


  一般而言,snapshot比AMI更加快速,并且更加节省空间(Depending on the size of the volumes, it can take several minutes for the AMI-creation process to complete (sometimes up to 24 hours).You may find it more efficient to create snapshots of your volumes prior to creating your AMI. This way, only small, incremental snapshots need to be created when the AMI is created, and the process completes more quickly (the total time for snapshot creation remains the same))

  但是snapshot和AMI都会面临一个问题,就是数据一致性和完整性(Integrity & consistency)。在不关机的情况下做备份,会出现一定的问题:

  对于snapshot,文档中这样描述[3]:However, snapshots only capture data that has been written to your Amazon EBS volume at the time the snapshot command is issued. This might exclude any data that has been cached by any applications or the operating system. 

  对于AMI,文档中这样描述[1]:If you choose No reboot, we can't guarantee the file system integrity of the created image.



1)EC2-->AMI-->launch new EC2

2)old EBS-->snapshot-->AMI-->launch new EC2

3)EBS-->snapshot-->EBS-->mount to new EC2-->start new EC2



Some Linux distributions, such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES), use the EC2 billingProduct code associated with an AMI to verify subscription status for package updates. Creating an AMI from an EBS snapshot does not maintain this billing code, and subsequent instances launched from such an AMI will not be able to connect to package update infrastructure.

Similarly, although you can create a Windows AMI from a snapshot, you can't successfully launch an instance from the AMI.



- Create an EBS volume "X" from the snapshot that has your good system on it.

- Run a new instance "A" of the base AMI.  This creates a volume "Y" as the main disk of that instance.

- Stop instance "A".  

- Detach volume "Y" from stopped instance "A".  

- Attach the good volume "X" to stopped instance "A".

- Start instance "A".

  经过尝试,亲测有效。但是不知在其他地方是否藏有隐藏BUG……个人以为,关键在于EC2实例类型和EBS中的OS类型必须匹配,不要把一个linux root ebs挂载到windows实例上。




1] http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/WindowsGuide/Creating_EBSbacked_WinAMI.html

2] http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/instance-launch-snapshot.html

3] http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ebs-creating-snapshot.html

4] https://forums.aws.amazon.com/thread.jspa?messageID=165839

5] http://www.n2ws.com/blog/3-ways-ec2-windows-backup-and-recovery.html

6] http://serverfault.com/questions/268719/amazon-ec2-terminology-ami-vs-ebs-vs-snapshot-vs-volume

7] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17619580/aws-difference-between-a-snapshot-and-ami

posted @ 2016-11-02 14:30  IT屁民  阅读(4569)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报