1020: [SHOI2008]安全的航线flight - BZOJ
Sample Input
1 2
-9 -6
5 1
0 16
-16 -12
17 -6
Sample Output

1 /************************************************************** 2 Problem: 1020 3 User: 1997cb 4 Language: Pascal 5 Result: Accepted 6 Time:96 ms 7 Memory:6488 kb 8 ****************************************************************/ 9 10 const 11 maxn=22; 12 maxm=33; 13 maxq=100000; 14 eps=1e-16; 15 type 16 point=record 17 x,y:double; 18 end; 19 polygon=record 20 tot:longint; 21 a:array[0..maxm]of point; 22 end; 23 seg=record 24 a,b,neara,nearb:point; 25 end; 26 var 27 c,head,tail:longint; 28 ans:double; 29 s:array[0..maxq]of seg; 30 p:array[0..maxn]of polygon; 31 32 function max(x,y:double):double; 33 begin 34 if x>y then exit(x); 35 exit(y); 36 end; 37 38 function cj(x1,y1,x2,y2:double):double; 39 begin 40 exit(x1*y2-y1*x2); 41 end; 42 43 function on(var a,b,c:point):boolean; 44 begin 45 exit((abs(cj(b.x-a.x,b.y-a.y,c.x-a.x,c.y-a.y))<=eps) and ((a.x-c.x)*(b.x-c.x)<=eps) and ((a.y-c.y)*(b.y-c.y)<=eps)); 46 end; 47 48 function jiao(var a,b,c,d:point):boolean; 49 begin 50 exit((cj(b.x-a.x,b.y-a.y,d.x-a.x,d.y-a.y)*cj(b.x-a.x,b.y-a.y,c.x-a.x,c.y-a.y)<=eps) and (cj(d.x-c.x,d.y-c.y,a.x-c.x,a.y-c.y)*cj(d.x-c.x,d.y-c.y,b.x-c.x,b.y-c.y)<=eps)); 51 end; 52 53 function include(var a:polygon;var b:point):boolean; 54 var 55 i,tot:longint; 56 k:point; 57 begin 58 for i:=1 to a.tot do 59 if on(a.a[i],a.a[i mod a.tot+1],b) then exit(true); 60 tot:=0; 61 k.x:=-100000; 62 k.y:=100000; 63 for i:=1 to a.tot do 64 if jiao(a.a[i],a.a[i mod a.tot+1],k,b) then inc(tot); 65 if tot and 1=1 then exit(true); 66 exit(false); 67 end; 68 69 procedure get(var near,a:point;var dis:double;var b,c:point); 70 var 71 d:double; 72 begin 73 if (c.x-b.x)*(a.x-b.x)+(c.y-b.y)*(a.y-b.y)<=eps then 74 begin 75 d:=sqrt(sqr(a.x-b.x)+sqr(a.y-b.y)); 76 if dis>d+eps then 77 begin 78 near:=b; 79 dis:=d; 80 end; 81 exit; 82 end; 83 if (c.x-b.x)*(a.x-c.x)+(c.y-b.y)*(a.y-c.y)>=-eps then 84 begin 85 d:=sqrt(sqr(a.x-c.x)+sqr(a.y-c.y)); 86 if dis>d+eps then 87 begin 88 near:=c; 89 dis:=d; 90 end; 91 exit; 92 end; 93 d:=cj(c.x-b.x,c.y-b.y,a.x-b.x,a.y-b.y)/sqrt(sqr(b.x-c.x)+sqr(b.y-c.y)); 94 if dis>abs(d)+eps then 95 begin 96 dis:=abs(d); 97 near.x:=a.x+(c.y-b.y)*d/sqrt(sqr(b.x-c.x)+sqr(b.y-c.y)); 98 near.y:=a.y-(c.x-b.x)*d/sqrt(sqr(b.x-c.x)+sqr(b.y-c.y)); 99 end; 100 end; 101 102 procedure find(var a,b:point); 103 var 104 i,j:longint; 105 dis:double; 106 begin 107 for i:=1 to c do 108 if include(p[i],b) then 109 begin 110 a:=b; 111 exit; 112 end; 113 dis:=1<<30; 114 for i:=1 to c do 115 for j:=1 to p[i].tot do 116 get(a,b,dis,p[i].a[j],p[i].a[j mod p[i].tot+1]); 117 ans:=max(ans,dis); 118 end; 119 120 procedure init; 121 var 122 i,j:longint; 123 begin 124 read(c,tail); 125 head:=1; 126 for i:=1 to tail do 127 with s[i].a do 128 read(x,y); 129 for i:=1 to c do 130 with p[i] do 131 begin 132 read(tot); 133 for j:=1 to tot do 134 with a[j] do 135 read(x,y); 136 end; 137 for i:=1 to tail do 138 with s[i] do 139 find(neara,a); 140 for i:=1 to tail-1 do 141 begin 142 s[i].b:=s[i+1].a; 143 s[i].nearb:=s[i+1].neara; 144 end; 145 end; 146 147 procedure work; 148 var 149 l,r,mid:point; 150 d:double; 151 begin 152 while head<>tail do 153 begin 154 l:=s[head].a; 155 r:=s[head].b; 156 while (sqrt(sqr(l.x-r.x)+sqr(l.y-r.y))>1e-4) do 157 begin 158 mid.x:=(l.x+r.x)/2; 159 mid.y:=(l.y+r.y)/2; 160 with s[head] do 161 if sqrt(sqr(mid.x-neara.x)+sqr(mid.y-neara.y))<sqrt(sqr(mid.x-nearb.x)+sqr(mid.y-nearb.y)) then l:=mid 162 else r:=mid; 163 end; 164 with s[head] do 165 d:=max(sqrt(sqr(l.x-neara.x)+sqr(l.y-neara.y)),sqrt(sqr(l.x-nearb.x)+sqr(l.y-nearb.y))); 166 mid.x:=(s[head].a.x+s[head].b.x)/2; 167 mid.y:=(s[head].a.y+s[head].b.y)/2; 168 find(l,mid); 169 if d>ans+0.001 then 170 begin 171 s[tail].a:=s[head].a; 172 s[tail].b:=mid; 173 s[tail].nearb:=l; 174 s[tail].neara:=s[head].neara; 175 tail:=tail mod maxq+1; 176 s[tail].a:=mid; 177 s[tail].b:=s[head].b; 178 s[tail].neara:=l; 179 s[tail].nearb:=s[head].nearb; 180 tail:=tail mod maxq+1; 181 end; 182 head:=head mod maxq+1; 183 end; 184 write(ans:0:2); 185 end; 186 187 begin 188 init; 189 work; 190 end.