Ten Years - To Charlie Vogt

Hi Charlie,

As a so called ex-Beijing R&D center software engineer, you may not even hear about me, although you did mention my name on one of your meeting. (It is on your ppt)

Do not have a chance to talk to you face to face, but I do have many words wants to talk to you.

I am not sure if our Mr. John (CPO) pass my wish of "talking with you" to you in March 2016.
Thus I have to write it down, and I believe I will post to social media poster, so that you can see this.

July 1, 2016, it should be my 10 year anniversary in company, but June 30, 2016 is my last day in your Imagine Communications.


Glad to know you back from July 2013, you are full of passion, you have a quite different style comparing to previously CEOs I have even met in Company.

- you are great Sales.

- you are great Speechmaker.

- you are great Story-teller.

After work with you, I started to know:

- To be success, you need to know how to sell something. Including yourself, your products.

- To be success, you need to know how to present something, including yourself, your products.

- To be success, you need to know how to tell a story.


I believe, you think you are a great leader/manager/director; you would like to have everyone following your strategy, following our vision to archive our goal.

Yep, that would be great if we are on the same pages, everyone direct our efforts toward the same goal.

But, do you think, all your teams working in this way now, after around 3 years integration?

Maybe you think yes, but I would say no, and it is just my point of view.

I saw you would like to get/deliver first hand info/feedback from your first line manager/leader team, that is a great idea, but do you think you get all you want?

how many people give you feedback? 30 out of 150 ? what do you think, is it funny? Do you know why?

Do you think Mr. CPO, do the right thing, by just asking for a feedback?

I would say, you should have a way to make each of your first line manager/leader like to send their feedback to you, not been asked.
you should review all your team members and just following what you said before, you just want those person that really agree with your thoughts.

I did prepared to give u some feedback, but I stopped sending at that time, because, I will not be your soldier anymore, although I am not leave company yet, but soon I will.

although I do not want to leave my first and the only one company I worked for after my graduate from school till now. But the office will closed.

This is why, I say, Ten Years.


To tell the truth, it made me boil with rage when the day I heard that our Office will be closed.

I kept asking what did I(we) do wrong? why close our office? the last year we have been told to extend our office, the next year, close ... ...

What I want to do at that time, just to growl roar to the sky, I knew it is make no sense to "ask you guys to say why", that is just business, right?

I can believe that this is not just your decision to close our office, it is top level manager team's decision.

I can say that is because our office not deserves to stay, cost much but return "little"?

I just want to be fair to say, from the first day our office start up, we tried our best to do things great, to clean up all kinds of mess, do we have any chance to "Win"?


to all the top manager team, our Office just a low cost office, we should do those tricky things. the new development? the new research ?  NO, NO, NO

the day you join this company, you point out, there is no low cost center anymore, yep, I should think about the day (office close) will coming soon, we are not competitive enough to stay.

You are right! But what's wrong with us?

Are we having any chance to change? Maybe you can say, that is our responsibility to make us competitive enough, yes, I agree, but please think about the strategy your upper level manager teams or previously upper level manager teams has been made.


What a funny, the day we been told the Office will be closed, you are in another office saying, your guys is the future, and your team send out a mail to whole company (including us),

What do you feel about this? Do your team thinking about our feeling?

When I talk to our Mr CPO, I want to have a face to face with you, I receive no feedback. 
not sure if you did not receive any of my voice or you would not think it is necessary to give me a feedback.

you can say, just "call me. Why not?"
aha, I have to say, "I am afraid to do this", what should I say, "please, do not close us?" or "please, give us a reason to close us?"

Did it make any sense? I believe NOT.


You can say, I am really a little bit "split personality", because I would like to chat with you, but at the same time I think it is useless.

Having an "Archive Award" before I leave the company, also a joke to me.
Yes, it should be a honor for me, but at the end I think it is a "joke".

What is my "return"? the end of hard working was lay-off ?


Thank you and your team, showing me what the “business” is.

Thank you and your team, showing me what the “hard-decision” is.

Thank you and your team, showing me how to be a market-leader.

Thank you and your team let me know how to be a professional engineer. Works till the last day and say thank you to everyone.


No more word to say ... ...

And in the end, hope you and your team, a bright future.

wish everyone in your team really following your thoughts,

wish everyone in your team think it not just a job, but a challenge,

wish everyone in your team think we will be the market-leader.




Jerry Yu

posted @ 2016-07-01 22:29  天蝎鱼  阅读(410)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报