CG&CAD resource

Computational Geometry

Geometric Modeling

Curves and Surfaces

Mesh Libraries and Packages

  • CGAL: 2D/3D halfedge mesh, tet meshes. (Dr. Pierre Alliez and others
  • Mepp: 3D mesh processing platform, including basic mesh manipulation, subdivision and simplification algorithms; curvature calculation and visualization; mesh segmentation; mesh boolean operation; quality metric and visualization; compression and watermarking and etc. (Dr. Guillaume Lavoue et al.)
  • MeshLab: A powerful mesh processing tool. It also features a couple of point cloud. (Visual Computing Laboratory
  • VCGLib: C++ library for the manipulation, processing of triangle and tetrahedral meshes. (Visual Computing Laboratory
  • OpenMesh/OpenFilpper: a generic and efficient data structure for representing and manipulating polygonal meshes. (Dr. Leif Kobbelt
  • GTS Library: 2D dynamic/constrained Delaunay triangulation, geometric predicates, mesh boolean set operations, refinement/coarsening, view-independent continuous LOD, view-dependent LOD, AABB-trees, Kd-trees, graph partitioning, isosurfacing, area, volume, mean/gaussian/principal curvature, stripification. (C++ port
  • Mesh Viewer: displaying 3D models (triangular meshes) from a variety of file formats, including PMesh, GTS, OFF, PLY, VRML1.0, VRML2.0, Shallo, VTK, OBJ formats. (N/A)
  • Mesh Repairing Softwares on the Web by Dr. Marco Attene.
  • JMeshLib: tools to automatically fix the most common problems present in surface meshes coming from laser scanning (conversion to oriented manifold, topological noise detection, hole filling, removal of degenerate faces, ... (Dr. Marco Attene
  • ReMESH: automatic mesh repairing tool - automatic conversion to manifold and oriented surfaces, stitching of coincident boundaries, removal of degenerate or isolated elements, removal of topological noise, hole filling, smoothing, simplification. (Dr. Marco Attene)
  • MeshFix: takes as input a polygon mesh and produces a copy of the input where all the occurrences of a specific set of "defects" are corrected. (Dr. Marco Attene)
  • GPUmesh: a simple mechanism to send geometry to the GPU. (Dr. Sylvain Lefebvre
  • A48: a dynamic adaptive mesh library based on stellar operators. (Dr. Luiz Velho)
  • PolyMender: a program reads in a polygonal model (i.e., a bag of polygons, or polygon soup) and produces a closed surface mesh that approximates the original model. (Dr. Ju Tao)
  • TrIMM: the TriangleMesh Manipulator, you can repair, alter or convert triangle meshes stored as .OBJ, .OFF, .PLY or .STL files. (Christian Mortiz)
  • Geometric Modeling Based on Polygonal Meshes by Dr. Mario Botsch, Dr. Mark Pauly, Dr. Leif Kobbelt, Dr. Pierre Alliez, Dr. Bruno Levy.
  • Clipper: an open source freeware polygon clipping library. [GPC][PolyBoolean]

Mesh Processing

Point Cloud Processing

3D Reconstruction from Images


Mesh Generation

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

  • IAPR: public code for machine learning.
  • Orca: a program for mining distance-based outliers.
  • mloss: machine learning open source software.

Medial Image Modeling



  • GigaVoxels: a voxel-based rendering pipeline for efficient exploration of large and detailed scenes (Dr. Crassin)
  • Voxel Octree data structure: Sparse Voxel Octree raycaster (Jeroen Baert)

Mathematical Library

  • Eigen: the vector-matrix and linear algebra library you were looking for. (Dr. Benoît Jacob, Dr. Gaël Guennebaud and others
  • The Stony Brook Algorithm Repository
  • Local, Global Optimization Software Set (Dr. Arnold Neumaier
  • Mathematical software archives: direct linear solver, iterative linear solver, mesh generation and geometry, other PDE, special functions, special functions, graph partition and ordering, preconditions, eigenvalues and polynomial roots, matrix computation, multivariate nonlinear systems and optimization, numerical integration and harmonic analysis, ordinary differential equations, differential-algebraic equations, stochastic differential equations, stochastic differential equations, (Dr. Arnold Neumaier
  • Netlib: containing freely available software, documents, and databases of interest to the numerical, scientific computing, and other communities. (UT, ORNL) 
  • LAPACK [Windows]-linear algebra package. (UT) 
  • Armadillo: an open-source C++ linear algebra library. (NICTA)
  • MKL: Math Kernel Library. (Intel)
  • ACML: Core Math Library. (AMD)
  • C/C++ Minpack: solving nonlinear equations and nonlinear least squares problems. (Dr. Frédéric Devernay
  • TAUCS: a library of sparse linear solver 1, 2. [Visual studio version] (Dr. Sivan Toledo, Dr. Doron Chen and Dr. Vladimir Rotkin) 
  • UMFPACK: a set of routines for solving unsymmetric sparse linear systems (Dr. Tim Davis
  • newmat: including the operations *, +, -, *=, +=, -=, Kronecker product, Schur product, concatenation, inverse, transpose, conversion between types, submatrix, determinant, Cholesky decomposition, QR triangularisation, singular value decomposition, eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix, sorting, fast Fourier and trig. transforms, printing and an interface with Numerical Recipes in C. (Dr. Robert Davies
  • OpenNL: open numerical library - direct/iterative sparse solvers, preconditioners, Least-Squares Conformal Maps (LSCM) implementation (Dr.Bruno Levy and others
  • ALGLIB: a cross-platform numerical analysis and data processing library - differential equations, equations (linear/nonlinear), matrix and vector operations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, numerical integration, interpolation and fitting, optimization, fft, convolution, correlation, statistics: general algorithms, hypothesis testing, data analysis: classification, regression, other tasks, special functions. (Sergey Bochkanov, Vladimir Bystritsky)
  • STatLib: data, software and mews from the statistics community. (CMU)
  • Free C/C++ Sources for Numerical Computation (Dr. James Hetrick)
  • DAKOTA: containing algorithms for optimization with gradient and nongradient-based methods; uncertainty quantification with sampling, reliability, stochastic expansion, and epistemic methods; parameter estimation with nonlinear least squares methods; and sensitivity/variance analysis with design of experiments and parameter study methods. (Sandia NL)

Data Structures and Compression


Numerics and Optimization

Courses and Notes

Research Teams

Thesis Links

My Tools

My Libraries

  • TPAMI: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
  • IJCV: International Journal of Computer Vision
  • TOG: ACM Transactions on Graphics
  • TVCG: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
  • CGF: Computer Graphics Forum
  • CAD: Computer-Aided Design
  • TVC: The Visual Computer
  • GM: Graphical Models
  • CG: Computers & Graphics
  • CAGD: Computer Aided Geometric Design


本文转载自 hqlee,原作为 Professor Jun Wang

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