GitHub Note

Figure 1. working directory 工作区 and repository 版本区(stage/index暂存区 和 分支matser). 指针Head指向当前分区. [1]


  • git 追踪些什么[1]


3)不要使用Windows自带的记事本编辑任何文本文件。原因是Microsoft开发记事本的团队使用了一个非常弱智的行为来保存UTF-8编码的文件,他们自作聪明地在每个文件开头添加了0xefbbbf(十六进制)的字符,你会遇到很多不可思议的问题。建议下载Notepad++代替记事本,不但功能强大,而且免费!记得把Notepad++的默认编码设置为UTF-8 without BOM即可


  • Set username and user email

git config --global "your user name"
git config --global "your email address"


  • Begin in the local PC

cd ‘target folder path’  #go to the target working directory
pwd  #get current working directory
git status (if fatal, run ‘git init’ to create a git repository first)
git add .  #add all files/accept all changes
git commit –m “message for this commit”


  • roll back to previous version or return to the ‘future’ version

git log #可以查看提交历史,以便确定要回退到哪个版本
git reset –hard commit_id
git reflog  #查看命令历史,以便确定要回到未来的哪个版本
git diff HEAD -- filename  #check the difference of the file in working directory and repository
git checkout -- filename #roll back to the file in stage(暂存区)
git reset HEAD filename  #roll back to current version in repository, that is give up the version in stage


  • Authentication through SSH [3]

step1: ssh –keygen –t rsa #generate ssh key in local computer 
step2: Add SSH key to GitHub
step3: ssh –T   #check whether it is successful


  • connect local repository to the remote repository in GitHub

step1: set up a repository in GitHub[Note: Set as private]
step 2: git bash in the local PC:
git remote add origin***.git [Go to the target repository in GitHub and get this name]
git push -u origin master #the first time, master分支和远程的master分支关联起来
git push origin master #Synchronize your repository in GitHub when the repository in your local PC is updated 


  • How to delet git

直接手动删去该文件夹下的.git文件夹,再‘git status’ 即发现仓库不存在了



[1] 廖雪峰git教程

[2] GitHub Guides 10 minute

[3] 从零开学GitHub.pdf author: stormzhang


posted @ 2019-06-02 21:07  OrangeStand  阅读(139)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报