Make a decision

也许是我的毅力不够吧,manager let me to charge the project,但待遇实在是受不了,而要面队的press是非常的大。说真的,明天也许只是形式般地跟manager沟通一下罢了,what I need,he can't give me。哎,看来新一轮的辞职潮会从我开始。

I wanna to be myselft,live on my style。It's so hard,life is life, dream is dream, dream will be true, but at the present time, and this environment can't provide me a good chanes, I feel so tired, I'm tired to work like this。佛山供电局,大企业,大单位,业务复杂,我真的受不了了,还要让我负责项目,我真的不忍心让我的兄弟跟我受苦受难,我做不出坑兄弟的事情。

I have think for a long time, 如果我坚持的话,按照目前的人员配备,这个project will be dead,到时就真系heavy 扑街,如果不想死,有办法的,就是得让兄弟们陪我过非人的生活——通宵 almost every day。Fuck!我真的做不出来。人哪,不能为那2K RMB做出不仁不义不孝之事来着。

厚道,这根本就不是美德,这在现实社会,变成了资本家剥削社会主义国家辛勤劳动人民的借口罢了。So, don't do it any more.

posted @ 2007-07-22 22:43  电视机9号  阅读(561)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报