


l         系统托盘

l         程序切换

l         计时控件

l         查找窗口

l         系统热键



首先,产生一个新的C# Windows Form程序, NotifyIcon控件从工具箱中拖到窗体中,如下图所示:


C# windows Form程序中添加托盘



为了使程序不显示在工具栏上,我们可以设置窗体的visible属性为false. 这个可以在窗体属性窗口中直接实现
this.ShowInTaskbar = false;






public void HideApp()
    this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized;
public void ShowApp()
    this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal;





protected override void OnClosing(CancelEventArgs e)
    // 用最小化来代替关闭操作d
    e.Cancel = true;
    // 最小化,并且隐藏窗体
    this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized;




private void menu_App_Exit(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    NativeWIN32.UnregisterHotKey(Handle, 100);
    notifyIcon1.Visible = false; 



添加一个右键菜单和添加托盘基本一样,从工具箱中添加context menu就可以.右键菜单在你鼠标右键按下的时候是会自动弹出的.



private void menu_App_BeforePopup(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    if ( this.WindowState == FormWindowState.Minimized )
        App_Show.Enabled = true; 
        App_Hide.Enabled = false; 
        App_Show.Enabled = false;
        App_Hide.Enabled = true;



.Net Framework Timer能和系统的Win32 timer实现一样的功能.我们要做的就是设置一个timer,然后合理的设置属性.


m_Timer = new System.Timers.Timer(); // explicit namespace (Timer also in System.Threading)
m_Timer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(OnTimerKillPopup);
m_Timer.Interval = m_nInterval; // for instance 3000 milliseconds
m_Timer.Enabled = true; // start timer
protected void OnTimerKillPopup(Object source, ElapsedEventArgs e)
         m_Timer.Enabled = false; // pause the timer
         m_Timer.Enabled = true;




按照上面的方法,我们每n妙使用KillPopup()来检查.比较遗憾的是我们无法使用安全代码来完成所有的工作. 我们可以使用 System.Diagnostics.Proces来检查所有的IE进程,然后得到主窗体.但是每一个IE进程可以打开好几个窗口,虽然每一个窗体都于一个进程相关,但是还没有办法来使每一个窗体于进程对应起来.

一个可行的办法使用System.Diagnostics.Process列举出所有的运行的进程,然后System.Diagnostics.ProcessThreadCollection 来得到他们的.Threads属性,为了得到thread Id,我们使用Win32 API EnumThreadWindows(DWORD threadId, WNDENUMPROC lpfn, LPARAM lParam) 来实现,这是一个回调(call back)函数,他可以列举出于进程相关的窗体. 当我们得到了窗体的句柄以后,我们可以使用另一个API函数 GetWindowText(HWND hwnd, /*out*/LPTSTR lpString, int nMaxCount)来得到窗体的标题,然后根据已经有的窗体,调用API函数SendMessage(HWND hWnd, int msg, int wParam, int lParam)来关闭窗口. 下面使演示代码

Process[] myProcesses = Process.GetProcessesByName("IEXPLORE");
foreach(Process myProcess in myProcesses)
protected void FindPopupToKill(Process p)
    // traverse all threads and enum all windows attached to the thread
    foreach (ProcessThread t in p.Threads)
        int threadId = t.Id;
        NativeWIN32.EnumThreadProc callbackProc = 
            new NativeWIN32.EnumThreadProc(MyEnumThreadWindowsProc);
        NativeWIN32.EnumThreadWindows(threadId, callbackProc, IntPtr.Zero /*lParam*/);
// callback used to enumerate Windows attached to one of the threads
bool MyEnumThreadWindowsProc(IntPtr hwnd, IntPtr lParam)
    public const int WM_SYSCOMMAND = 0x0112;
    public const int SC_CLOSE = 0xF060;
    // get window caption
    NativeWIN32.STRINGBUFFER sLimitedLengthWindowTitle;
    NativeWIN32.GetWindowText(hwnd, out sLimitedLengthWindowTitle, 256);
    String sWindowTitle = sLimitedLengthWindowTitle.szText;
    if (sWindowTitle.Length==0) return true;
    // find this caption in the list of banned captions
    foreach (ListViewItem item in listView1.Items)
        if ( sWindowTitle.StartsWith(item.Text) )
            NativeWIN32.SendMessage(hwnd, NativeWIN32.WM_SYSCOMMAND,
                                          IntPtr.Zero);  // try soft kill
    return true;
public class NativeWIN32
    public delegate bool EnumThreadProc(IntPtr hwnd, IntPtr lParam);
    [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Auto)]
    public static extern bool EnumThreadWindows(int threadId, EnumThreadProc pfnEnum, IntPtr lParam);
    // used for an output LPCTSTR parameter on a method call
    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet=CharSet.Auto)]
    public struct STRINGBUFFER
        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst=256)]
        public string szText;
    [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Auto)]
    public static extern int GetWindowText(IntPtr hWnd,  out STRINGBUFFER ClassName, int nMaxCount);
    [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Auto)]
    public static extern int SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, int msg, int wParam, int lParam);

上面的方法在性能上是不错的,因为他过滤了其他非IE的窗口.但是我们可以用一个更简单的方法来实现,就是调用API FindWindowEx(HWND hWndParent, HWND hWndNext, /*in*/LPCTSTR szClassName, /*in*/LPCTSTR szWindowTitle)方法.比较有用的是这句,我们可以使用registered window class name来找到IE窗口(IEFrame是所有打开的IE的标识).

protected void FindPopupToKill()
    IntPtr hParent = IntPtr.Zero;
    IntPtr hNext = IntPtr.Zero;
    String sClassNameFilter = "IEFrame"; // 所有IE窗口的类
        hNext = NativeWIN32.FindWindowEx(hParent,hNext,sClassNameFilter,IntPtr.Zero);
        // we've got a hwnd to play with
        if ( !hNext.Equals(IntPtr.Zero) )
            // get window caption
            NativeWIN32.STRINGBUFFER sLimitedLengthWindowTitle;
            NativeWIN32.GetWindowText(hNext, out sLimitedLengthWindowTitle, 256);
            String sWindowTitle = sLimitedLengthWindowTitle.szText;
            if (sWindowTitle.Length>0)
                // find this caption in the list of banned captions
                foreach (ListViewItem item in listView1.Items)
                    if ( sWindowTitle.StartsWith(item.Text) )
                        NativeWIN32.SendMessage(hNext, NativeWIN32.WM_SYSCOMMAND,
                                                       IntPtr.Zero); // try soft kill
    while (!hNext.Equals(IntPtr.Zero));
public class NativeWIN32
    [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Auto)]
    public static extern IntPtr FindWindowEx(IntPtr parent /*HWND*/, 
                                             IntPtr next /*HWND*/, 
                                             string sClassName,  
                                             IntPtr sWindowTitle);




系统热键用在像弹出窗口杀手这种应用程序非常有用, Ctrl+Shift+J是缺省热键.
说道实现,我们继续用RegisterHotkey(HWND hWnd, int id, UINT fsModifiers, UINT vkey). 完成,代码如下:

public void SetHotKey(Keys c, bool bCtrl, bool bShift, bool bAlt, bool bWindows)
    m_hotkey = c;
    m_ctrlhotkey = bCtrl;
    m_shifthotkey = bShift;
    m_althotkey = bAlt;
    m_winhotkey = bWindows;
    // update hotkey
    NativeWIN32.KeyModifiers modifiers = NativeWIN32.KeyModifiers.None;
    if (m_ctrlhotkey)
        modifiers |= NativeWIN32.KeyModifiers.Control;
    if (m_shifthotkey)
        modifiers |= NativeWIN32.KeyModifiers.Shift;
    if (m_althotkey)
        modifiers |= NativeWIN32.KeyModifiers.Alt;
    if (m_winhotkey)
        modifiers |= NativeWIN32.KeyModifiers.Windows;
    NativeWIN32.RegisterHotKey(Handle, 100, modifiers, m_hotkey); //Keys.J);


/* ------- using HOTKEYs in a C# application -------
   -- code snippet by James J Thompson --
Formload  : Ctrl+Shift+J
         bool success = RegisterHotKey(Handle, 
                                      KeyModifiers.Control | KeyModifiers.Shift, 
  formclosing :
         UnregisterHotKey(Handle, 100);
 如何处理热键 :
     protected override void WndProc( ref Message m )
         const int WM_HOTKEY = 0x0312;       
             case WM_HOTKEY:         
                 MessageBox.Show("Hotkey pressed");            
         base.WndProc(ref m );
public class NativeWIN32
    [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError=true)]
    public static extern bool RegisterHotKey( IntPtr hWnd, // handle to window    
                                              int id, // hot key identifier    
                                              KeyModifiers fsModifiers,  // key-modifier options    
                                              Keys vk            // virtual-key code    
    [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError=true)]
    public static extern bool UnregisterHotKey( IntPtr hWnd, // handle to window    
                                                int id      // hot key identifier    
    public enum KeyModifiers
        None = 0,
        Alt = 1,    
        Control = 2,    
        Shift = 4,    
        Windows = 8
------- using HOTKEYs in a C# application ------- */

当我们按下热键以后,流程是这样:首先用HWND GetForegroundWindow()来得到窗体,然后要抓出窗体的标题, GetWindowText(HWND hwnd, /*out*/LPTSTR lpString, int nMaxCount). 具体如下:


protected void ProcessHotkey()
    IntPtr hwnd = NativeWIN32.GetForegroundWindow();
    if (!hwnd.Equals(IntPtr.Zero))
        NativeWIN32.STRINGBUFFER sWindowTitle;
        NativeWIN32.GetWindowText(hwnd, out sWindowTitle, 256);
        if (sWindowTitle.szText.Length>0)
            AddWindowTitle( sWindowTitle.szText ); // add to the ListView (Form)