ACM ICPC 2017 Warmup Contest 9 I
I. Older Brother
Your older brother is an amateur mathematician with lots of experience. However, his memory is very bad. He recently got interested in linear algebra over finite fields, but he does not remember exactly which finite fields exist. For you, this is an easy question: a finite field of order q exists if and only if q is a prime power, that is, q = p^kpk holds for some prime number pand some integer k ≥ 1. Furthermore, in that case the field is unique (up to isomorphism).
The conversation with your brother went something like this:
The input consists of one integer q, satisfying 1 ≤ q ≤ 10^9109.
Output “yes” if there exists a finite field of order q. Otherwise, output “no”.
ACM ICPC 2017 Warmup Contest 9
1 //2017-10-24 2 #include <cstdlib> 3 #include <iostream> 4 #include <ctime> 5 6 typedef long long LL; 7 #define MAXN 10000 8 9 using namespace std; 10 11 LL factor[MAXN]; 12 int tot; 13 const int S=20; 14 15 LL muti_mod(LL a,LL b,LL c){ //返回(a*b) mod c,a,b,c<2^63 16 a%=c; 17 b%=c; 18 LL ret=0; 19 while (b){ 20 if (b&1){ 21 ret+=a; 22 if (ret>=c) ret-=c; 23 } 24 a<<=1; 25 if (a>=c) a-=c; 26 b>>=1; 27 } 28 return ret; 29 } 30 31 LL pow_mod(LL x,LL n,LL mod){ //返回x^n mod c ,非递归版 32 if (n==1) return x%mod; 33 int bit[90],k=0; 34 while (n){ 35 bit[k++]=n&1; 36 n>>=1; 37 } 38 LL ret=1; 39 for (k=k-1;k>=0;k--){ 40 ret=muti_mod(ret,ret,mod); 41 if (bit[k]==1) ret=muti_mod(ret,x,mod); 42 } 43 return ret; 44 } 45 46 bool check(LL a,LL n,LL x,LL t){ //以a为基,n-1=x*2^t,检验n是不是合数 47 LL ret=pow_mod(a,x,n),last=ret; 48 for (int i=1;i<=t;i++){ 49 ret=muti_mod(ret,ret,n); 50 if (ret==1 && last!=1 && last!=n-1) return 1; 51 last=ret; 52 } 53 if (ret!=1) return 1; 54 return 0; 55 } 56 57 bool Miller_Rabin(LL n){ 58 LL x=n-1,t=0; 59 while ((x&1)==0) x>>=1,t++; 60 bool flag=1; 61 if (t>=1 && (x&1)==1){ 62 for (int k=0;k<S;k++){ 63 LL a=rand()%(n-1)+1; 64 if (check(a,n,x,t)) {flag=1;break;} 65 flag=0; 66 } 67 } 68 if (!flag || n==2) return 0; 69 return 1; 70 } 71 72 LL gcd(LL a,LL b){ 73 if (a==0) return 1; 74 if (a<0) return gcd(-a,b); 75 while (b){ 76 LL t=a%b; a=b; b=t; 77 } 78 return a; 79 } 80 81 //找出任意质因数 82 LL Pollard_rho(LL x,LL c){ 83 LL i=1,x0=rand()%x,y=x0,k=2; 84 while (1){ 85 i++; 86 x0=(muti_mod(x0,x0,x)+c)%x; 87 LL d=gcd(y-x0,x); 88 if (d!=1 && d!=x){ 89 return d; 90 } 91 if (y==x0) return x; 92 if (i==k){ 93 y=x0; 94 k+=k; 95 } 96 } 97 } 98 99 //递归进行质因数分解N 100 void findfac(LL n){ 101 if (!Miller_Rabin(n)){ 102 factor[tot++] = n; 103 return; 104 } 105 LL p=n; 106 while (p>=n) p=Pollard_rho(p,rand() % (n-1) +1); 107 findfac(p); 108 findfac(n/p); 109 } 110 111 int main(){ 112 int n; 113 while(cin>>n){ 114 if(n == 1){ 115 cout<<"no"<<endl; 116 continue; 117 } 118 tot = 0; 119 findfac(n); 120 bool ok = 1; 121 for(int i = 1; i < tot; i++) 122 if(factor[i] != factor[i-1]){ 123 ok = 0; 124 break; 125 } 126 if(ok)cout<<"yes"<<endl; 127 else cout<<"no"<<endl; 128 } 129 return 0; 130 }