1. 算法介绍
CORDIC(Coordinate Rotation Digital Computer)算法即坐标旋转数字计算方法,是J.D.Volder1于1959年首次提出,主要用于三角函数、双曲线、指数、对数的计算。该算法通过基本的加和移位运算代替乘法运算,使得矢量的旋转和定向的计算不再需要三角函数、乘法、开方、反三角、指数等函数,计算向量长度并能把直角坐标系转换为极坐标系。因为Cordic 算法只用了移位和加法,很容易用纯硬件来实现,非常适合FPGA实现。
1.1 旋转模式
1.2 向量模式
2. matlab实现

1 function v = cordic(beta,n) 2 % This function computes v = [cos(beta), sin(beta)] (beta in radians) 3 % using n iterations. Increasing n will increase the precision. 4 5 if beta < -pi/2 || beta > pi/2 6 if beta < 0 7 v = cordic(beta + pi, n); 8 else 9 v = cordic(beta - pi, n); 10 end 11 v = -v; % flip the sign for second or third quadrant 12 % return 13 end 14 15 % Initialization of tables of constants used by CORDIC 16 % need a table of arctangents of negative powers of two, in radians: 17 % angles = atan(2.^-(0:27)); 18 angles = [ ... 19 0.78539816339745 0.46364760900081 0.24497866312686 0.12435499454676 ... 20 0.06241880999596 0.03123983343027 0.01562372862048 0.00781234106010 ... 21 0.00390623013197 0.00195312251648 0.00097656218956 0.00048828121119 ... 22 0.00024414062015 0.00012207031189 0.00006103515617 0.00003051757812 ... 23 0.00001525878906 0.00000762939453 0.00000381469727 0.00000190734863 ... 24 0.00000095367432 0.00000047683716 0.00000023841858 0.00000011920929 ... 25 0.00000005960464 0.00000002980232 0.00000001490116 0.00000000745058 ]; 26 % and a table of products of reciprocal lengths of vectors [1, 2^-2j]: 27 Kvalues = [ ... 28 0.70710678118655 0.63245553203368 0.61357199107790 0.60883391251775 ... 29 0.60764825625617 0.60735177014130 0.60727764409353 0.60725911229889 ... 30 0.60725447933256 0.60725332108988 0.60725303152913 0.60725295913894 ... 31 0.60725294104140 0.60725293651701 0.60725293538591 0.60725293510314 ... 32 0.60725293503245 0.60725293501477 0.60725293501035 0.60725293500925 ... 33 0.60725293500897 0.60725293500890 0.60725293500889 0.60725293500888 ]; 34 Kn = Kvalues(min(n, length(Kvalues))); 35 36 % Initialize loop variables: 37 v = [1;0]; % start with 2-vector cosine and sine of zero 38 poweroftwo = 1; 39 angle = angles(1); 40 41 % Iterations 42 for j = 0:n-1; 43 if beta < 0 44 sigma = -1; 45 else 46 sigma = 1; 47 end 48 factor = sigma * poweroftwo; 49 R = [1, -factor; factor, 1]; 50 v = R * v; % 2-by-2 matrix multiply 51 beta = beta - sigma * angle; % update the remaining angle 52 poweroftwo = poweroftwo / 2; 53 % update the angle from table, or eventually by just dividing by 54 % two,(a=arctan(a),a is small enough) 55 if j+2 > length(angles) 56 angle = angle / 2; 57 else 58 angle = angles(j+2); 59 end 60 end 61 62 % Adjust length of output vector to be [cos(beta), sin(beta)]: 63 v = v * Kn; 64 return 65 end
3. 硬件实现

1 //360°--2^16,phase_in = 16bits (input [15:0] phase_in) 2 //1°--2^16/360 3 `define rot0 16'h2000 //45 4 `define rot1 16'h12e4 //26.5651 5 `define rot2 16'h09fb //14.0362 6 `define rot3 16'h0511 //7.1250 7 `define rot4 16'h028b //3.5763 8 `define rot5 16'h0145 //1.7899 9 `define rot6 16'h00a3 //0.8952 10 `define rot7 16'h0051 //0.4476 11 `define rot8 16'h0028 //0.2238 12 `define rot9 16'h0014 //0.1119 13 `define rot10 16'h000a //0.0560 14 `define rot11 16'h0005 //0.0280 15 `define rot12 16'h0003 //0.0140 16 `define rot13 16'h0001 //0.0070 17 `define rot14 16'h0001 //0.0035 18 `define rot15 16'h0000 //0.0018

1 parameter PIPELINE = 16; 2 //parameter K = 16'h4dba;//k=0.607253*2^15 3 parameter K = 16'h9b74;//gian k=0.607253*2^16,9b74,n means the number pipeline 4 //pipeline 16-level //maybe overflow,matlab result not overflow 5 //MSB is signed bit,transform the sin and cos according to phase_in[15:14] 6 reg [16:0] x0=0,y0=0,z0=0; 7 reg [16:0] x1=0,y1=0,z1=0; 8 reg [16:0] x2=0,y2=0,z2=0; 9 reg [16:0] x3=0,y3=0,z3=0; 10 reg [16:0] x4=0,y4=0,z4=0; 11 reg [16:0] x5=0,y5=0,z5=0; 12 reg [16:0] x6=0,y6=0,z6=0; 13 reg [16:0] x7=0,y7=0,z7=0; 14 reg [16:0] x8=0,y8=0,z8=0; 15 reg [16:0] x9=0,y9=0,z9=0; 16 reg [16:0] x10=0,y10=0,z10=0; 17 reg [16:0] x11=0,y11=0,z11=0; 18 reg [16:0] x12=0,y12=0,z12=0; 19 reg [16:0] x13=0,y13=0,z13=0; 20 reg [16:0] x14=0,y14=0,z14=0; 21 reg [16:0] x15=0,y15=0,z15=0; 22 reg [16:0] x16=0,y16=0,z16=0;

1 reg [1:0] quadrant [PIPELINE:0]; 2 integer i; 3 initial 4 begin 5 for(i=0;i<=PIPELINE;i=i+1) 6 quadrant[i] = 2'b0; 7 end

1 //phase_in[15:14] determines which quadrant the angle is. 2 //00 means first;01 means second;00 means third;00 means fourth 3 //initialization: x0 = K,y0 = 0,z0 = phase_in,then the last result(x16,y16) = (cos(phase_in),sin(phase_in)) 4 always @ (posedge clk)//stage 0,not pipeline 5 begin 6 x0 <= {1'b0,K}; //add one signed bit,0 means positive 7 y0 <= 17'b0; 8 z0 <= {3'b0,phase_in[13:0]};//control the phase_in to the range[0-Pi/2] 9 end
接下来根据剩余待旋转角度z的符号位进行16次迭代处理,即完成16级流水线处理。迭代公式:x(n+1) <= x(n) + {{n{y(n)[16]}},y(n)[16:n]},n为移位个数。右移之后高位补位,这里补位有一些不理解。移位可能存在负数,且没有四舍五入。按理说第一象限不存在负数,但后续仿真汇总确实有负数出现,但仿真结果良好。

1 always @ (posedge clk)//stage 1 2 begin 3 if(z0[16])//the diff is negative so clockwise 4 begin 5 x1 <= x0 + y0; 6 y1 <= x0 - y0; 7 z1 <= z0 + `rot0; 8 end 9 else 10 begin 11 x1 <= x0 - y0;//x1 <= x0; 12 y1 <= x0 + y0;//y1 <= x0; 13 z1 <= z0 - `rot0;//reversal 45 14 end 15 end 16 17 always @ (posedge clk)//stage 2 18 begin 19 if(z1[16])//the diff is negative so clockwise 20 begin 21 x2 <= x1 + {y1[16],y1[16:1]}; 22 y2 <= y1 - {x1[16],x1[16:1]}; 23 z2 <= z1 + `rot1;//clockwise 26 24 end 25 else 26 begin 27 x2 <= x1 - {y1[16],y1[16:1]}; 28 y2 <= y1 + {x1[16],x1[16:1]}; 29 z2 <= z1 - `rot1;//anti-clockwise 26 30 end 31 end 32 33 always @ (posedge clk)//stage 3 34 begin 35 if(z2[16])//the diff is negative so clockwise 36 begin 37 x3 <= x2 + {{2{y2[16]}},y2[16:2]}; //right shift n bits,divide 2^n 38 y3 <= y2 - {{2{x2[16]}},x2[16:2]}; //left adds n bits of MSB,in first quadrant x or y are positive,MSB =0 ?? 39 z3 <= z2 + `rot2;//clockwise 14 //difference of positive and negtive number and no round(4,5) 40 end 41 else 42 begin 43 x3 <= x2 - {{2{y2[16]}},y2[16:2]}; 44 y3 <= y2 + {{2{x2[16]}},x2[16:2]}; 45 z3 <= z2 - `rot2;//anti-clockwise 14 46 end 47 end 48 49 always @ (posedge clk)//stage 4 50 begin 51 if(z3[16]) 52 begin 53 x4 <= x3 + {{3{y3[16]}},y3[16:3]}; 54 y4 <= y3 - {{3{x3[16]}},x3[16:3]}; 55 z4 <= z3 + `rot3;//clockwise 7 56 end 57 else 58 begin 59 x4 <= x3 - {{3{y3[16]}},y3[16:3]}; 60 y4 <= y3 + {{3{x3[16]}},x3[16:3]}; 61 z4 <= z3 - `rot3;//anti-clockwise 7 62 end 63 end 64 65 always @ (posedge clk)//stage 5 66 begin 67 if(z4[16]) 68 begin 69 x5 <= x4 + {{4{y4[16]}},y4[16:4]}; 70 y5 <= y4 - {{4{x4[16]}},x4[16:4]}; 71 z5 <= z4 + `rot4;//clockwise 3 72 end 73 else 74 begin 75 x5 <= x4 - {{4{y4[16]}},y4[16:4]}; 76 y5 <= y4 + {{4{x4[16]}},x4[16:4]}; 77 z5 <= z4 - `rot4;//anti-clockwise 3 78 end 79 end 80 81 always @ (posedge clk)//STAGE 6 82 begin 83 if(z5[16]) 84 begin 85 x6 <= x5 + {{5{y5[16]}},y5[16:5]}; 86 y6 <= y5 - {{5{x5[16]}},x5[16:5]}; 87 z6 <= z5 + `rot5;//clockwise 1 88 end 89 else 90 begin 91 x6 <= x5 - {{5{y5[16]}},y5[16:5]}; 92 y6 <= y5 + {{5{x5[16]}},x5[16:5]}; 93 z6 <= z5 - `rot5;//anti-clockwise 1 94 end 95 end 96 97 always @ (posedge clk)//stage 7 98 begin 99 if(z6[16]) 100 begin 101 x7 <= x6 + {{6{y6[16]}},y6[16:6]}; 102 y7 <= y6 - {{6{x6[16]}},x6[16:6]}; 103 z7 <= z6 + `rot6; 104 end 105 else 106 begin 107 x7 <= x6 - {{6{y6[16]}},y6[16:6]}; 108 y7 <= y6 + {{6{x6[16]}},x6[16:6]}; 109 z7 <= z6 - `rot6; 110 end 111 end

1 //according to the pipeline,register phase_in[15:14] 2 always @ (posedge clk) 3 begin 4 quadrant[0] <= phase_in[15:14]; 5 quadrant[1] <= quadrant[0]; 6 quadrant[2] <= quadrant[1]; 7 quadrant[3] <= quadrant[2]; 8 quadrant[4] <= quadrant[3]; 9 quadrant[5] <= quadrant[4]; 10 quadrant[6] <= quadrant[5]; 11 quadrant[7] <= quadrant[6]; 12 quadrant[8] <= quadrant[7]; 13 quadrant[9] <= quadrant[8]; 14 quadrant[10] <= quadrant[9]; 15 quadrant[11] <= quadrant[10]; 16 quadrant[12] <= quadrant[11]; 17 quadrant[13] <= quadrant[12]; 18 quadrant[14] <= quadrant[13]; 19 quadrant[15] <= quadrant[14]; 20 quadrant[16] <= quadrant[15]; 21 end

1 //alter register, according to quadrant[16] to transform the result to the right result 2 always @ (posedge clk) begin 3 eps <= z15; 4 case(quadrant[16]) //or 15 5 2'b00:begin //if the phase is in first quadrant,the sin(X)=sin(A),cos(X)=cos(A) 6 cos <= x16; 7 sin <= y16; 8 end 9 2'b01:begin //if the phase is in second quadrant,the sin(X)=sin(A+90)=cosA,cos(X)=cos(A+90)=-sinA 10 cos <= ~(y16) + 1'b1;//-sin 11 sin <= x16;//cos 12 end 13 2'b10:begin //if the phase is in third quadrant,the sin(X)=sin(A+180)=-sinA,cos(X)=cos(A+180)=-cosA 14 cos <= ~(x16) + 1'b1;//-cos 15 sin <= ~(y16) + 1'b1;//-sin 16 end 17 2'b11:begin //if the phase is in forth quadrant,the sin(X)=sin(A+270)=-cosA,cos(X)=cos(A+270)=sinA 18 cos <= y16;//sin 19 sin <= ~(x16) + 1'b1;//-cos 20 end 21 endcase 22 end
4. Modelsim仿真结果
在3中,迭代公式:x(n+1) <= x(n) + {{n{y(n)[16]}},y(n)[16:n]},上述右移操作都是手动完成:首先最高位增加1位符号位(1为负,0为正),然后手动添加n位符号位(最高位)补齐,即实际上需要完成的算术右移(>>>)。本设计定义的reg为无符号型,在定义时手动添加最高位为符号位。verilog-1995中只有integer为有符号型,reg和wire都是无符号型,只能手动添加扩展位实现有符号运算。而在verilog-2001中reg和wire可以通过保留字signed定义为有符号型。另外,涉及有符号和无符号型的移位操作等可参考下面的文章。

1 `timescale 1 ns/100 ps 2 //360?°--2^16,phase_in = 16bits (input [15:0] phase_in) 3 //1?°--2^16/360 4 `define rot0 16'h2000 //45 5 `define rot1 16'h12e4 //26.5651 6 `define rot2 16'h09fb //14.0362 7 `define rot3 16'h0511 //7.1250 8 `define rot4 16'h028b //3.5763 9 `define rot5 16'h0145 //1.7899 10 `define rot6 16'h00a3 //0.8952 11 `define rot7 16'h0051 //0.4476 12 `define rot8 16'h0028 //0.2238 13 `define rot9 16'h0014 //0.1119 14 `define rot10 16'h000a //0.0560 15 `define rot11 16'h0005 //0.0280 16 `define rot12 16'h0003 //0.0140 17 `define rot13 16'h0001 //0.0070 18 `define rot14 16'h0001 //0.0035 19 `define rot15 16'h0000 //0.0018 20 21 module cordic( 22 output reg signed [16:0] sin,cos,eps, 23 input [15:0] phase_in, 24 input clk 25 ); 26 parameter PIPELINE = 16; 27 //parameter K = 16'h4dba;//k=0.607253*2^15 28 parameter K = 17'h09b74;//gian k=0.607253*2^16,9b74, 29 //pipeline 16-level //maybe overflow,matlab result not overflow 30 //MSB is signed bit,transform the sin and cos according to phase_in[15:14] 31 reg signed [16:0] x0=0,y0=0,z0=0; 32 reg signed [16:0] x1=0,y1=0,z1=0; 33 reg signed [16:0] x2=0,y2=0,z2=0; 34 reg signed [16:0] x3=0,y3=0,z3=0; 35 reg signed [16:0] x4=0,y4=0,z4=0; 36 reg signed [16:0] x5=0,y5=0,z5=0; 37 reg signed [16:0] x6=0,y6=0,z6=0; 38 reg signed [16:0] x7=0,y7=0,z7=0; 39 reg signed [16:0] x8=0,y8=0,z8=0; 40 reg signed [16:0] x9=0,y9=0,z9=0; 41 reg signed [16:0] x10=0,y10=0,z10=0; 42 reg signed [16:0] x11=0,y11=0,z11=0; 43 reg signed [16:0] x12=0,y12=0,z12=0; 44 reg signed [16:0] x13=0,y13=0,z13=0; 45 reg signed [16:0] x14=0,y14=0,z14=0; 46 reg signed [16:0] x15=0,y15=0,z15=0; 47 reg signed [16:0] x16=0,y16=0,z16=0; 48 49 reg [1:0] quadrant [PIPELINE:0]; 50 integer i; 51 initial 52 begin 53 for(i=0;i<=PIPELINE;i=i+1) 54 quadrant[i] = 2'b0; 55 end 56 57 //phase_in[15:14] determines which quadrant the angle is. 58 //00 means first;01 means second;00 means third;00 means fourth 59 //initialization: x0 = K,y0 = 0,z0 = phase_in,then the last result(x16,y16) = (cos(phase_in),sin(phase_in)) 60 always @ (posedge clk)//stage 0,not pipeline 61 begin 62 x0 <= K; //add one signed bit,0 means positive 63 y0 <= 17'd0; 64 z0 <= {3'b0,phase_in[13:0]};//control the phase_in to the range[0-Pi/2] 65 end 66 //pipeline 67 //z0[16] = 0,positive 68 always @ (posedge clk)//stage 1 69 begin 70 if(z0[16])//the diff is negative so clockwise 71 begin 72 x1 <= x0 + y0; 73 y1 <= y0 - x0; 74 z1 <= z0 + `rot0; 75 end 76 else 77 begin 78 x1 <= x0 - y0;//x1 <= x0; 79 y1 <= y0 + x0;//y1 <= x0; 80 z1 <= z0 - `rot0;//reversal 45 81 end 82 end 83 84 always @ (posedge clk)//stage 2 85 begin 86 if(z1[16])//the diff is negative so clockwise 87 begin 88 x2 <= x1 + (y1 >>> 1); 89 y2 <= y1 - (x1 >>> 1); 90 z2 <= z1 + `rot1;//clockwise 26 91 end 92 else 93 begin 94 x2 <= x1 - (y1 >>> 1); 95 y2 <= y1 + (x1 >>> 1); 96 z2 <= z1 - `rot1;//anti-clockwise 26 97 end 98 end 99 100 always @ (posedge clk)//stage 3 101 begin 102 if(z2[16])//the diff is negative so clockwise 103 begin 104 x3 <= x2 + (y2 >>> 2); //right shift n bits,divide 2^n,signed extension,Arithmetic shift right 105 y3 <= y2 - (x2 >>> 2); //left adds n bits of MSB,in first quadrant x or y are positive,MSB =0 ?? 106 z3 <= z2 + `rot2;//clockwise 14 //difference of positive and negtive number and no round(4,5) 107 end 108 else 109 begin 110 x3 <= x2 - (y2 >>> 2); //Arithmetic shift right 111 y3 <= y2 + (x2 >>> 2); 112 z3 <= z2 - `rot2;//anti-clockwise 14 113 end 114 end 115 116 always @ (posedge clk)//stage 4 117 begin 118 if(z3[16]) 119 begin 120 x4 <= x3 + (y3 >>> 3); 121 y4 <= y3 - (x3 >>> 3); 122 z4 <= z3 + `rot3;//clockwise 7 123 end 124 else 125 begin 126 x4 <= x3 - (y3 >>> 3); 127 y4 <= y3 + (x3 >>> 3); 128 z4 <= z3 - `rot3;//anti-clockwise 7 129 end 130 end 131 132 always @ (posedge clk)//stage 5 133 begin 134 if(z4[16]) 135 begin 136 x5 <= x4 + (y4 >>> 4); 137 y5 <= y4 - (x4 >>> 4); 138 z5 <= z4 + `rot4;//clockwise 3 139 end 140 else 141 begin 142 x5 <= x4 - (y4 >>> 4); 143 y5 <= y4 + (x4 >>> 4); 144 z5 <= z4 - `rot4;//anti-clockwise 3 145 end 146 end 147 148 always @ (posedge clk)//STAGE 6 149 begin 150 if(z5[16]) 151 begin 152 x6 <= x5 + (y5 >>> 5); 153 y6 <= y5 - (x5 >>> 5); 154 z6 <= z5 + `rot5;//clockwise 1 155 end 156 else 157 begin 158 x6 <= x5 - (y5 >>> 5); 159 y6 <= y5 + (x5 >>> 5); 160 z6 <= z5 - `rot5;//anti-clockwise 1 161 end 162 end 163 164 always @ (posedge clk)//stage 7 165 begin 166 if(z6[16]) 167 begin 168 x7 <= x6 + (y6 >>> 6); 169 y7 <= y6 - (x6 >>> 6); 170 z7 <= z6 + `rot6; 171 end 172 else 173 begin 174 x7 <= x6 - (y6 >>> 6); 175 y7 <= y6 + (x6 >>> 6); 176 z7 <= z6 - `rot6; 177 end 178 end 179 180 always @ (posedge clk)//stage 8 181 begin 182 if(z7[16]) 183 begin 184 x8 <= x7 + (y7 >>> 7); 185 y8 <= y7 - (x7 >>> 7); 186 z8 <= z7 + `rot7; 187 end 188 else 189 begin 190 x8 <= x7 - (y7 >>> 7); 191 y8 <= y7 + (x7 >>> 7); 192 z8 <= z7 - `rot7; 193 end 194 end 195 196 always @ (posedge clk)//stage 9 197 begin 198 if(z8[16]) 199 begin 200 x9 <= x8 + (y8 >>> 8); 201 y9 <= y8 - (x8 >>> 8); 202 z9 <= z8 + `rot8; 203 end 204 else 205 begin 206 x9 <= x8 - (y8 >>> 8); 207 y9 <= y8 + (x8 >>> 8); 208 z9 <= z8 - `rot8; 209 end 210 end 211 212 always @ (posedge clk)//stage 10 213 begin 214 if(z9[16]) 215 begin 216 x10 <= x9 + (y9 >>> 9); 217 y10 <= y9 - (x9 >>> 9); 218 z10 <= z9 + `rot9; 219 end 220 else 221 begin 222 x10 <= x9 - (y9 >>> 9); 223 y10 <= y9 + (x9 >>> 9); 224 z10 <= z9 - `rot9; 225 end 226 end 227 228 always @ (posedge clk)//stage 11 229 begin 230 if(z10[16]) 231 begin 232 x11 <= x10 + (y10 >>> 10); 233 y11 <= y10 - (x10 >>> 10); 234 z11 <= z10 + `rot10;//clockwise 3 235 end 236 else 237 begin 238 x11 <= x10 - (y10 >>> 10); 239 y11 <= y10 + (x10 >>> 10); 240 z11 <= z10 - `rot10;//anti-clockwise 3 241 end 242 end 243 244 always @ (posedge clk)//STAGE 12 245 begin 246 if(z11[16]) 247 begin 248 x12 <= x11 + (y11 >>> 11); 249 y12 <= y11 - (x11 >>> 11); 250 z12 <= z11 + `rot11;//clockwise 1 251 end 252 else 253 begin 254 x12 <= x11 - (y11 >>> 11); 255 y12 <= y11 + (x11 >>> 11); 256 z12 <= z11 - `rot11;//anti-clockwise 1 257 end 258 end 259 260 always @ (posedge clk)//stage 13 261 begin 262 if(z12[16]) 263 begin 264 x13 <= x12 + (y12 >>> 12); 265 y13 <= y12 - (x12 >>> 12); 266 z13 <= z12 + `rot12; 267 end 268 else 269 begin 270 x13 <= x12 - (y12 >>> 12); 271 y13 <= y12 + (x12 >>> 12); 272 z13 <= z12 - `rot12; 273 end 274 end 275 276 always @ (posedge clk)//stage 14 277 begin 278 if(z13[16]) 279 begin 280 x14 <= x13 + (y13 >>> 13); 281 y14 <= y13 - (x13 >>> 13); 282 z14 <= z13 + `rot13; 283 end 284 else 285 begin 286 x14 <= x13 - (y13 >>> 13); 287 y14 <= y13 + (x13 >>> 13); 288 z14 <= z13 - `rot13; 289 end 290 end 291 292 always @ (posedge clk)//stage 15 293 begin 294 if(z14[16]) 295 begin 296 x15 <= x14 + (y14 >>> 14); 297 y15 <= y14 - (x14 >>> 14); 298 z15 <= z14 + `rot14; 299 end 300 else 301 begin 302 x15 <= x14 - (y14 >>> 14); 303 y15 <= y14 + (x14 >>> 14); 304 z15 <= z14 - `rot14; 305 end 306 end 307 308 always @ (posedge clk)//stage 16 309 begin 310 if(z15[16]) 311 begin 312 x16 <= x15 + (y15 >>> 15); 313 y16 <= y15 - (x15 >>> 15); 314 z16 <= z15 + `rot15; 315 end 316 else 317 begin 318 x16 <= x15 - (y15 >>> 15); 319 y16 <= y15 + (x15 >>> 15); 320 z16 <= z15 - `rot15; 321 end 322 end 323 //according to the pipeline,register phase_in[15:14] 324 always @ (posedge clk) 325 begin 326 quadrant[0] <= phase_in[15:14]; 327 quadrant[1] <= quadrant[0]; 328 quadrant[2] <= quadrant[1]; 329 quadrant[3] <= quadrant[2]; 330 quadrant[4] <= quadrant[3]; 331 quadrant[5] <= quadrant[4]; 332 quadrant[6] <= quadrant[5]; 333 quadrant[7] <= quadrant[6]; 334 quadrant[8] <= quadrant[7]; 335 quadrant[9] <= quadrant[8]; 336 quadrant[10] <= quadrant[9]; 337 quadrant[11] <= quadrant[10]; 338 quadrant[12] <= quadrant[11]; 339 quadrant[13] <= quadrant[12]; 340 quadrant[14] <= quadrant[13]; 341 quadrant[15] <= quadrant[14]; 342 quadrant[16] <= quadrant[15]; 343 end 344 //alter register, according to quadrant[16] to transform the result to the right result 345 always @ (posedge clk) begin 346 eps <= z15; 347 case(quadrant[16]) //or 15 348 2'b00:begin //if the phase is in first quadrant,the sin(X)=sin(A),cos(X)=cos(A) 349 cos <= x16; 350 sin <= y16; 351 end 352 2'b01:begin //if the phase is in second quadrant,the sin(X)=sin(A+90)=cosA,cos(X)=cos(A+90)=-sinA 353 cos <= ~(y16) + 1'b1;//-sin 354 sin <= x16;//cos 355 end 356 2'b10:begin //if the phase is in third quadrant,the sin(X)=sin(A+180)=-sinA,cos(X)=cos(A+180)=-cosA 357 cos <= ~(x16) + 1'b1;//-cos 358 sin <= ~(y16) + 1'b1;//-sin 359 end 360 2'b11:begin //if the phase is in forth quadrant,the sin(X)=sin(A+270)=-cosA,cos(X)=cos(A+270)=sinA 361 cos <= y16;//sin 362 sin <= ~(x16) + 1'b1;//-cos 363 end 364 endcase 365 end 366 367 endmodule
另外,代码中可以适当优化下:1.流水线操作时,定义的中间寄存器在定义是可以选择memory型,且可以单独建立module或者task进行封装迭代过程; 2. 最后对高2位角度寄存时,可以利用for语句选择移位寄存器实现,如下所示。

always @ (posedge clk,negedge rst_n) begin if(!rst_n) for(i=0;i<=PIPELINE;i=i+1) quadrant[i]<=2'b00; else if(ena) begin for(i=0;i<PIPELINE;i=i+1) quadrant[i+1]<=quadrant[i]; quadrant[0]<=phase_in[7:6]; end end
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