ASP.NET Cookie







    // Summary:
    //     Provides a type-safe way to create and manipulate individual HTTP cookies.
    public sealed class HttpCookie
        // Summary:
        //     Creates and names a new cookie.
        // Parameters:
        //   name:
        //     The name of the new cookie.
        public HttpCookie(string name);
        // Summary:
        //     Creates, names, and assigns a value to a new cookie.
        // Parameters:
        //   name:
        //     The name of the new cookie.
        //   value:
        //     The value of the new cookie.
        public HttpCookie(string name, string value);

        // Summary:
        //     Gets or sets the domain to associate the cookie with.
        // Returns:
        //     The name of the domain to associate the cookie with. The default value is
        //     the current domain.
        public string Domain { get; set; }
        // Summary:
        //     Gets or sets the expiration date and time for the cookie.
        // Returns:
        //     The time of day (on the client) at which the cookie expires.
        public DateTime Expires { get; set; }
        // Summary:
        //     Gets a value indicating whether a cookie has subkeys.
        // Returns:
        //     true if the cookie has subkeys, otherwise, false. The default value is false.
        public bool HasKeys { get; }
        // Summary:
        //     Gets or sets a value that specifies whether a cookie is accessible by client-side
        //     script.
        // Returns:
        //     true if the cookie has the HttpOnly attribute and cannot be accessed through
        //     a client-side script; otherwise, false. The default is false.
        public bool HttpOnly { get; set; }
        // Summary:
        //     Gets or sets the name of a cookie.
        // Returns:
        //     The default value is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) unless the
        //     constructor specifies otherwise.
        public string Name { get; set; }
        // Summary:
        //     Gets or sets the virtual path to transmit with the current cookie.
        // Returns:
        //     The virtual path to transmit with the cookie. The default is the path of
        //     the current request.
        public string Path { get; set; }
        // Summary:
        //     Gets or sets a value indicating whether to transmit the cookie using Secure
        //     Sockets Layer (SSL)--that is, over HTTPS only.
        // Returns:
        //     true to transmit the cookie over an SSL connection (HTTPS); otherwise, false.
        //     The default value is false.
        public bool Secure { get; set; }
        // Summary:
        //     Gets or sets an individual cookie value.
        // Returns:
        //     The value of the cookie. The default value is a null reference (Nothing in
        //     Visual Basic).
        public string Value { get; set; }
        // Summary:
        //     Gets a collection of key/value pairs that are contained within a single cookie
        //     object.
        // Returns:
        //     A collection of cookie values.
        public NameValueCollection Values { get; }

        // Summary:
        //     Gets a shortcut to the System.Web.HttpCookie.Values property. This property
        //     is provided for compatibility with previous versions of Active Server Pages
        //     (ASP).
        // Parameters:
        //   key:
        //     The key (index) of the cookie value.
        // Returns:
        //     The cookie value.
        public string this[string key] { get; set; }



Response.Cookies["TestOne"].Value = "这是第一种添加Cookie的方式";

HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("TestTwo", "这是第二种添加Cookie的方式");



Response.Cookies["Student"]["FirstName"] = "";
Response.Cookies["Student"]["LastName"] = "";
Response.Cookies["Student"].Expires =DateTime.Now.AddDays(10);



  1. 将Cookie的范围限制到服务器上的某个文件夹,这允许你将Cookie限制到站点上的某个应用程序
  2. 将范围设置为某个域,这允许你指定域中的哪些子域可以访问Cookie



 Response.Cookies["Student"]["FirstName"] = "";
 Response.Cookies["Student"]["LastName"] = "";
 Response.Cookies["Student"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(10);
 Response.Cookies["Student"].Path = "/Students";




Response.Cookies["Student"]["FirstName"] = "";
Response.Cookies["Student"]["LastName"] = "";
Response.Cookies["Student"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(10);
Response.Cookies["Student"].Domain = "";


if (Request.Cookies["Student"] != null)
HttpCookie cookie
= Request.Cookies["Student"];  string name = Server.HtmlEncode(cookie.Value);


if (Request.Cookies["Student"] != null)
      string firstName = Server.HtmlEncode(Request.Cookies["Student"]["FirstName"]);
      string lastName = Server.HtmlEncode(Request.Cookies["Student"]["LastName"]);


if (Request.Cookies["Student"] != null)
    NameValueCollection collection = Request.Cookies["Student"].Values;


  不能直接修改Cookie,更改Cookie的过程设计创建一个具有新值的新Cookie,然后将其发送到浏览器来覆盖客户端的旧版本Cookie,下面的代码示例演示如何更改存储用户对站点的访问次数的 Cookie 的值:

int counter;
if (Request.Cookies["counter"] == null)
    counter = 0;
    counter = int.Parse(Request.Cookies["counter"].Value);

Response.Cookies["counter"].Value = counter.ToString();
Response.Cookies["counter"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);


  删除 Cookie(即从用户的硬盘中物理移除 Cookie)是修改 Cookie 的一种形式。由于 Cookie 在用户的计算机中,因此无法将其直接移除。但是,可以让浏览器来为您删除 Cookie。该技术是创建一个与要删除的 Cookie 同名的新 Cookie,并将该 Cookie 的到期日期设置为早于当前日期的某个日期。当浏览器检查 Cookie 的到期日期时,浏览器便会丢弃这个现已过期的 Cookie:

 Response.Cookies["Student"]["FirstName"] = "";
 Response.Cookies["Student"]["LastName"] = "";
 Response.Cookies["Student"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-10);


  若要删除单个子键,可以操作 Cookie 的 Values 集合,该集合用于保存子键。首先通过从 Cookies 对象中获取 Cookie 来重新创建 Cookie。然后您就可以调用 Values 集合的 Remove 方法,将要删除的子键的名称传递给 Remove 方法。接着,将 Cookie 添加到 Cookies 集合,这样 Cookie 便会以修改后的格式发送回浏览器。

posted @ 2012-05-31 23:47  pstune  阅读(225)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报