="text/javascript">
4 Rimifon.NewFloatAd("img/0biye/0.jpg", "front/tDODetail.aspx?type=source&id=73"); 
5 </script>
7 </html>



posted on 2015-06-18 11:15  独孤若雨  阅读(500)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报