



--        IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM DOC_Order_Header b LEFT JOIN @tblData a

--                         ON

--                         a.ConsigneeID = b.ConsigneeID

--                         AND a.ConsigneeID = b.ConsigneeID

--                               AND a.SOReference1 = b.SOReference1

--                               AND a.H_EDI_01 = b.H_EDI_01

--                               AND a.OrderTime = b.OrderTime

--                               AND a.H_EDI_02 = b.H_EDI_02

--                               AND a.HeaderNotes = b.Notes

--                               WHERE b.CustomerID = 'KKKL'

--                         )

--        BEGIN

--        SET @Msg = @Msg + '订单号:' +  @sSOReference1 + '已存在,请检查数据!'

--        RETURN -1                

--        END




  SET @sConsigneeID = NULL

  SELECT @sConsigneeID = ISNULL(@sConsigneeID + ',', '') + ConsigneeID

  FROM (

    SELECT DISTINCT a.ConsigneeID AS ConsigneeID

    FROM @tblAllData a

      LEFT JOIN BAS_Customer co ON a.ConsigneeID = co.CustomerID AND co.Customer_Type = 'CO'


      co.CustomerID IS NULL ) a

  IF @sConsigneeID <> ''

    SET @Msg = @Msg + '客户档案不存在:' + @sConsigneeID



    SET @sSOReference1 = NULL

  SELECT @sSOReference1 = ISNULL(@sSOReference1 + ',', '') + SOReference1

  FROM (

    SELECT DISTINCT a.SOReference1 AS SOReference1

    FROM @tblAllData a

      LEFT JOIN DOC_Order_Header oh ON a.SOReference1 = oh.SOReference1 AND oh.CustomerID = 'KKKL'


      oh.SOReference1 IS NOT NULL ) a

  IF @sSOReference1 <> ''

    SET @Msg = @Msg + '订单已存在:' + @sSOReference1

Ps 创建临时表  CREATE TABLE #TEMP 加两个##表示系统级别的临时表

posted @ 2016-07-26 10:30  ShirlySaku  阅读(570)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报