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首先登录 http://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey ,你将获得你的API唯一密钥。





当你到 http://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey 申请API时,the "domain" field is just a note. 事实上没有任何需要用到的地方, 只是一个 helpful field 让你能够告诉我们你的网站是哪个. 你也可以暂时填入你的名字. 一旦你获得了Key, 这个Key就是当你执行API请求时我们对你的唯一标示。




(GetMatchHistory)              https://api.steampowered.com/IDOTA2Match_570/GetMatchHistory/v001/
(GetMatchDetails)              https://api.steampowered.com/IDOTA2Match_570/GetMatchDetails/v001/
(GetHeroes)                    https://api.steampowered.com/IEconDOTA2_570/GetHeroes/v0001/
(GetPlayerSummaries)           https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUser/GetPlayerSummaries/v0002/
(EconomySchema)                https://api.steampowered.com/IEconItems_570/GetSchema/v0001/
(GetLeagueListing)             https://api.steampowered.com/IDOTA2Match_570/GetLeagueListing/v0001/
(GetLiveLeagueGames)           https://api.steampowered.com/IDOTA2Match_570/GetLiveLeagueGames/v0001/    
(GetMatchHistoryBySequenceNum) https://api.steampowered.com/IDOTA2Match_570/GetMatchHistoryBySequenceNum/v0001/
(GetTeamInfoByTeamID)          https://api.steampowered.com/IDOTA2Match_570/GetTeamInfoByTeamID/v001/



key=<key>       # Your personal API key (from above)
language=<lang> # The language to retrieve results in (default is en_us) (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_639-1 for the language codes (first two characters) and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes for the country codes (last two characters))
format=<form>   # The format to retrieve results in ("JSON" or "XML") (default is JSON)

Used to get a list of matches played.

player_name=<name>             # Search matches with a player name, exact match only 
hero_id=<id>                   # Search for matches with a specific hero being played (hero ID, not name, see HEROES below)
game_mode=<mode>               # Search for matches of a given mode (see below)
skill=<skill>                  # 0 for any, 1 for normal, 2 for high, 3 for very high skill (default is 0)
date_min=<date>                # date in UTC seconds since Jan 1, 1970 (unix time format) 
date_max=<date>                # date in UTC seconds since Jan 1, 1970 (unix time format)
min_players=<count>            # the minimum number of players required in the match
account_id=<id>                # Search for all matches for the given user (32-bit or 64-bit steam ID)
league_id=<id>                 # matches for a particular league
start_at_match_id=<id>         # Start the search at the indicated match id, descending
matches_requested=<n>          # Maximum is 25 matches (default is 25)
tournament_games_only=<string> # set to only show tournament games







  • 使用查询到的最后一场match_id来作为新一次查询的start_at_match_id:
  • https://api.steampowered.com/IDOTA2Match_570/GetMatchHistory/V001/?key=<key>&start_at_match_id=<id>&<OTHER_OPTIONS>
  • 使用查询到的最后一场starttime来作为新一次查询的date_max:
  • https://api.steampowered.com/IDOTA2Match_570/GetMatchHistory/V001/?key=<key>&date_max=<id>&<OTHER_OPTIONS>


  • num_results - 在返回数据中,查询到结果的数量
  • total_results - 这次particular查询到结果的总数[(total_results / num_results) = total_num_pages]
  • results_remaining - 这次查询结果剩余未返回的数量 [(results_remaining / num_results) = remaining_num_pages]
  • matches - 有num_results个数量比赛的数组:
      • match_id - 比赛的数字ID
      • match_seq_num - 比赛序号 - the order in which matches are recorded
      • start_time - date in UTC seconds since Jan 1, 1970 (unix time format)
       - lobby值的对应关系
      • 5 = Team match.
      • 4 = Co-op with bots.
      • 3 = Tutorial.
      • 2 = Tournament.
      • 1 = Practice.
      • 0 = Public matchmaking.
      • -1 = Invalid.
    • players - 玩家数组:
      • account_id - 玩家的32位Steam ID - 如果玩家将自己的资料设为隐私,account_id将会是"4294967295"
      • player_slot - 8位unsigned int型: if the left-most bit is set, the player was on dire. the two right-most bits represent the player slot (0-4).
      • hero_id - 玩家所玩英雄的数字ID (见下方)


Used to get detailed information about a specified match.


match_id=<id> # the match's ID


根据ID "XXXXX"获得比赛详细记录:、



  • players - 玩家数组
    • account_id - 玩家的32位Steam ID - 如果玩家将自己的资料设为隐私,account_id将会是"4294967295"
    • player_slot - 8位unsigned int型: if the left-most bit is set, the player was on dire. the two right-most bits represent the player slot (0-4).
    • hero_id - 玩家所玩英雄的数字ID
    • item_0 - 比赛结束时玩家的物品栏 左上 物品ID
    • item_1 - 比赛结束时玩家的物品栏 中上 物品ID
    • item_2 - 比赛结束时玩家的物品栏 右上 物品ID
    • item_3 - 比赛结束时玩家的物品栏 左下 物品ID
    • item_4 - 比赛结束时玩家的物品栏 中下 物品ID
    • item_5 - 比赛结束时玩家的物品栏 右下 物品ID
    • kills - 杀人数
    • deaths - 死亡数
    • assists - 助攻数
    • leaver_status
      • NULL - 玩家是电脑
      • 2 - 玩家放弃比赛
      • 1 - 玩家在比赛可以安全退出后放弃比赛
      • 0 - 玩家完成了整场比赛
    • gold - 玩家在比赛结束之后剩余的金钱
    • last_hits - 正补数
    • denies - 反补数
    • gold_per_min - 玩家每秒金钱
    • xp_per_min - 玩家每秒经验
    • gold_spent - 整场比赛玩家花费的金钱
    • hero_damage - 对英雄伤害
    • tower_damage - 对塔伤害
    • hero_healing - 对其他英雄的治疗量
    • level - 最后的等级
    • ability_upgrades - 一个数组详细的记录玩家每次加点记录
      • ability - 所加技能的ID
      • time - 加点时间(/秒)从比赛开始计算
      • level - 加点等级
    • additional_units - 玩家额外控制的单位信息 (其实就是熊德的宝宝)
      • unitname - 单位名字
      • item_0 - 比赛结束时物品栏 左上 物品ID
      • item_1 - 比赛结束时物品栏 中上 物品ID
      • item_2 - 比赛结束时物品栏 右上 物品ID
      • item_3 - 比赛结束时物品栏 左下 物品ID
      • item_4 - 比赛结束时物品栏 中下 物品ID
      • item_5 - 比赛结束时物品栏 右下 物品ID
    • season - ?
    • radiant_win - radiant赢了为true,false反之
    • duration - 整场比赛的用时
    • start_time - date in UTC seconds since Jan 1, 1970 (unix time format)
    • match_id - 比赛数字ID 
    • match_seq_num - 比赛序号 - the order in which matches are recorded
    • tower_status_radiant - 11位 unsinged int: 见此链接
    • tower_status_dire - 11位 unsinged int: 见此链接
    • barracks_status_radiant - 6位 unsinged int: 见此链接
    • barracks_status_radiant - 6位 unsinged int: 见此链接 (吐槽,应该是dire不是radiant吧,还有应该是unsigned不是unsinged吧)
    • cluster - 见下方的REPLAYS
    • first_blood_time - 一血诞生的时间
    • replay_salt - 见下方REPLAYS 目前已从API中移除
    • lobby_type - lobby类型 (见上方GetMatchHistory)
    • human_players - 比赛中human players的数量
    • leagueid - 比赛所属leauge的ID (见上方GetMatchHistory)
    • positive_votes - 多少人顶
    • positive_votes - 多少人踩(估计这个写错了,应该是 negative_votes -多少人踩
    • game_mode - 比赛模式
      • '1' : 'All Pick',
      • '2' : "Captains Mode",
      • '3' : 'Random Draft',
      • '4' : 'Single Draft',
      • '5' : 'All Random',
      • '6' : '?? INTRO/DEATH ??',
      • '7' : 'The Diretide',
      • '8' : "Reverse Captains Mode",
      • '9' : 'Greeviling',
      • '10' : 'Tutorial',
      • '11' : 'Mid Only',
      • '12' : 'Least Played',
      • '13' : 'New Player Pool'
    • 接下来的字段只会在 teams applied to radiant and dire 的时候有(i.e. this is a league match in a private lobby (英文不好,话说radiant和dire分别代表天辉和夜魇么?)
      • radiant_name - radiant 队伍的名字
      • radiant_logo -  radiant 队伍的LOGO (想要获得图片, 见下方FAQ)
      • radiant_team_complete - true为所有radiant的成员都属于本队伍, false反之 (i.e. are the stand-ins {false} or not {true})
      • dire_name - dire队伍的名字
      • dire_logo - the dire 队伍的LOGO (想要获得图片, 见下方FAQ)
      • dire_team_complete - true为所有dire的成员都属于本队伍, false反之  (i.e. are the stand-ins {false} or not {true})  


posted @ 2014-03-01 16:08  Scohura  阅读(3959)  评论(15编辑  收藏  举报