C/C++ Basics--function pointer

1.basic concepts
    function pointer in C/C++ is just like delegate in C#. we can use function pointer to point to a specific function, and then use function pointer to invoke the specified function.
    int max(int a,int b)
    return a>b?a:b;

    void main()
    int (*p)(int,int); //declare a function pointer
    p=max;//the function point must has the same return type and parameter type with specified function.
    printf("max(2,3) is %d",p(2,3));
    //the result is 3;

also , we can use typedef to define a function pointer type to simplify the programming.
    #typedef int (*MyFunPointer)(int a,int b);
    //we define a function pointer type which has int return type and has two int parameters.
    void main()
    MyFunPointer p;
    printf("max(2,3) is %d",p(2,3));

posted on 2008-04-08 16:03  飞天舞者  阅读(340)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报


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