CCF 201712-3 Crontab



using namespace std;
char vMon[][4] = { "","jan","feb","mar","apr","may","jun","jul","aug","sep","oct","nov","dec" };
char vWek[][4] = { "sun","mon","tue","wed","thu","fri","sat" };
int monthArray[] = { 0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 };
map<string, int> mMon, mWeek;//map string to int
map<string, vector<string>> mrt;//time -> commands //results
void bulidMonAndWeekMap() {
	for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++) mMon[vMon[i]] = i;
	for (int i = 0; i <= 6; i++) mWeek[vWek[i]] = i;//
void standlize(string & s) {
	for (int i = 0; i<s.size(); i++) {
		s[i] = tolower(s[i]);
 bool isLeapYear(int y) {
	return (y % 400 == 0) || (y % 4 == 0 && y % 100);
int getDayOfWeek(int year, int month, int dayOfMonth) {
	//calculate days from 1970-01-01,of which the dayOfWeek is 4.
	int count = 0;
	for (int i = 1970; i < year; i++) {
		count += (isLeapYear(i) ? 366 : 365);
	monthArray[2] = isLeapYear(year) ? 29 : 28;
	for (int i = 1; i < month; i++)
		count += monthArray[i];
	count += dayOfMonth-1;
	return (count + 4) % 7;
int stoi_my(const string & a) {
	int r=0;
	for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++) {
		r = r * 10 + a[i] - '0';
	return r;
string itos(const int & i) {
	char s[30];
	sprintf(s, "%d", i);
	return string(s);
vector<string> splitStringAndBulidVector(string& str, int TAG = 0) {//TAG=0(other),1(month),2(dayOfWeek)
																	 //transform string to vector of the num
																	 // 1-12 or 1,2.Split this by ',' and then split num with '-'.
	vector<string> vstring;
	str += ",";
	size_t found = str.find(',');
	while (found = str.find(','),found != string::npos) {
		string x = str.substr(0, found);
		str = str.substr(found + 1, str.size() - found - 1);
		size_t found2 = x.find('-');
		if (found2 == string::npos) {// one number or string
			if (TAG == 1 && isalpha(x[0])) x = itos(mMon[x]);
			if (TAG == 2 && isalpha(x[0])) x = itos(mWeek[x]);
			if (x.size() == 1) {
				x = "0" + x;
		else {//1-2 or jan-feb or mon-fri
			string a = x.substr(0, found2);
			string b = x.substr(found2 + 1, x.size() - found2 - 1);
			int l = 0, r = 0;
			if (TAG == 0) { l = stoi_my(a), r = stoi_my(b); }
			else if (TAG == 1) {//month
				l = (isalpha(a[0])) ? mMon[a] : stoi_my(a);
				r = (isalpha(b[0])) ? mMon[b] : stoi_my(b);
			else {
				l = (isalpha(a[0])) ? mWeek[a] : stoi_my(a);
				r = (isalpha(b[0])) ? mWeek[b] : stoi_my(b);
			while (l <= r) {
				string lstr = l<10?"0"+itos(l):itos(l);
	return vstring;

int main()
	freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin);
	//get inputs
	int n;
	string st, et;
	cin >> n >> st >> et;
	string syy = st.substr(0, 4), smm = st.substr(4, 2), sdd = st.substr(6, 2), sHH = st.substr(8, 2), sMM = st.substr(10, 2);
	string eyy = et.substr(0, 4), emm = et.substr(4, 2), edd = et.substr(6, 2), eHH = et.substr(8, 2), eMM = et.substr(10, 2);
	int syyInt = stoi_my(syy), eyyInt = stoi_my(eyy);

	vector<string> vminute, vhour, vdayOfMonth, vmonth, vdayOfWeek;
	while (n--) {
		string minutes, hours, dayOfMonth, month, dayOfWeek, command;
		cin >> minutes >> hours >> dayOfMonth >> month >> dayOfWeek >> command;
		standlize(month); standlize(dayOfWeek);//Transform to lower case
		if (minutes == "*")minutes = "1-59";
		vminute = splitStringAndBulidVector(minutes);
		if (hours == "*")hours = "0-23";
		vhour = splitStringAndBulidVector(hours);
		if (dayOfMonth == "*")dayOfMonth = "1-31";
		vdayOfMonth = splitStringAndBulidVector(dayOfMonth);
		if (month == "*")month = "1-12";
		vmonth = splitStringAndBulidVector(month, 1);
		if (dayOfWeek == "*")dayOfWeek = "0-6";
		vdayOfWeek = splitStringAndBulidVector(dayOfWeek, 2);
		int dayOfWeekArray[7] = { 0 };// for quick querying
		fill(dayOfWeekArray, dayOfWeekArray + 7, 0);
		for (int i = 0; i<vdayOfWeek.size(); i++)
			dayOfWeekArray[stoi_my(vdayOfWeek[i])] = 1;

		int curyear = syyInt;//Start from syyInt.Do this for each command;
		while (curyear <= eyyInt) {
			monthArray[2] = isLeapYear(curyear) ? 29 : 28;

			string year = itos(curyear);
			//iterator month
			for (vector<string>::iterator mi = vmonth.begin(); mi<vmonth.end(); mi++) {
				for (vector<string>::iterator di = vdayOfMonth.begin(); di<vdayOfMonth.end(); di++) {
					int dayOfWeekInt = getDayOfWeek(curyear, stoi_my(*mi), stoi_my(*di));
					//check whether dayOfWeek is right and dayOfMonth less than Max
					if (!dayOfWeekArray[dayOfWeekInt] || (stoi_my(*di))>monthArray[stoi_my(*mi)])
					//iterator hours and minutes
					for (vector<string>::iterator hi = vhour.begin(); hi<vhour.end(); hi++) {
						for (vector<string>::iterator mini = vminute.begin(); mini<vminute.end(); mini++) {
							string datetime = year + *mi + *di + *hi + *mini;
							if (datetime >= st && datetime <= et)
								mrt[datetime].push_back(command);//push command into the vector of this time
	//iterator results
	for (map<string, vector<string>>::iterator it = mrt.begin(); it != mrt.end(); it++) {
		for (vector<string>::iterator rit = it->second.begin(); rit<it->second.end(); rit++) {
			cout << it->first + " " + *rit << endl;
	return 0;
posted @ 2018-09-01 11:05  blingbling的coder  阅读(587)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报