Title is No Title

not very good here!


Create a Dlg's Thread and use it,this can use dlg handle.

Create a Dlg's Thread is specail when u want to update the dlg's show in time with the program's running.
So,we need create it.
here is step:
1:create a static function.
UINT WINAPI ThreadDlg::MyOwnThread(LPVOID pParam){
 ThreadDlg &p=*(ThreadDlg*)pParam;
 int i=0;
CEdit* ed=(CEdit*)p.GetDlgItem(IDC_info);
CString temp;
 return 0;


2:use it with para that is the Dlg's handle.
void ThreadDlg::OnUseOwnThread()
 unsigned int nDummy;
  hThreadO = (HANDLE) _beginthreadex(NULL,0,MyOwnThread,this,
   if (!hThreadO) {
  TRACE(_T("Draw: Couldn't start a ICON animation thread\n"));
  return ;
 else {
3:use it freely.
void ThreadDlg::OnEndOwnThread()
// _endthreadex(hThreadO);

4:be careful that the hHandleO can be declear in Dlg's Class header file.

posted on 2004-04-18 18:20  abraham  阅读(724)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报