《Entity Framework 6 Recipes》中文翻译系列 (28) ------ 第五章 加载实体和导航属性之测试实体是否加载与显式加载关联实体
翻译的初衷以及为什么选择《Entity Framework 6 Recipes》来学习,请看本系列开篇
5-11 测试实体引用或实体集合是否加载
图5-26 一个包含projects,managers和contractors的模型
在Visual Studio中添加一个名为Recipe11的控制台应用,并确保引用了实体框架6的库,NuGet可以很好的完成这个任务。在Reference目录上右键,并选择 Manage NeGet Packages(管理NeGet包),在Online页,定位并安装实体框架6的包。这样操作后,NeGet将下载,安装和配置实体框架6的库到你的项目中。
代码清单5-27. 实体类
public class Contractor { public int ContracterID { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public int ProjectID { get; set; } public virtual Project Project { get; set; } } public class Manager { public Manager() { Projects = new HashSet<Project>(); } public int ManagerID { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public virtual ICollection<Project> Projects { get; set; } } public class Project { public Project() { Contractors = new HashSet<Contractor>(); } public int ProjectID { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public int ManagerID { get; set; } public virtual ICollection<Contractor> Contractors { get; set; } public virtual Manager Manager { get; set; } }
代码清单5-28. 上下文
1 public class Recipe11Context : DbContext 2 { 3 public Recipe11Context() 4 : base("Recipe11ConnectionString") 5 { 6 //禁用实体框架的模型兼容 7 Database.SetInitializer<Recipe11Context>(null); 8 } 9 10 public DbSet<Contractor> Contractors { get; set; } 11 public DbSet<Manager> Managers { get; set; } 12 public DbSet<Project> Projects { get; set; } 13 14 protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder) 15 { 16 modelBuilder.Entity<Contractor>().ToTable("Chapter5.Contractor"); 17 modelBuilder.Entity<Manager>().ToTable("Chapter5.Manager"); 18 modelBuilder.Entity<Project>().ToTable("Chapter5.Project"); 19 20 // 显示映射实体键 21 modelBuilder.Entity<Contractor>().HasKey(x => x.ContracterID); 22 } 23 }
代码清单5-29. 连接字符串
<add name="Recipe11ConnectionString"
connectionString="Data Source=.;
Initial Catalog=EFRecipes;
Integrated Security=True;
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
using (var context = new Recipe11Context()) { var man1 = new Manager {Name = "Jill Stevens"}; var proj = new Project {Name = "City Riverfront Park", Manager = man1}; var con1 = new Contractor {Name = "Robert Alvert", Project = proj}; var con2 = new Contractor {Name = "Alan Jones", Project = proj}; var con3 = new Contractor {Name = "Nancy Roberts", Project = proj}; context.Projects.Add(proj); context.SaveChanges(); } using (var context = new Recipe11Context()) { var project = context.Projects.Include("Manager").First(); if (context.Entry(project).Reference(x => x.Manager).IsLoaded) Console.WriteLine("Manager entity is loaded."); else Console.WriteLine("Manager entity is NOT loaded."); if (context.Entry(project).Collection(x => x.Contractors).IsLoaded) Console.WriteLine("Contractors are loaded."); else Console.WriteLine("Contractors are NOT loaded."); Console.WriteLine("Calling project.Contractors.Load()..."); context.Entry(project).Collection(x => x.Contractors).Load(); if (context.Entry(project).Collection(x => x.Contractors).IsLoaded) Console.WriteLine("Contractors are now loaded."); else Console.WriteLine("Contractors failed to load."); } Console.WriteLine("Press <enter> to continue..."); Console.ReadLine();
Manager entity is loaded. Contractors are NOT loaded. Calling project.Contractors.Load()... Contractors are now loaded.
IsLoaded确切的含义,比看起来更让人迷惑。IsLoaded被调用Load()方法的查询设置,也被隐式的关系跨度设置。当你查询一个实体时,会隐式查询关联实体Key。如果这个隐式查询的结果是一个null值,IsLoaded会被设置成True,意思是数据库没有关联的实体。当我们显示加载关系并发现没有关联实体时,IsLoaded同样会被设置成True. (译注:这里可能会有点难理解,因为涉及到了一个术语:关系跨度(Relationship Span)的理解,它是指EF加载实体时总是一起返回外键值,以此来避免一些列的问题)
5-12 显示加载关联实体
图5-27 一个包含实体 doctor、appointment、patient的模型
代码清单5-31. 使用Load()方法
1 using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) 2 { 3 var doc1 = new Doctor { Name = "Joan Meyers" }; 4 var doc2 = new Doctor { Name = "Steven Mills" }; 5 var pat1 = new Patient { Name = "Bill Rivers" }; 6 var pat2 = new Patient { Name = "Susan Stevenson" }; 7 var pat3 = new Patient { Name = "Roland Marcy" }; 8 9 var app1 = new Appointment 10 { 11 Date = DateTime.Today, 12 Doctor = doc1, 13 Fee = 109.92M, 14 Patient = pat1, 15 Reason = "Checkup" 16 }; 17 var app2 = new Appointment 18 { 19 Date = DateTime.Today, 20 Doctor = doc2, 21 Fee = 129.87M, 22 Patient = pat2, 23 Reason = "Arm Pain" 24 }; 25 var app3 = new Appointment 26 { 27 Date = DateTime.Today, 28 Doctor = doc1, 29 Fee = 99.23M, 30 Patient = pat3, 31 Reason = "Back Pain" 32 }; 33 34 context.Appointments.Add(app1); 35 context.Appointments.Add(app2); 36 context.Appointments.Add(app3); 37 38 context.SaveChanges(); 39 } 40 41 using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) 42 { 43 // 禁用延迟加载,因为我们要显式加载子实体 44 context.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false; 45 46 var doctorJoan = context.Doctors.First(o => o.Name == "Joan Meyers"); 47 48 if (!context.Entry(doctorJoan).Collection(x => x.Appointments).IsLoaded) 49 { 50 context.Entry(doctorJoan).Collection(x => x.Appointments).Load(); 51 Console.WriteLine("Dr. {0}'s appointments were explicitly loaded.", 52 doctorJoan.Name); 53 } 54 55 Console.WriteLine("Dr. {0} has {1} appointment(s).", 56 doctorJoan.Name, 57 doctorJoan.Appointments.Count()); 58 59 foreach (var appointment in context.Appointments) 60 { 61 if (!context.Entry(appointment).Reference(x => x.Doctor).IsLoaded) 62 { 63 context.Entry(appointment).Reference(x => x.Doctor).Load(); 64 Console.WriteLine("Dr. {0} was explicitly loaded.", 65 appointment.Doctor.Name); 66 } 67 else 68 Console.WriteLine("Dr. {0} was already loaded.", 69 appointment.Doctor.Name); 70 } 71 72 Console.WriteLine("There are {0} appointments for Dr. {1}", 73 doctorJoan.Appointments.Count(), 74 doctorJoan.Name); 75 76 doctorJoan.Appointments.Clear(); 77 78 Console.WriteLine("Collection clear()'ed"); 79 Console.WriteLine("There are now {0} appointments for Dr. {1}", 80 doctorJoan.Appointments.Count(), 81 doctorJoan.Name); 82 83 context.Entry(doctorJoan).Collection(x => x.Appointments).Load(); 84 85 Console.WriteLine("Collection loaded()'ed"); 86 87 Console.WriteLine("There are now {0} appointments for Dr. {1}", 88 doctorJoan.Appointments.Count().ToString(), 89 doctorJoan.Name); 90 91 //目前,DbContext 没有API去刷新实体,但底层的ObjectContext有,执行下面的动作。 92 var objectContext = ((IObjectContextAdapter)context).ObjectContext; 93 var objectSet = objectContext.CreateObjectSet<Appointment>(); 94 objectSet.MergeOption = MergeOption.OverwriteChanges; 95 objectSet.Load(); 96 97 Console.WriteLine("Collection loaded()'ed with MergeOption.OverwriteChanges"); 98 99 Console.WriteLine("There are now {0} appointments for Dr. {1}", 100 doctorJoan.Appointments.Count(), 101 doctorJoan.Name); 102 } 103 104 105 //演示先加载部分实体集合,然后再加载剩下的 106 using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) 107 { 108 // 禁用延迟加载,因为我们要显式加载子实体 109 context.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false; 110 111 //加载第一个doctor然后只附加一个appointment 112 var doctorJoan = context.Doctors.First(o => o.Name == "Joan Meyers"); 113 context.Entry(doctorJoan).Collection(x => x.Appointments).Query().Take(1).Load(); 114 115 //注意,这里IsLoaded返回False,因为所有的实体还没有被加载到上下文 116 var appointmentsLoaded = context.Entry(doctorJoan).Collection(x => x.Appointments).IsLoaded; 117 118 Console.WriteLine("Dr. {0} has {1} appointments loaded.", 119 doctorJoan.Name, 120 doctorJoan.Appointments.Count()); 121 122 //当我需要加载剩下的appointments,只需要简单的调用Load()来加载它们 123 context.Entry(doctorJoan).Collection(x => x.Appointments).Load(); 124 Console.WriteLine("Dr. {0} has {1} appointments loaded.", 125 doctorJoan.Name, 126 doctorJoan.Appointments.Count()); 127 } 128 129 Console.WriteLine("Press <enter> to continue..."); 130 Console.ReadLine();
Dr. Joan Meyers's appointments were explicitly loaded. Dr. Joan Meyers has 2 appointment(s). Dr. Joan Meyers was already loaded. Dr. Steven Mills was explicitly loaded. Dr. Joan Meyers was already loaded. There are 2 appointments for Dr. Joan Meyers Collection clear()'ed There are now 0 appointments for Dr. Joan Meyers Collection loaded()'ed There are now 0 appointments for Dr. Joan Meyers Collection loaded()'ed with MergeOption.OverwriteChanges There are now 2 appointments for Dr. Joan Meyers Dr. Joan Meyers has 1 appointments loaded. Dr. Joan Meyers has 2 appointments loaded. Press <enter> to continue...
在foreach循环中,我们枚举了appointments,检查与它关联的doctor是否加载。注意输出,这时只有一个医生被加载,别的没有被加载。这是因为我们的第一个查询只获取了一个doctor。在获取appointmetns的过程中,实体框架会连接医生(doctor)和他的预约(appintments),这个过程被称为(非正式的)Relationship fixup(译注:这些概念虽然已经产生很多年,但中文资料关于它的介绍几乎没有,只看到一位兄弟把它翻译为“关系建立”,个人觉得它能表达这个词的含义,就借用了)。Relationship fixup 不会建立好所有的关联,特别是多对关联的实体。
3、PreserveChanges选项,本质上是OverwriteChanges选项的对立选项。当数据库中有改变时,它会更新实体对象的值。但是当内存里的值发生改变时,它不会更新实体对象的值。一个实体对象在内存中被修改,它不会被刷新。更准确地说,在内存中修改实体对象时,它的当前值(cruuent value)不会改变,但是,如果数据库有改变时,它的初始值(original value)会被更新。
//演示先加载部分实体集合,然后再加载剩下的 using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { // 禁用延迟加载,因为我们要显式加载子实体 context.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false; //加载第一个doctor然后只附加一个appointment var doctorJoan = context.Doctors.First(o => o.Name == "Joan Meyers"); context.Entry(doctorJoan).Collection(x => x.Appointments).Query().Take(1).Load(); //注意,这里IsLoaded返回False,因为所有的实体还没有被加载到上下文 var appointmentsLoaded = context.Entry(doctorJoan).Collection(x => x.Appointments).IsLoaded; Console.WriteLine("Dr. {0} has {1} appointments loaded.", doctorJoan.Name, doctorJoan.Appointments.Count()); //当我需要加载剩下的appointments,只需要简单的调用Load()来加载它们 context.Entry(doctorJoan).Collection(x => x.Appointments).Load(); Console.WriteLine("Dr. {0} has {1} appointments loaded.", doctorJoan.Name, doctorJoan.Appointments.Count()); }
Dr. Joan Meyers has 1 appointments loaded. Dr. Joan Meyers has 2 appointments loaded.
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