用 VB.NET 实现的非确定性计算例子

读 SICP 时,一直对非确定性计算比较感兴趣,今天终于有时间做了一个例子。发现用自动回溯的思想是可以很简单的实现的,呵呵。这个解法的代码还不完备,有很多缺陷,但是基本上可以说明问题了。


(SICP Page 290).
(原书题目叙述有误:“米勒住的比库伯高一层” 应该是 “米勒住的比库伯高“)。


(注:开发环境 Visual Studio 2010)



Public Class NonDeterministicEngine

    Private _paramDict As New List(Of Tuple(Of String, IEnumerator))
    'Private _predicateDict As New List(Of Tuple(Of Func(Of Object, Boolean), IEnumerable(Of String)))
    Private _predicateDict As New List(Of Tuple(Of Object, IList(Of String)))

    Public Sub AddParam(ByVal name As String, ByVal values As IEnumerable)
        _paramDict.Add(New Tuple(Of String, IEnumerator)(name, values.GetEnumerator()))
    End Sub

    Public Sub AddRequire(ByVal predicate As Func(Of Object, Boolean), ByVal paramNames As IList(Of String))
        CheckParamCount(1, paramNames)
        _predicateDict.Add(New Tuple(Of Object, IList(Of String))(predicate, paramNames))
    End Sub

    Public Sub AddRequire(ByVal predicate As Func(Of Object, Object, Boolean), ByVal paramNames As IList(Of String))
        CheckParamCount(2, paramNames)
        _predicateDict.Add(New Tuple(Of Object, IList(Of String))(predicate, paramNames))
    End Sub

    Public Sub AddRequire(ByVal predicate As Func(Of Object, Object, Object, Boolean), ByVal paramNames As IList(Of String))
        CheckParamCount(3, paramNames)
        _predicateDict.Add(New Tuple(Of Object, IList(Of String))(predicate, paramNames))
    End Sub

    Public Sub AddRequire(ByVal predicate As Func(Of Object, Object, Object, Object, Boolean), ByVal paramNames As IList(Of String))
        CheckParamCount(4, paramNames)
        _predicateDict.Add(New Tuple(Of Object, IList(Of String))(predicate, paramNames))
    End Sub

    Public Sub AddRequire(ByVal predicate As Func(Of Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Boolean), ByVal paramNames As IList(Of String))
        CheckParamCount(5, paramNames)
        _predicateDict.Add(New Tuple(Of Object, IList(Of String))(predicate, paramNames))
    End Sub

    Public Sub AddRequire(ByVal predicate As Func(Of Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Boolean), ByVal paramNames As IList(Of String))
        CheckParamCount(6, paramNames)
        _predicateDict.Add(New Tuple(Of Object, IList(Of String))(predicate, paramNames))
    End Sub

    Public Sub AddRequire(ByVal predicate As Func(Of Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Boolean), ByVal paramNames As IList(Of String))
        CheckParamCount(7, paramNames)
        _predicateDict.Add(New Tuple(Of Object, IList(Of String))(predicate, paramNames))
    End Sub

    Public Sub AddRequire(ByVal predicate As Func(Of Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Boolean), ByVal paramNames As IList(Of String))
        CheckParamCount(8, paramNames)
        _predicateDict.Add(New Tuple(Of Object, IList(Of String))(predicate, paramNames))
    End Sub

    Sub CheckParamCount(ByVal count As Integer, ByVal paramNames As IList(Of String))
        If paramNames.Count <> count Then
            Throw New Exception("Parameter count does not match.")
        End If
    End Sub

    Public Property IterationOver As Boolean

    Private _firstTime As Boolean = True

    Public ReadOnly Property Current As Dictionary(Of String, Object)
            If IterationOver Then
                Return Nothing
                Dim _nextResult = New Dictionary(Of String, Object)

                For Each item In _paramDict
                    Dim iter = item.Item2
                    _nextResult.Add(item.Item1, iter.Current)
                Return _nextResult
            End If
        End Get
    End Property

    Function MoveNext() As Boolean
        If IterationOver Then
            Return False
        End If

        If _firstTime Then
            For Each item In _paramDict
                Dim iter = item.Item2

            _firstTime = False
            Return True
            Dim canMoveNext = False
            Dim iterIndex = _paramDict.Count - 1
            canMoveNext = _paramDict(iterIndex).Item2.MoveNext

            If canMoveNext Then
                Return True
            End If

            Do While Not canMoveNext
                iterIndex = iterIndex - 1
                If iterIndex = -1 Then
                    Return False
                    IterationOver = True
                End If
                canMoveNext = _paramDict(iterIndex).Item2.MoveNext

                If canMoveNext Then
                    For i = iterIndex + 1 To _paramDict.Count - 1
                        Dim iter = _paramDict(i).Item2

                    Return True
                End If
        End If
    End Function

    Function GetNextResult() As Dictionary(Of String, Object)
        While MoveNext()
            Dim result = Current
            If Satisfy(result) Then
                Return result
            End If
        End While

        Return Nothing
    End Function

    Function Satisfy(ByVal result As Dictionary(Of String, Object)) As Boolean
        For Each item In _predicateDict
            Dim pred = item.Item1

            Select Case item.Item2.Count
                Case 1
                    Dim p1 = DirectCast(pred, Func(Of Object, Boolean))
                    Dim v1 = result(item.Item2(0))

                    If Not p1(v1) Then
                        Return False
                    End If

                Case 2
                    Dim p2 = DirectCast(pred, Func(Of Object, Object, Boolean))
                    Dim v1 = result(item.Item2(0))
                    Dim v2 = result(item.Item2(1))

                    If Not p2(v1, v2) Then
                        Return False
                    End If

                Case 3
                    Dim p3 = DirectCast(pred, Func(Of Object, Object, Object, Boolean))
                    Dim v1 = result(item.Item2(0))
                    Dim v2 = result(item.Item2(1))
                    Dim v3 = result(item.Item2(2))

                    If Not p3(v1, v2, v3) Then
                        Return False
                    End If

                Case 4
                    Dim p4 = DirectCast(pred, Func(Of Object, Object, Object, Object, Boolean))
                    Dim v1 = result(item.Item2(0))
                    Dim v2 = result(item.Item2(1))
                    Dim v3 = result(item.Item2(2))
                    Dim v4 = result(item.Item2(3))

                    If Not p4(v1, v2, v3, v4) Then
                        Return False
                    End If

                Case 5
                    Dim p5 = DirectCast(pred, Func(Of Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Boolean))
                    Dim v1 = result(item.Item2(0))
                    Dim v2 = result(item.Item2(1))
                    Dim v3 = result(item.Item2(2))
                    Dim v4 = result(item.Item2(3))
                    Dim v5 = result(item.Item2(4))

                    If Not p5(v1, v2, v3, v4, v5) Then
                        Return False
                    End If

                Case 6
                    Dim p6 = DirectCast(pred, Func(Of Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Boolean))
                    Dim v1 = result(item.Item2(0))
                    Dim v2 = result(item.Item2(1))
                    Dim v3 = result(item.Item2(2))
                    Dim v4 = result(item.Item2(3))
                    Dim v5 = result(item.Item2(4))
                    Dim v6 = result(item.Item2(5))

                    If Not p6(v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6) Then
                        Return False
                    End If

                Case 7
                    Dim p7 = DirectCast(pred, Func(Of Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Boolean))
                    Dim v1 = result(item.Item2(0))
                    Dim v2 = result(item.Item2(1))
                    Dim v3 = result(item.Item2(2))
                    Dim v4 = result(item.Item2(3))
                    Dim v5 = result(item.Item2(4))
                    Dim v6 = result(item.Item2(5))
                    Dim v7 = result(item.Item2(6))

                    If Not p7(v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7) Then
                        Return False
                    End If

                Case 8
                    Dim p8 = DirectCast(pred, Func(Of Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Boolean))
                    Dim v1 = result(item.Item2(0))
                    Dim v2 = result(item.Item2(1))
                    Dim v3 = result(item.Item2(2))
                    Dim v4 = result(item.Item2(3))
                    Dim v5 = result(item.Item2(4))
                    Dim v6 = result(item.Item2(5))
                    Dim v7 = result(item.Item2(6))
                    Dim v8 = result(item.Item2(7))

                    If Not p8(v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8) Then
                        Return False
                    End If

                Case Else
                    Throw New NotSupportedException
            End Select

        Return True
    End Function
End Class



Module Module1

    Sub Main()





    End Sub

    Sub Test1()
        Dim engine = New NonDeterministicEngine()

        engine.AddParam("a", {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6})
        engine.AddParam("b", {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10})

        engine.AddRequire(Function(a) As Boolean
                              Return a > 2 AndAlso a < 9
                          End Function, {"a"})

        engine.AddRequire(Function(b) As Boolean
                              Return b > 5 AndAlso b <= 10
                          End Function, {"b"})

        engine.AddRequire(Function(a, b) As Boolean
                              Return a = b - 1
                          End Function, {"a", "b"})

        Dim result = engine.GetNextResult()
        While Not result Is Nothing
            Console.WriteLine("a = " & result("a") & ", b = " & result("b"))
            result = engine.GetNextResult()
        End While

        Console.WriteLine("Calculation ended.")
    End Sub

    Sub Test2()
        ' 贝克、库伯、弗莱舍、米勒和斯麦尔住在一个五层公寓楼的不同层,贝克不住在顶层,库伯不住在底层,弗莱舍不住在顶层
        ' 也不住在底层。米勒住的比库伯高,斯麦尔不住在弗莱舍相邻的层,弗莱舍不住在库伯相邻的层。请问他们各住在哪层?
        ' (SICP Page 290).
        ' (原书题目叙述有误:“米勒住的比库伯高一层” 应该是 “米勒住的比库伯高“)。
        Dim engine = New NonDeterministicEngine()

        engine.AddParam("baker", {1, 2, 3, 4, 5})
        engine.AddParam("cooper", {1, 2, 3, 4, 5})
        engine.AddParam("fletcher", {1, 2, 3, 4, 5})
        engine.AddParam("miller", {1, 2, 3, 4, 5})
        engine.AddParam("smith", {1, 2, 3, 4, 5})

        engine.AddRequire(Function(baker) As Boolean
                              Return baker <> 5
                          End Function, {"baker"})

        engine.AddRequire(Function(cooper) As Boolean
                              Return cooper <> 1
                          End Function, {"cooper"})

        engine.AddRequire(Function(fletcher) As Boolean
                              Return fletcher <> 1 And fletcher <> 5
                          End Function, {"fletcher"})

        engine.AddRequire(Function(miller, cooper) As Boolean
                              'Return miller = cooper + 1
                              Return miller > cooper
                          End Function, {"miller", "cooper"})

        engine.AddRequire(Function(smith, fletcher) As Boolean
                              Return smith <> fletcher + 1 And smith <> fletcher - 1
                          End Function, {"smith", "fletcher"})

        engine.AddRequire(Function(fletcher, cooper) As Boolean
                              Return fletcher <> cooper + 1 And fletcher <> cooper - 1
                          End Function, {"fletcher", "cooper"})

        engine.AddRequire(Function(a, b, c, d, e) As Boolean
                              Return a <> b And a <> c And a <> d And a <> e And b <> c And b <> d And b <> e And c <> d And c <> e And d <> e
                          End Function, {"baker", "cooper", "fletcher", "miller", "smith"})

        Dim result = engine.GetNextResult()
        While Not result Is Nothing
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("baker: {0}, cooper: {1}, fletcher: {2}, miller: {3}, smith: {4}",
            result = engine.GetNextResult()
        End While

        Console.WriteLine("Calculation ended.")
    End Sub

    Sub Test3()
        ' 八皇后问题的解法
        Dim engine = New NonDeterministicEngine()

        ' 设 a - h 分别代表第 1 - 8 行上的皇后,则只要对每个皇后求出对应的列号即可。
        engine.AddParam("a", {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8})
        engine.AddParam("b", {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8})
        engine.AddParam("c", {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8})
        engine.AddParam("d", {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8})
        engine.AddParam("e", {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8})
        engine.AddParam("f", {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8})
        engine.AddParam("g", {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8})
        engine.AddParam("h", {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8})

        ' 检查是否在同一个斜线上
        Dim NotInTheSameDiagonalLine = Function(cols As IList) As Boolean
                                           For i = 0 To cols.Count - 2
                                               For j = i + 1 To cols.Count - 1
                                                   If j - i = Math.Abs(cols(j) - cols(i)) Then
                                                       Return False
                                                   End If

                                           Return True
                                       End Function

        engine.AddRequire(Function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) As Boolean
                              Return a <> b AndAlso a <> c AndAlso a <> d AndAlso a <> e AndAlso a <> f AndAlso a <> g AndAlso a <> h AndAlso b <> c AndAlso b <> d AndAlso b <> e AndAlso b <> f AndAlso b <> g AndAlso b <> h AndAlso c <> d AndAlso c <> e AndAlso c <> f AndAlso c <> g AndAlso c <> h AndAlso d <> e AndAlso d <> f AndAlso d <> g AndAlso d <> h AndAlso e <> f AndAlso e <> g AndAlso e <> h AndAlso f <> g AndAlso f <> h AndAlso g <> h AndAlso NotInTheSameDiagonalLine({a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h})
                          End Function,
                          {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h"})

        Dim result = engine.GetNextResult()
        While Not result Is Nothing
            Console.WriteLine("(1,{0}), (2,{1}), (3,{2}), (4,{3}), (5,{4}), (6,{5}), (7,{6}), (8,{7})",

            result = engine.GetNextResult()
        End While

        Console.WriteLine("Calculation ended.")
    End Sub
End Module




a = 5, b = 6
a = 6, b = 7
Calculation ended.
baker: 3, cooper: 2, fletcher: 4, miller: 5, smith: 1
Calculation ended.
(1,1), (2,5), (3,8), (4,6), (5,3), (6,7), (7,2), (8,4)
(1,1), (2,6), (3,8), (4,3), (5,7), (6,4), (7,2), (8,5)
(1,1), (2,7), (3,4), (4,6), (5,8), (6,2), (7,5), (8,3)
(1,1), (2,7), (3,5), (4,8), (5,2), (6,4), (7,6), (8,3)
(1,2), (2,4), (3,6), (4,8), (5,3), (6,1), (7,7), (8,5)
(1,2), (2,5), (3,7), (4,1), (5,3), (6,8), (7,6), (8,4)
(1,2), (2,5), (3,7), (4,4), (5,1), (6,8), (7,6), (8,3)
(1,2), (2,6), (3,1), (4,7), (5,4), (6,8), (7,3), (8,5)
(1,2), (2,6), (3,8), (4,3), (5,1), (6,4), (7,7), (8,5)
(1,2), (2,7), (3,3), (4,6), (5,8), (6,5), (7,1), (8,4)
(1,2), (2,7), (3,5), (4,8), (5,1), (6,4), (7,6), (8,3)
(1,2), (2,8), (3,6), (4,1), (5,3), (6,5), (7,7), (8,4)
(1,3), (2,1), (3,7), (4,5), (5,8), (6,2), (7,4), (8,6)
(1,3), (2,5), (3,2), (4,8), (5,1), (6,7), (7,4), (8,6)
(1,3), (2,5), (3,2), (4,8), (5,6), (6,4), (7,7), (8,1)
(1,3), (2,5), (3,7), (4,1), (5,4), (6,2), (7,8), (8,6)
(1,3), (2,5), (3,8), (4,4), (5,1), (6,7), (7,2), (8,6)
(1,3), (2,6), (3,2), (4,5), (5,8), (6,1), (7,7), (8,4)
(1,3), (2,6), (3,2), (4,7), (5,1), (6,4), (7,8), (8,5)
(1,3), (2,6), (3,2), (4,7), (5,5), (6,1), (7,8), (8,4)
(1,3), (2,6), (3,4), (4,1), (5,8), (6,5), (7,7), (8,2)
(1,3), (2,6), (3,4), (4,2), (5,8), (6,5), (7,7), (8,1)
(1,3), (2,6), (3,8), (4,1), (5,4), (6,7), (7,5), (8,2)
(1,3), (2,6), (3,8), (4,1), (5,5), (6,7), (7,2), (8,4)
(1,3), (2,6), (3,8), (4,2), (5,4), (6,1), (7,7), (8,5)
(1,3), (2,7), (3,2), (4,8), (5,5), (6,1), (7,4), (8,6)
(1,3), (2,7), (3,2), (4,8), (5,6), (6,4), (7,1), (8,5)
(1,3), (2,8), (3,4), (4,7), (5,1), (6,6), (7,2), (8,5)
(1,4), (2,1), (3,5), (4,8), (5,2), (6,7), (7,3), (8,6)
(1,4), (2,1), (3,5), (4,8), (5,6), (6,3), (7,7), (8,2)
(1,4), (2,2), (3,5), (4,8), (5,6), (6,1), (7,3), (8,7)
(1,4), (2,2), (3,7), (4,3), (5,6), (6,8), (7,1), (8,5)
(1,4), (2,2), (3,7), (4,3), (5,6), (6,8), (7,5), (8,1)
(1,4), (2,2), (3,7), (4,5), (5,1), (6,8), (7,6), (8,3)
(1,4), (2,2), (3,8), (4,5), (5,7), (6,1), (7,3), (8,6)
(1,4), (2,2), (3,8), (4,6), (5,1), (6,3), (7,5), (8,7)
(1,4), (2,6), (3,1), (4,5), (5,2), (6,8), (7,3), (8,7)
(1,4), (2,6), (3,8), (4,2), (5,7), (6,1), (7,3), (8,5)
(1,4), (2,6), (3,8), (4,3), (5,1), (6,7), (7,5), (8,2)
(1,4), (2,7), (3,1), (4,8), (5,5), (6,2), (7,6), (8,3)
(1,4), (2,7), (3,3), (4,8), (5,2), (6,5), (7,1), (8,6)
(1,4), (2,7), (3,5), (4,2), (5,6), (6,1), (7,3), (8,8)
(1,4), (2,7), (3,5), (4,3), (5,1), (6,6), (7,8), (8,2)
(1,4), (2,8), (3,1), (4,3), (5,6), (6,2), (7,7), (8,5)
(1,4), (2,8), (3,1), (4,5), (5,7), (6,2), (7,6), (8,3)
(1,4), (2,8), (3,5), (4,3), (5,1), (6,7), (7,2), (8,6)
(1,5), (2,1), (3,4), (4,6), (5,8), (6,2), (7,7), (8,3)
(1,5), (2,1), (3,8), (4,4), (5,2), (6,7), (7,3), (8,6)
(1,5), (2,1), (3,8), (4,6), (5,3), (6,7), (7,2), (8,4)
(1,5), (2,2), (3,4), (4,6), (5,8), (6,3), (7,1), (8,7)
(1,5), (2,2), (3,4), (4,7), (5,3), (6,8), (7,6), (8,1)
(1,5), (2,2), (3,6), (4,1), (5,7), (6,4), (7,8), (8,3)
(1,5), (2,2), (3,8), (4,1), (5,4), (6,7), (7,3), (8,6)
(1,5), (2,3), (3,1), (4,6), (5,8), (6,2), (7,4), (8,7)
(1,5), (2,3), (3,1), (4,7), (5,2), (6,8), (7,6), (8,4)
(1,5), (2,3), (3,8), (4,4), (5,7), (6,1), (7,6), (8,2)
(1,5), (2,7), (3,1), (4,3), (5,8), (6,6), (7,4), (8,2)
(1,5), (2,7), (3,1), (4,4), (5,2), (6,8), (7,6), (8,3)
(1,5), (2,7), (3,2), (4,4), (5,8), (6,1), (7,3), (8,6)
(1,5), (2,7), (3,2), (4,6), (5,3), (6,1), (7,4), (8,8)
(1,5), (2,7), (3,2), (4,6), (5,3), (6,1), (7,8), (8,4)
(1,5), (2,7), (3,4), (4,1), (5,3), (6,8), (7,6), (8,2)
(1,5), (2,8), (3,4), (4,1), (5,3), (6,6), (7,2), (8,7)
(1,5), (2,8), (3,4), (4,1), (5,7), (6,2), (7,6), (8,3)
(1,6), (2,1), (3,5), (4,2), (5,8), (6,3), (7,7), (8,4)
(1,6), (2,2), (3,7), (4,1), (5,3), (6,5), (7,8), (8,4)
(1,6), (2,2), (3,7), (4,1), (5,4), (6,8), (7,5), (8,3)
(1,6), (2,3), (3,1), (4,7), (5,5), (6,8), (7,2), (8,4)
(1,6), (2,3), (3,1), (4,8), (5,4), (6,2), (7,7), (8,5)
(1,6), (2,3), (3,1), (4,8), (5,5), (6,2), (7,4), (8,7)
(1,6), (2,3), (3,5), (4,7), (5,1), (6,4), (7,2), (8,8)
(1,6), (2,3), (3,5), (4,8), (5,1), (6,4), (7,2), (8,7)
(1,6), (2,3), (3,7), (4,2), (5,4), (6,8), (7,1), (8,5)
(1,6), (2,3), (3,7), (4,2), (5,8), (6,5), (7,1), (8,4)
(1,6), (2,3), (3,7), (4,4), (5,1), (6,8), (7,2), (8,5)
(1,6), (2,4), (3,1), (4,5), (5,8), (6,2), (7,7), (8,3)
(1,6), (2,4), (3,2), (4,8), (5,5), (6,7), (7,1), (8,3)
(1,6), (2,4), (3,7), (4,1), (5,3), (6,5), (7,2), (8,8)
(1,6), (2,4), (3,7), (4,1), (5,8), (6,2), (7,5), (8,3)
(1,6), (2,8), (3,2), (4,4), (5,1), (6,7), (7,5), (8,3)
(1,7), (2,1), (3,3), (4,8), (5,6), (6,4), (7,2), (8,5)
(1,7), (2,2), (3,4), (4,1), (5,8), (6,5), (7,3), (8,6)
(1,7), (2,2), (3,6), (4,3), (5,1), (6,4), (7,8), (8,5)
(1,7), (2,3), (3,1), (4,6), (5,8), (6,5), (7,2), (8,4)
(1,7), (2,3), (3,8), (4,2), (5,5), (6,1), (7,6), (8,4)
(1,7), (2,4), (3,2), (4,5), (5,8), (6,1), (7,3), (8,6)
(1,7), (2,4), (3,2), (4,8), (5,6), (6,1), (7,3), (8,5)
(1,7), (2,5), (3,3), (4,1), (5,6), (6,8), (7,2), (8,4)
(1,8), (2,2), (3,4), (4,1), (5,7), (6,5), (7,3), (8,6)
(1,8), (2,2), (3,5), (4,3), (5,1), (6,7), (7,4), (8,6)
(1,8), (2,3), (3,1), (4,6), (5,2), (6,5), (7,7), (8,4)
(1,8), (2,4), (3,1), (4,3), (5,6), (6,2), (7,7), (8,5)
Calculation ended.




posted on 2010-05-17 18:12  NeilChen  阅读(2132)  评论(4编辑  收藏  举报
