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.NET下的AOP: PostSharp 原理分析

Posted on 2008-12-10 12:24  Andrew Yin  阅读(5377)  评论(11编辑  收藏  举报


PS:Routing 和ASP.NET MVC的文章暂时放一放了






我们都知道VS是通过MSBiuld来执行生成过程的,所以其实PostSharp是把自己作为一系列的Build Task来插入到生成过程的。



要真正知道PostSharp是如何工作的就必须了解MSBuild,知道怎么执行自定义的Build Task.

有很多东西VS都给我们做了,所以我们不了解,有很多开发人员现在还认为.NET 的程序集就是一个托管DLL文件呢!





Difference between the PostSharp Code Object Model and System.Reflection

PostSharp uses the entities defined in the specifications of the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI). However, developers are more familiar with the concepts of System.Reflection. They should be aware than System.Reflection includes great simplifications with respect to CLI specifications. CLI is module oriented. A module is an atomic artifact that can bind to other modules to form complete applications. In order to refer to types defined outside the current module, one uses references. By contrast, System.Reflection lives in the application universe where all references between modules are already resolved. In CLI and in PostSharp, references are explicitly represented as separate entities. But in System.Reflection, there is simply no concept of reference.


Modules (ModuleDeclaration) are atomic artifacts (i.e. they cannot be separated in smaller units). .NET modules are in fact Portable Executables (PE) just like native libraries and executables.


There is a common confusion about assemblies. An assembly, as indicated by its name, is a set of assembled modules and other files. So an assembly can be composed of many modules and even of unmanaged modules! It is a common mistake and misleading to consider that an assembly is composed of a single file.

What defines intrinsically the assembly is its assembly manifest (AssemblyManifestDeclaration). The manifest is composed of a list of references to modules and external assemblies, and of a list of exported types. The assembly manifest is contained in 'principal' managed module of the assembly (and not in a separate XML file, as claims another frequent mistake).

So the assembly manifest (AssemblyManifestDeclaration) is contained in a module (ModuleDeclaration); it contains references to external modules (ModuleRefDeclaration) and external assemblies (AssemblyRefDeclaration).

So let's summarize:

  • Modules, not assemblies, are the real atoms.
  • Assemblies are composed of many modules (managed or unmanaged executables).
  • Assemblies are defined by an assembly manifest.
  • The assembly manifest is stored in a managed module.
  • A managed module may, but is not required to, contain an assembly manifest.

PostSharp makes a difference between an assembly and an assembly manifest. The AssemblyEnvelope class encapsulates the assembly understood as a collection of modules. The AssemblyManifestDeclaration class encapsulates the manifest; it does not contain modules but is contained by a module. Where AssemblyManifestDeclaration contains a collection of references to modules, AssemblyEnvelope contain modules in themselves.


PostSharp domains (Domain) are similar to the .NET class AppDomain. Domains are contexts in which references between assemblies are solved. Just as in .NET, PostSharp assemblies are always loaded in a domain. PostSharp allows many domains to be loaded paralelly, even in the same AppDomain.

The base of the object tree is the ModuleDeclaration type. Since PostSharp is module-oriented, everything is contained in the module even the assembly manifest.