《CLR via C#》读书笔记 之 CLR寄宿和AppDomain

第二十三章 CLR寄宿和AppDomain


22.1 CLR寄宿
22.2 AppDomain

22.1 CLR寄宿


 .NET Framework在Microsoft Windows平台跑,意味着它必须用Windows可理解的技术来构建。所以,所有的托管模块和程序集文件必须使用Windows PE文件格式,而且要么是Window EXE文件,要么是DLL文件。

开发CLR时,Microsoft实际上把他实现成在一个DLL中的COM服务器。也就是说,Microsoft为CLR定义了一个标准的COM接口,并为该接口和COM服务器分配了GUID。安装.NET Framework时,代表CLR的COM服务器和其他COM服务器一样在Windows注册表中注册。



(2)Windows将x86、x64或IA64版本的MSCorEE.dll加载到进程的地址空间中(参考1.3 加载公共语言运行时)


  •     设置宿主管理器。CLR宿主要做的事:内存管理,程序集加载,安全性,异常处理,以及线程同步。
  •         初始化并启动CLR
  •         加载程序集并执行其中代码。
  •         停止CLR。

22.2 AppDomain







上图中演示了一个Windows进程,其中运行着一个CLR COM服务器。该CLR当前管理者两个AppDomain。每个AppDomain都有自己的Loader堆(参考4.4 运行时相互关系)。除此之外,每个AppDomain都加载了一些程序集。还有一个与进程相同生命周期的“AppDomain中立”提供公用的程序集。






View Code
  1 using System;
  2 using System.Collections.Generic;
  3 using System.Diagnostics;
  4 using System.Reflection;
  5 using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
  6 using System.Runtime.Remoting;
  7 using System.Threading;
  9 public sealed class Program
 10 {
 11     public static void Main()
 12     {
 13         Marshalling();
 14     }
 16     private static void Marshalling()
 17     {
 18         // Get a reference to the AppDomain that that calling thread is executing in
 19         AppDomain adCallingThreadDomain = Thread.GetDomain();
 21         // Every AppDomain is assigned a friendly string name (helpful for debugging)
 22         // Get this AppDomain's friendly string name and display it
 23         String callingDomainName = adCallingThreadDomain.FriendlyName;
 24         Console.WriteLine("Default AppDomain's friendly name={0}", callingDomainName);
 26         // Get & display the assembly in our AppDomain that contains the 'Main' method
 27         String exeAssembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().FullName;
 28         Console.WriteLine("Main assembly={0}", exeAssembly);
 30         // Define a local variable that can refer to an AppDomain
 31         AppDomain ad2 = null;
 33         // *** DEMO 1: Cross-AppDomain Communication using Marshal-by-Reference
 34         Console.WriteLine("{0}Demo #1", Environment.NewLine);
 35         // Create new AppDomain (security & configuration match current AppDomain)
 36         ad2 = AppDomain.CreateDomain("AD #2", null, null);
 37         MarshalByRefType mbrt = null;
 38         // Load our assembly into the new AppDomain, construct an object, marshal 
 39         // it back to our AD (we really get a reference to a proxy)
 40         mbrt = (MarshalByRefType)
 41            ad2.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(exeAssembly, "MarshalByRefType");
 42         Console.WriteLine("Type={0}", mbrt.GetType());  // The CLR lies about the type
 43         // Prove that we got a reference to a proxy object
 44         Console.WriteLine("Is proxy={0}", RemotingServices.IsTransparentProxy(mbrt));
 45         // This looks like we're calling a method on MarshalByRefType but, we're not.
 46         // We're calling a method on the proxy type. The proxy transitions the thread
 47         // to the AppDomain owning the object and calls this method on the real object.
 48         mbrt.SomeMethod();
 49         // Unload the new AppDomain
 50         AppDomain.Unload(ad2);
 51         // mbrt refers to a valid proxy object; the proxy object refers to an invalid AppDomain
 52         try
 53         {
 54             // We're calling a method on the proxy type. The AD is invalid, exception is thrown
 55             mbrt.SomeMethod();
 56             Console.WriteLine("Successful call.");
 57         }
 58         catch (AppDomainUnloadedException)
 59         {
 60             Console.WriteLine("Failed call.");
 61         }
 63         // *** DEMO 2: Cross-AppDomain Communication using Marshal-by-Value
 64         Console.WriteLine("{0}Demo #2", Environment.NewLine);
 65         // Create new AppDomain (security & configuration match current AppDomain)
 66         ad2 = AppDomain.CreateDomain("AD #2", null, null);
 67         // Load our assembly into the new AppDomain, construct an object, marshal 
 68         // it back to our AD (we really get a reference to a proxy)
 69         MarshalByValType mbvt = (MarshalByValType)
 70            ad2.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(exeAssembly, "MarshalByValType");
 71         // Prove that we did NOT get a reference to a proxy object
 72         Console.WriteLine("Is proxy={0}", RemotingServices.IsTransparentProxy(mbvt));
 73         // This looks like we're calling a method on MarshalByValType and we are.
 74         Console.WriteLine("Returned object created " + mbvt.ToString());
 75         // Unload the new AppDomain
 76         AppDomain.Unload(ad2);
 77         // mbvt refers to valid object; unloading the AppDomain has no impact.
 78         try
 79         {
 80             // We're calling a method on an object; no exception is thrown
 81             Console.WriteLine("Returned object created " + mbvt.ToString());
 82             Console.WriteLine("Successful call.");
 83         }
 84         catch (AppDomainUnloadedException)
 85         {
 86             Console.WriteLine("Failed call.");
 87         }
 89         // DEMO 3: Cross-AppDomain Communication using non-marshalable type
 90         Console.WriteLine("{0}Demo #3", Environment.NewLine);
 91         // Create new AppDomain (security & configuration match current AppDomain)
 92         ad2 = AppDomain.CreateDomain("AD #2", null, null);
 93         // Load our assembly into the new AppDomain, construct an object, marshal 
 94         // The object's method returns an non-marshalable object; exception
 95         NonMarshalableType nmt = (NonMarshalableType)
 96            ad2.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(exeAssembly, "NonMarshalableType");
 97         // The object's method returns an non-marshalable object; exception
 98     }
 99 }
101 // Instances can be marshaled-by-reference across AppDomain boundaries
102 public sealed class MarshalByRefType : MarshalByRefObject
103 {
104     public MarshalByRefType()
105     {
106         Console.WriteLine("{0} ctor running in {1}",
107            this.GetType().ToString(), Thread.GetDomain().FriendlyName);
108     }
110     public void SomeMethod()
111     {
112         Console.WriteLine("Executing in " + Thread.GetDomain().FriendlyName);
113     }
114 }
116 // Instances can be marshaled-by-value across AppDomain boundaries
117 [Serializable]
118 public sealed class MarshalByValType : Object
119 {
120     private DateTime m_creationTime = DateTime.Now; // NOTE: DateTime is [Serializable]
122     public MarshalByValType()
123     {
124         Console.WriteLine("{0} ctor running in {1}, Created on {2:D}",
125            this.GetType().ToString(),
126            Thread.GetDomain().FriendlyName,
127            m_creationTime);
128     }
130     public override String ToString()
131     {
132         return m_creationTime.ToLongDateString();
133     }
134 }
136 // Instances cannot be marshaled across AppDomain boundaries
137 // [Serializable]
138 public sealed class NonMarshalableType : Object
139 {
140     public NonMarshalableType()
141     {
142         Console.WriteLine("Executing in " + Thread.GetDomain().FriendlyName);
143     }
144 }




1. Marshal-by-Reference


2. Marshal-by-Value







重要提示:如果一个线程当前正在finally块、catch块、类构造器、临界执行区(critical execution region)域或非托管代码中执行,那么CLR不会立即终止该线程。否则,资源清理代码、错误恢复代码、类型初始化代码、关键代码或者其他任何CLR不了解的代码都无法完成,导致应用程序的行为变得无法预测,甚至可能造成安全漏洞。线程在终止时,会等待这些代码块执行完毕。然后当代码块结束时,CLR再强制线程抛出一个ThreadAbortException。







posted @ 2013-03-17 17:22  明-Ming  阅读(1373)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报