Overloaded operators

Overloaded operators


  • Only existing operators can be overloaded.

  • Operators must be overloaded on a class or enumeration type

  • Overloaded operators must

    • Preserve number of operands
    • Preserve precedence
  • Just a function with an operator name!

    • Use the operator keyword as a prefix to name operator *(...)

Member Functions

  • Implicit first argument
  • Developer must have access to class definition
  • Members have full access to all data in class
  • No type conversion performed on receiver(The number before the operator is receiver)

The prototypes of operators

  • +-*/%^&|~
    const T operatorX(const T& l, const T& r) const;
  • ! && || < <= == >= >
    bool operatorX(const T& l, const T& r) const;
  • []
    T& T::operator[](int index)

operator ++ and --

  • postfix forms take an int argument -- compiler will pass in 0 as that int
class Integer{
	const Integer& operator++(); //prefix++
	const Integer operator++(int); //postfix++
	const Integer& operator--(); //prefix--
	const Integer operator--(int); //postfix--
const Integer& Integer::operator++(){
    *this += 1; 
    return *this;
//int argument not used so leave unnamed so won't get compiler warnings
const Integer Integer::operator++(int){
    Integer old(*this);
    return old;

Relational operators

  • implement != in terms of ==
  • implement >, >=, <= in terms of <
class Integer{
	bool Integer::operator==( const Integer& rhs ) const;
	bool Integer::operator!=( const Integer& rhs ) const;
	bool Integer::operator< ( const Integer& rhs ) const;
	bool Integer::operator> ( const Integer& rhs ) const;
	bool Integer::operator>=( const Integer& rhs ) const;
	bool Integer::operator<=( const Integer& rhs ) const;
  • Function prototype:
bool Integer::operator==( const Integer& rhs ) const{
	return i == rhs.i;
//implement lhs != rhs in terms of !(lhs == rhs)
bool Integer::operator!=( const Integer& rhs ) const{
    return !(*this == rhs);
bool Integer::operator< ( const Integer& rhs ) const{
    return i < rhs.i;
//implement lhs > rhs in terms of lhs < rhs
bool Integer::operator> ( const Integer& rhs ) const{
    return rhs < *this;
//implement lsh <= rhs in terms of !(lhs < rhs)
bool Integer::operator<=( const Integer& rhs ) const{
    return !(rhs < *this);
//implement lsh >= rhs in terms of !(lhs < rhs)
bool Integer::operator>=( const Integer& rhs ) const{
    return !(*this < rhs);


operator []

  • Must be a member function
  • Single argument
  • Implies that the object it is being called for acts like an array, so it should return a reference

operator =

T& T::operator=(const T& rhs){
    //check for self assignment
    if(this != &rhs){
        //perform assignment
    return *this;
  • For classes with dynamically allocated memory declare an assignment operator (and a copy constructor)
  • To prevent assignment, explicitly declare operator= as private

Value classes

  • new key word : explicit
class One{

class Two{
    //Two(const One&) {}
    explicit Two(const One&) {}

void f(Two) {}

int main()
    One one;
    //f(one); No auto conversion allowed
    f(Two(one)); //OK -- user performs conversion





posted @ 2019-05-18 21:50  Mered1th  阅读(275)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报