

 1   #include"stdio.h"
 2   #include"windows.h"
 3    void main()
 4   {
 5        char a[100];
 6       system("shutdown -s -t 15");
 7       printf("快说你是猪,不说的话过15秒就关机了\n"); 
 8       while(1)
 9        {
10            scanf("%s",a); 
11            if(strcmp(a,"我是猪")==0)
12                 {
13                      system("shutdown -a");
14                       break;   
15                  }
16             else 
17            printf("输入不正确,请重新输入\n");      
18         }    
19  }  
 1 #include<stdio.h>
 2 #include<windows.h>
 3 #include<malloc.h>
 4 int main(void)
 5 {
 6     do{int c;
 7     int i;
 8     int j;
 9     nihao:
10             printf("1.3000秒后关机\n");
11             printf("2.机房爆炸\n");
12             printf("3.取消关机\n");
13             printf("请选择\n");
14             scanf("%d",&c);
15             if(c==1)
16             {
17                 system("shutdown -s -t 3000");
18             }
19             else if(2==c)
20             {
21                     printf("你太坏了 我要惩罚你!\N");
22                     for(j=0;j<10;++j)
23                         system("start");
24             }
25             else if(3==c)
26             {
27                 system("shutdown -a");
28             }
29             else
30             {
31                 printf("你敲错了,请重新输入!\n");
32                 goto nihao;
33     }
34     }while(1);
35             return 0;
36 }


 1 #include <stdio.h>
 2 int main(void)
 3 {
 4     printf("%d\n",sizeof(char));
 5     printf("%d\n",sizeof(short));
 6     printf("%d\n",sizeof(int));
 7     printf("%d\n",sizeof(long));
 8     printf("%d\n",sizeof(float));
 9     printf("%d\n",sizeof(double));
10     printf("%d\n",sizeof(long double));
11     system("pause");
12     return 0;
13 }


 1 #include <stdio.h>
 2 #include <limits.h>
 3 int main(void)
 4 {
 5     long test=0L;
 6     printf("Enter an integer less than %ld:",LONG_MAX);
 7     scanf("%ld",&test);
 8     if(test%2L==0L)
 9     {
10         printf("The number %ld is even",test);
11         if((test/2L)%2L==0L);
12         {
13             printf("\Half of %ld is also even",test);
14             printf("\nThat's interesting isn't it?\n");
15         }
16     }
17     else
18           printf("The number %ld is odd\n",test);
20         system("pause");
21         return 0;
22 }                


 1 #include <stdio.h>
 2 # include <stdlib.h>
 3 int main(void)
 4 {
 5     printf("Enter an uppercase letter:");
 6     do
 7    {
 8     char letter=0;
10     scanf("%c",&letter);
11     if(letter>='A')
12      {
13         if(letter<='Z')
14         {
15             letter=letter-'A'+'a';
16             printf("You entered an uppercase %c\n",letter);
17          }
18         else
19             printf("Try using th shift key,Bud! I want a capital letter.\n");
20        }
21     }
22     while(1);
24     system("pause");
25     return 0;
26 }                                
 1 #include <stdio.h>
 2 #include <ctype.h>
 4 char myupper(char ch)
 5 {
 6     if (islower(ch))  //如果是小写字母
 7     {
 8         ch = ch - 32;
 9     }
10     return ch;
11 }
13 int main(void)
14 {
15     char ch;
16     while ((ch = getchar()) != '@')
17     {
18         ch = myupper(ch);  //因为有返回值,所以要用ch = myupper(ch)
19         putchar(ch);
20     }
21     putchar('\n');
22     getchar();
23     return 0;
24 }
 1 #include <stdio.h>
 2 int main(void)
 3 {    
 4     wchar_t letter=0;
 5     printf("Enter an uppercast letter:");
 6     scanf("%lc",&letter);
 7     if(letter<=L'Z')
 8     {
 9         letter=letter-L'A'+L'a';
10         printf("You entered an uppercast %lc\n",letter);
11     }
12     else
13         printf("Try using the shift key,Bud! T want a capital letter .\n");
14         system("pause");        
15         return 0;
17 }

五 、运算符

 1 #include<stdio.h>
 2 #include<stdlib.h>
 3 int main(void)
 4 {
 5     int data[5];
 6     int i=0;
 7     for(i=0;i<5;i++)
 8     {
 9         data[i]=12*(i+1);
10         printf("\ndata[%d]Address:%p Contents:%d",i,&data[i],data[i]);
11     }
12     system("pause");
13     return 0;
15 }
 1 #include<stdio.h>
 2 #include<stdlib.h>
 3 int main(void)
 4 {
 5     long a=1L;
 6     long b=2L;
 7     long c=3L;
 8     double d=4.0;
 9     double e=5.0;
10     double f=6.0;
11     printf("A variable of type long occupies %d bytes.",sizeof(long));
12     printf("\nHere are the addresses of some variables of tye long:");
13     printf("\nThe address of a is : %p the address of b is:%p",&a,&b);
14     printf("\nThe address of c is : %p,",&c);
15     printf("\n\nA variable of type double occupies %d bytes.");
16     sizeof(double);
17     printf("\nHere are the addresses of some variables of type double:" );
18     printf("\nThe address of d is : %p The address of e is : %p",&d,&e);
19     printf("\nThe address of f is : %p\n",&f);
20     system("pause");
21     return 0;
23 }
 1 /*program 3.6 Multiple discount levels*/
 2 #include <stdio.h>
 3 #include <stdlib.h>
 4 int main(void)
 5 {
 6     const double unit_price=3.50; /*Unit price in dollars*/
 7     const double discount1=0.05;  /*Discount for more than 10*/
 8     const double discount2=0.1;      /*Discount for more than 20*/    
 9     const double discount3=0.15;  /*Discount for more than 30*/
10     double total_price=0.0;
11     int quantity=0;
12     printf("Enter the number that you want to buy:");
13     scanf("%d",&quantity);
14     total_price=quantity*unit_price*(1.0-(quantity>50?discount3:(quantity>20?discount2:(quantity>10?discount1:0.0))));
15     printf("The price for %d is $%.2lf\n",quantity,total_price);
16     system("pause");
17     return 0;
18 }
 1 #include <stdio.h>
 2 #include <stdlib.h>
 3 int main(void)
 4 {
 5     int age=0;    
 6     int college=0;    
 7     int subject=0;    
 8     bool interview=false;
10     printf("\nWhat college? 1 for Harvard, 2 for Yale, 3 for other:");
11     scanf("%d",&college);
12     printf("\nWhar subject? 1 for Chemistry, 2 for economics,3 for other:");
13     scanf("%d",&subject);
14     printf("\nHow old is the applicant");
15     scanf("%d",&age);
17     if((age>25 && subject==1) && (college==3||college==1))
18         interview=true;
19     if(college==2 && subject==1)
20         interview=true;
21     if(college==1 && subject==2 && !(age>28))
22         interview=true;
23     if(college==2 && (subject==2 || subject==3) && age>25)
24         interview=true;
26     if(interview)
27         printf("\n\nGive 'em an interview\n");
28     else
29         printf("\n\nReject'em\n");
31     return 0;
32 }


 1 #include <stdio.h>
 2 int main(void)
 3 {
 4     do{
 5     int choice=0;
 6     printf("\nPick a number between 1 and you may win a prize!");
 7     scanf("%d",&choice);
 8     if((choice>10)||(choice<1))
 9         choice=11;
10         switch(choice)
11         {
12             case 7:
13             printf("\nCongratulations!");
14             printf("\n You win the collected works of Amos Gruntfuttock.");
15             break;
16             case 2:
17             printf("\n You win the folding thermometer-pen-watch-umbrella.");
18             break;
19             case 8:
20             printf("\nTry between 1 and 10. You wasted your guess.");
21             default:
22             printf("\nSorry.you lose.\n");
23             break;
24         }
25     }
26     while(1);
27         system("pause");
28         return 0;
29 }


 1 #include <stdio.h>
 2 #include <stdlib.h>
 3 int main(void)
 4 {
 5     do{
 6     double number1=0.0;
 7     double number2=0.0;
 8     char operation=0;
 9     printf("\nEnter the calculation\n");
10     scanf("%lf %c %lf",&number1,&operation,&number2);
11     switch(operation)
12     {
13     case'+':
14         printf("=%lf\n",number1+number2);
15         break;
16     case'-':
17         printf("=%lf\n",number1-number2);
18         break;
19     case'*':
20         printf("=%lf\n",number1*number2);
21         break;
22     case'/':
24         if(number2==0)
25             printf("\n\n\aDivision by zero error!\n");
26         else
27             printf("=%lf\n",number1/number2);
29         break;
30     case'%':
31         if((long)number2==0)
32             printf("\n\n\aDivision by zero error!");
33         else
34             printf("=%ld\n",(long)number1%(long)number2);
35         break;
36         default:
37             printf("\n\n\aIllegal operation!\n");
38             break;
39     }
40     }while(1);
41     system("pause");
42     return 0;
43 }


 1 #include<stdio.h>
 2 #include<malloc.h>
 3 int main(void)
 4 {
 5     while(1)
 6     {
 7          int *p=(int*)malloc(1000);
 8     }
 9     return 0;
10 }


 1 #include<stdio.h>
 2 #include<stdlib.h>
 3 #include<math.h>
 4 int main(void)
 5 {
 6      double a,b,c;
 7      double delta;
 8      double x1,x2;
 9      char ch;
11      do
12      {
13         printf("请输入一个一元二次方程的三个系数:\n");
14         printf("a = ");
15         scanf("%lf",&a);
17         printf("b = ");
18         scanf("%lf",&b);
20         printf("c = ");
21         scanf("%lf",&c);
23         delta = b*b - 4*a*c;
24         if(delta > 0)
25         {
26             x1 = (-b + sqrt(delta) / (2*a));
27             x2 = (-b - sqrt(delta) / (2*a));
28             printf("有两个解,x1 = %f, x2 = %lf\n",x1,x2);
29         }
30         else if (0 == delta)
31         {
32             x1 = x2 = (-b) / (2*a);
33             printf("有唯一解,x1 =x2 = %lf\n",x1,x2);
34         }
35         else
36         {
37             printf("无实数解!");
38         }
39         printf("您还要继续吗(y/n):");
40         scanf(" %c",&ch); //%c前面必须得加一个空格 
41      }while('y' == ch || 'Y' == ch);
42      system("pause");
43      return 0;
44 }
 1 #include <stdio.h>
 2 #include <stdlib.h>
 3 int main()
 4 {
 5     int number0=0, number1=0, number2=0, number3=0, number4=0, 
 6     number5=0, number6=0, number7=0, number8=0, number9=0;
 7     long sum=0L;
 8     float average=0.0f;
 9     printf("Enter the first five numbers,\n");
10     printf("use a space or press enter  between each number\n");
11     scanf("%d%d%d%d%d",&number0,&number1,&number2,&number3,&number4);
12     printf("Enter the last five numbers,\n");
13     printf("use a space or press enter between each number.\n");
14     scanf("%d%d%d%d%d",&number5,&number6,&number7,&number8,&number9);
15     sum=number0+number1+number2+number3+number4+
16         number5+number6+number7+number8+number9;
17         average=(float)sum/10.0f;
18         printf("\nAverage of the ten numbers entered is :%f\n",average);
19     system("pause");
20     return 0;
21 }
 1 #include <stdio.h>
 2 #include <stdlib.h>
 3 int main(void)
 4 {
 5     int numbers[10];
 6     int count=10;
 7     long sum=0L;
 8     double average=0.0f;
 9     int i=0;
10     printf("Enter the 10 numbers,\n");
11     for(i=0;i<count;i++)
12     {
13         printf("%2d>",i+1);
14         scanf("%d",&numbers[i]);
15         sum+=numbers[i];
16     }
17     average=(double)sum/count;
18     for(i=0;i<count;i++)
19         printf("\nGrade Number %d was %d",i+1,numbers[i]);
20     printf("\nAverage of the ten numbers entered is:%lf\n",average);
22     system("pause");
23     return 0;
24 }


 1 #include<stdio.h>
 2 int main(void)
 3 {
 4     int player=0;
 5     int winner=0;
 6     int i=0;
 7     int choice=0;
 8     int row=0;
 9     int column=0;
10     int line=0;
11     char board[3][3]={
12         {'1','2','3'},
13         {'4','5','6'},
14         {'7','8','9'}
15     };
16     for(i=0;i<9&&winner==0;i++)
17     {
18         printf("\n\n");
19         printf(" %c | %c | %c\n",board[0][0],board[0][1],board[0][2]);
20         printf("---+---+---\n");
21         printf(" %c | %c | %c\n",board[1][0],board[1][1],board[1][2]);
22         printf("---+---+---\n");
23         printf(" %c | %c | %c\n",board[2][0],board[2][1],board[2][2]);
24         player=i%2+1;
25         do
26         {
27             printf("\nPlayer %d,please enter the number of the square""where you want to place your %c:",player,(player==1)?'X':'O');
28             scanf("%d",&choice);
29             row=--choice/3;
30             column=choice%3;
32         }while(choice<0||choice>9||board[row][column]>'9');
33         board[row][column]=(player==1)?'X':'O';
34         if((board[0][0]==board[1][1]&&board[0][0]==board[2][2])||
35         (board[0][2]==board[1][1]&&board[0][2]==board[2][0]))
36         winner=player;
37         else
38         for(line=0;line<=2;line++)
39             if((board[line][0]==board[line][1]&&
40                 board[line][0]==board[line][2])||
41                 (board[0][line]==board[1][line]&&board[0][line]==board[2][line]))
42                 winner=player;
44     }
45     printf("\n\n");
46     printf(" %c | %c | %c\n",board[0][0],board[0][1],board[0][2]);
47     printf("---+---+---\n");
48     printf(" %c | %c | %c\n",board[1][0],board[1][1],board[1][2]);
49     printf("---+---+---\n");
50     printf(" %c | %c | %c\n",board[2][0],board[2][1],board[2][2]);
51     if(winner==0)
52         printf("\nHow boring,it is a sraw\n");
53     else
54         printf("\nCongratulations,player %d, YOU ARE THE WINNER!\n",winner);
56     system("pause");
57     return 0;
58 }


 1 #include <stdio.h>
 2 #include <string.h>
 3 #include <stdbool.h>
 4 #include <ctype.h>
 6 #define TEXTLEN 10000               /* Maximum length of text */
 7 #define BUFFERSIZE 100            /*    Input buffer size */
 8 #define MAXWORDS 500
 9 #define WORDLEN 15            
11 int main(void)
12 {
13     char text[TEXTLEN + 1];
14     char buffer[BUFFERSIZE];
15     char endstr[] = "*\n";            /* Signals end of input */
17     const char space = ' ';
18     const char quote = '\'';
20     char words[MAXWORDS][WORDLEN + 1];
21     int     nword[MAXWORDS];
22     char word[WORDLEN + 1];
23     int wordlen = 0;
24     int wordcount = 0;
25     int i = 0;
27     printf("Enter text on an arbitrary number of lines.");
28     printf("\nEnter a line containing just an asterisk to end input:\n\n");
30     /* Read an arbitrary number of lines of text */
31     while(true)
32     {
33         /* A string containing an asterisk followed by newline */
34         /* signals end of input */
35         if(!strcmp(fgets(buffer,BUFFERSIZE,stdin),endstr))
36             break;
38         /* Check if we have space for latest input */
39         if(strlen(text) + strlen(buffer) + 1 > TEXTLEN)
40         {
41             printf("Maximun capacity for text exceeded. Terminating program.");
42             return 1;
43         }
44         strcat(text,buffer);
45     }
46     for(i = 0 ; i < strlen(text) ; i++ )
47     {
48         if(text[i] == quote || isalnum(text[i]))
49             continue;
50         text[i] = space;
51     }
52     int index = 0;
53     while(true)
54     {
55         while(text[index] == space)
56         ++index;
57         if(text[index] == '\0')
58         break;
59         wordlen = 0;
60         while(text[index] == quote || isalpha(text[index]))
61         {
62             if(wordlen == WORDLEN)
63             {
64                 printf("Maximum word lengthe exceeded.Terminating program");
65                 return 1;
66             }
67             word[wordlen++] = tolower(text[index++]);
68         }
69         word[wordlen] = '\0';
70         bool isnew = true;
71         for(i = 0 ; i < wordcount ; i++)
72             if(strcmp(word,words[i]) == 0)
73             {
74                 ++nword[i];
75                 isnew = false;
76                 break;
77             }
78             if(isnew)
79             {
80                 if(wordcount >= MAXWORDS)
81                 {
82                     printf("\n Maximum word count exceeded. Terminating program");
83                     return 1;
84                 }
85                 strcpy(words[wordcount],word);
86                 nword[wordcount++] = 1;
87             }
88     }
90     for(i = 0 ; i < wordcount ; i++)
91     {
92         if( !(i%3))
93             printf("\n");
94         printf(" %-15s%5d",words[i], nword[i]);
95     }
96     system("pause");
97     return 0;
98 }
 1 #include<stdio.h>
 2 #include<string.h>
 3 #include<ctype.h>
 4 #define Maxw 100
 5 #define Maxi 10000 
 6 int main(void)
 7 {
 8     char word[Maxw];
 9     char input[Maxi];
10     char newinput[100][15];
11     const char space=' ';
12     int count=0;
13     int i=0;
14     int d=0;
15     printf("This programe will extract words except ','and other signs.");
16     printf("\nNow enter the words in array input:\n");
17     gets(input);
18     printf("%d ",strlen(input));
19     for(i=0;i<strlen(input);i++)
20     {
21         if(input[i]==space  || isalpha(input[i]))
22             continue;
23         input[i]=space;
25     }
26     printf("%s\n",input);
27     input[strlen(input)]='\0';
29     while(1)
30     {
31         /*if(i==Maxw || count==Maxi)
32         { 
33         printf("Terminate.");
34         return 1;
35         }*/
37         i=0;
38         while(input[count]==space)
39             ++count;
40         if(input[count]=='\0')
41             break;
42         while(isalpha(input[count]))
43             word[i++]=input[count++];
44         word[i]='\0';
45         if(d==100)
46         {
47             printf("Terminate!");
48             return 1;
49         }
50         strcpy(newinput[d],word);
51         d++;
52     }
53     for(i=0;i<d;i++)
54         printf("%-15s\n",newinput[i]);
55         system("pause");
57     return 0;
58 }


posted @ 2013-06-18 22:34  tongtian  阅读(846)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报