
select concat_ws('','alter table ',a.TABLE_NAME,' modify ',lower(a.COLUMN_NAME),' ',a.Column_type, case when a.is_nullable = 'NO' THEN ' not null ' else null end,
       case when a.Column_default is null then null
            when a.Column_default = '' then ' default '''''
            when a.Column_default is not null and a.data_type in ('bigint','int','decimal') then  concat_ws('',' default ',a.Column_default)
            when a.Column_default is not null and a.data_type in ('varchar','char') then  concat_ws('',' default ','''',a.Column_default,'''')
            when a.Column_default is not null and a.data_type in ('timestamp','datetime') then  concat_ws('',' default ',a.Column_default) 
       else null end     
       ,' comment ''',a.Column_comment,'''',';') aa
  from information_schema.`COLUMNS` a 
 where a.TABLE_SCHEMA ='ibgs'
   and a.TABLE_NAME ='sys_config';


posted @ 2015-10-22 13:19  雍洲无名  阅读(702)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报