

Good Morning Sir/Madam 先生/女士 早晨好

Good Afternoon 午安

How are you? 你好么

Do you speak English? 你讲英语吗?

I can speak a little English. 我可以讲一点英语

Please speak slowly. 请慢慢讲

Would you mind speak louder please? 请讲大声一些

Do you wear glasses? 你有戴眼镜么?

I wear contact lenses. 我戴隐型眼镜

Do you live at same address? 你住在上述地址么?

Do you have any medical problem? 你的健康有问题么?

Do you have any question? 你有什么问题么?

You must obey all the rules and traffic signs.你要遵守所有的交通规则和标志

Please sign your name here. 请在这里签名

Are you ready now? 你准备好了么?

Turn on the engine (car). 点火

Let's go. 现在开始

Right turn. 右转

Left turn. 左转

Go straight/keep moving straight. 直行

First street right turn/left turn. 第一条街右转/左转

Traffic light right turn/left turn. 交通灯右转/左转

Stop sign, make a right turn/left turn. 停牌右转/左转

Stay in this lane. 保持在这条线路行驶

Second street. 第二条街

Turn on the headlights. 开车头灯

Turn on the wind shield wiper. 开雨刷

Right of way. 优先权

Stop the car here. 在这里停车

Pull over the curb. 靠路边停车

Slow down 慢驶

Three point turn. 三点调头

Parallel parking. 平行泊车

Up hill parking. 上坡泊车

Down hill parking. 下坡泊车

Back up. 后退

Back into the driveway. 倒车进入车道

Too close. 太接近

Too slow. 太慢

Too fast. 太快

Speed up . 加速

Give your signal. 打灯号

Cancel your signal. 取消灯号

Try again. 再试一次

Watch for pedestrians. 注意行人

Take it easy/relax please. 请不要紧张

More gas. 加油

Follow the car. 跟着前车

Go back to the test centre. 回考试中心

Entrance. 入口

Exit 出口

Intersection 十字路口

Put on your seat belt. 放安全带

Parking brake . 手刹

Turn on the heater/air conditioner. 打开暖气/冷气

Head in parking/drive in . 车头进泊车

Back in parking. 后退泊车

Turn off the engine. 关闭引擎

You failed. 你不合格

Do you have any identification? 你有证件么

You passed. 你通过

Try again. 下次再试


room rate 房价

standard rate 标准价

en-suite 套房

family suite 家庭套房

twin room you 带两张单人床的房间

double room 带一张双人床的房间

advance deposit 定金

reservation 订房间

registration 登记

rate sheets 房价表

tariff 价目表

cancellation 取消预定

imperial suite 皇室套房

presidential suite 总统套房

suite deluxe 高级套房

junior suite 简单套房

mini suite 小型套房

honeymoon suite 蜜月套房

penthouse suite 楼顶套房

unmade room 未清扫房

on change 待清扫房

valuables 贵重品

porter 行李员

luggage/baggage 行李

registered/checked luggage 托运行李

light luggage 轻便行李

baggage elevator 行李电梯

baggage receipt 行李收据

trolley 手推车

storage room 行李仓

briefcase 公文包

suit bag 衣服袋

travelling bag 旅行袋

shoulder bag 背包

trunk 大衣箱

suitcase 小提箱

name tag 标有姓名的标签

regular flight 正常航班

non-scheduled flight 非正常航班

international flight 国际航班

domestic flight 国内航班

flight number 航班号

airport 机场

airline operation 航空业务

alternate airfield 备用机场

landing field 停机坪

international terminal 国际航班候机楼

domestic terminal 国内航班候机楼

control tower 控制台

jetway 登机道

air-bridge 旅客桥

visitors terrace 迎送平台

concourse 中央大厅

loading bridge 候机室至飞机的连接通路

airline coach service 汽车服务

shuttle bus 机场内来往班车


     1. I'm an office worker.


  2.I work for the government.


  3.I'm happy to meet you.


  4.I like your sense of humor.


  5.I'm glad to see you again.


  6.I'll call you.


  7.I feel like sleeping/taking a walk.


  8.I want something to eat.


  9.I need your help.


  10.I would like to talk to you for a minute.


  11.I have a lot of problems.


  12.I hope our dreams come true.


  13.I'm looking forward to seeing you.


  14.I'm supposed to go on a diet/get a raise.


  15.I heard that you're getting married. Congratulations.


  16.I see what you mean.


  17.I can't do this.


  18.Let me explain why I was late.


  19.Let's have a beer or something.


  20.Where is your office?


  21.What is your plan?


  22.When is the store closing?


  23.Are you sure you can come by at nine?


  24.Am I allowed to stay out past 10?


  25.the meeting was scheduled for two hours, but it is not over yet.


  26.Tom's birthday is this week.


  27.Would you care to see it/ sit down for a while?


  28.Can you cover for me on Friday/help me/ tell me how to get there?


  29.Could you do me a big favor?


  30.He is crazy about Crazy English.


  31.Can you imagine how much he paid for that car?


  32.Can you believe that I bought a TV for $25?


  33.Did you know he was having an affair/cheating on his wife?


  34.Did you hear about the new project?


  35.Do you realize that all of these shirts are half off?


  36.Do you mind if I take tomorrow off?


  37.I enjoy working with you very much.


  38.Did you know that Stone ended up marrying his secretary?


  39.Let's get together for lunch.


  40.How did you do on your test?


  41.Do you think you can come?


  42.How was your weekend ?


  43.Here is my card.


  44.He is used to eating out all the time.


  45.I'm getting a new computer for birthday present.


  46.Have you ever driven a BMW?


  47.How about if we go tomorrow instead?


  48.How do you like Hong Kong?


  49.How do you want your steak?


  50.How did the game turn out?


     51.How did Mary make all of her money?


  52.How was your date?


  53.How are you doing with your new boss?


  54.How should I tell him the bad news?


  55.How much money did you make?


  56.How much does it cost to go abroad?


  57.How long will it take to get to your house?


  58.How long have you been here?


  59.How nice/pretty/cold/funny/stupid/boring/interesting.

  60.How about going out for dinner?


  61.I'm sorry that you didn't get the job.


  62.I'm afraid that it's not going to work out.


  63.I guess I could come over.


  64.Is it okay to smoke in the office?


  65.It was kind of exciting.


  66.I know what you want.


  67.Is that why you don't want to go home?


  68.I'm sure we can get you a GREat / good deal.


  69.Would you help me with the report?


  70.I didn't know he was the richest person in the world.


  71.I'll have to ask my boss/wife first.


  72.I take it you don't aGREe.


  73.I tried losing weight, but nothing worked.


  74.It doesn't make any sense to get up so early.


  75.It took years of hard work to speak good English.


  76.It feels like spring/ I've been here before.


  77.I wonder if they can make it.


  78.It's not as cold / hot as it was yesterday.


  79.It's not his work that bothers me; it's his attitude.


  80.It sounds like you enjoyed it.


  81.It seems to me that he would like to go back home.


  82.It looks very nice.


  83.Is everything under control?


  84.I thought you could do a better job.


  85.It's time for us to say "No" to America.


  86.the show is supposed to be good.


  87.It really depends on who is in charge.


  88.It involves a lot of hard work.


  89.That might be in your favor.


  90.I didn't realize how much this meant to you.


  91.I didn't mean to offend you.


  92.I was wondering if you were doing anything this weekend.


  93.May I have your attention., please?


  94.This is GREat golfing / swimming/ picnic weather.


  95.Thanks for taking me the movie.


  96.I am too tired to speak.


  97.Would you tell me your phone number?


  98.Where did you learn to speak English?


  99.there is a TV show about AIDS on right now.


  100.What do you think of his new job/ this magazine?



1. i see.   我明白了。
2. i quit!   我不干了!
3. let go!   放手!
4. me too.   我也是。
5. my god!   天哪!
6. no way!   不行!
7. come on.   来吧(赶快)
8. hold on.   等一等。
9. i agree.   我同意。
10. not bad. 还不错。
11. not yet. 还没。
12. see you. 再见。
13. shut up! 闭嘴!
14. so long. 再见。
15. why not? 好呀! (为什么不呢?)
16. allow me. 让我来。
17. be quiet! 安静点!
18. cheer up! 振作起来!
19. good job! 做得好!
20. have fun! 玩得开心!
21. how much? 多少钱?
22. i’m full. 我饱了。
23. i’m home. 我回来了。
24. i’m lost. 我迷路了。
25. my treat. 我请客。
26. so do i. 我也一样。
27. this way。 这边请。
28. after you. 您先。
29. bless you! 祝福你!
30. follow me. 跟我来。
31. forget it! 休想! (算了!)
32. good luck! 祝好运!
33. i decline! 我拒绝!
34. i promise. 我保证。
35. of course! 当然了!
36. slow down! 慢点!
37. take care! 保重!
38. they hurt. (伤口)疼。
39. try again. 再试试。
40. watch out! 当心。
41. what’s up? 有什么事吗?
42. be careful! 注意!
43. bottoms up! 干杯(见底)!
44. don’t move! 不许动!
45. guess what? 猜猜看?
46. i doubt it 我怀疑。
47. i think so. 我也这么想。
48. i’m single. 我是单身贵族。
49. keep it up! 坚持下去!
50. let me see.让我想想。
51. never mind.不要紧。
52. no problem! 没问题!
53. that’s all! 就这样!
54. time is up. 时间快到了。
55. what’s new? 有什么新鲜事吗?
56. count me on 算上我。
57. don’t worry. 别担心。
58. feel better? 好点了吗?
59. i love you! 我爱你!
60. i’m his fan。 我是他的影迷。
61. is it yours? 这是你的吗?
62. that’s neat. 这很好。
63. are you sure? 你肯定吗?
64. do l have to 非做不可吗?
65. he is my age. 他和我同岁。
66. here you are. 给你。
67. no one knows . 没有人知道。
68. take it easy. 别紧张。
69. what a pity! 太遗憾了!
70. any thing else? 还要别的吗?
71. to be careful! 一定要小心!
72. do me a favor? 帮个忙,好吗?
73. help yourself. 别客气。
74. i’m on a diet. 我在节食。
75. keep in touch. 保持联络。
76. time is money. 时间就是金钱。
77. who’s calling? 是哪一位?
78. you did right. 你做得对。
79. you set me up! 你出卖我!
80. can i help you? 我能帮你吗?
81. enjoy yourself! 祝你玩得开心!
82. excuse me,sir. 先生,对不起。
83. give me a hand! 帮帮我!
84. how’s it going? 怎么样?
85. i have no idea. 我没有头绪。
86. i just made it! 我做到了!
87. i’ll see to it 我会留意的。
88. i’m in a hurry! 我在赶时间!
89. it’s her field. 这是她的本行。
90. it’s up to you. 由你决定。
91. just wonderful! 简直太棒了!
92. what about you? 你呢?
93. you owe me one.你欠我一个人情。
94. you’re welcome. 不客气。
95. any day will do. 哪一天都行夕
96. are you kidding? 你在开玩笑吧!
97. congratulations! 祝贺你!
98. t can’t help it. 我情不自禁。
99. i don’t mean it. 我不是故意的。
100. i’ll fix you up. 我会帮你打点的


1. You look great today.你今天看上去很棒。[每天都可以用!]
2. You did a good job. 你干得非常好。[国际最通用的表扬!]
3. We're so proud of you. 我们十分为你骄傲。[最高级的表扬!]
4. I'm very pleased with your work.我对你的工作非常满意。[正式、真诚的赞扬!]
5. This is really a nice place.这真是个好地方![随口就说、但效果很好的表扬!]
6. You're looking sharp! 你看上去真精神/真棒/真漂亮。[与众不同的表扬!]
7. You always know the right thing to say. =
8. You're very eloquent. 你总是说话得体。[高层次的表扬!]
9. Nice going! = you did a good job. 干得好![极其地道的表扬!]
10. The food is delicious. 好吃! [最普通、但非常重要的表扬!]
11. Everything tastes great. 每样东西都很美味!
12. Your son/daughter is so cute. 你的孩子很可爱。[外国人绝对喜欢听的表扬!]
13. What an adorable baby! 多么可爱的孩子。[只管大胆用!]
14. I admire your work. =
15. I respect your work. 我对你的工作表示敬意。[世界通用!]
16. You've got a great personality. 你的个性很好。[一个非常安全的表扬!]
17. You have a good sense of humor. 你真幽默。[美国人极其喜欢的表扬!]
18. Your chinese is really surprising. 你的中文令人惊讶。[绝对和其他人不一样的表扬!]
19. Your English is incredible. 我真不敢相信你的英语。[用了六星级形容词!]
20. You have a very successful business. 你的事业很成功。[现代人非常喜欢听!]
21. You're very professional. 你非常专业。[专业化的表扬!]
22. Your company is very impressive. 你的公司给我留下深刻印象。
23. You're so intelligent / smart. 你非常聪明。
24. I envy you very much. 我非常羡慕你。
25. Your wife is very charming. 你的妻子很有魅力!
26. You two make a lovely couple. 你们真是天生的一对!
27. You're really talented. 你很有天赋。
28. You look nice in that color. 你穿那种颜色很好看。
29. You have a good taste. 你很有品位。
30. You look like a million dollars. = you look outstanding.=you look like a movie star. 你看上去帅呆了。


30) A: Do you know there is a new theater down the street?

  B: Yeah. So what? 那又如何?那又怎样?

29) A: Did you know that Linda’s uncle is Jacky Chen?

  B: You are joking! 别开玩笑了How did you know that?

28) A: Could I borrow your car tomorrow?

  B: Sure! No problem. 没问题

27) A: The boss was every angry at the meeting.

  B: Why? Is there anything wrong? 有问题吗?

26) A: I didn’t mean to be bump into you.

  B: That’s all right. 没关系

25) A: Do you want the black tie or the red one?

  B: You decide. 你决定吧!

24) A: Be careful on the road. 路上小心It’s getting dark.

  B: Ok!

23) A: Everyone’s late.

  B: Not again! 不会吧!

22) A: Let’s call it a day. 今天到此为止吧!

  I am so tired.

  B: All right!

21) A: I have had enough! 我真是受够了!

  B: Why? What did he do?

20) A: Calm down. 冷静一点It’s not such a big deal.

  B: You won’t understand.

19) A: Please allow me让我来to open the door for you.

  B: Thank you!

18) A: Could I borrow your bike?

  B: Out of the question! 不可能的

17) A: When will you wake up?

  B: It depends. 看情形

16) A: The phone is ringing.

  B: I’ll get it. 我来接(电话)

15) A: I can’t finish my homework. Can you help me to do some?

  B: Who cares! 谁管你呀!

14) A: Do you know the height of that building?

  B: You’ve got me there. (Beats me) 我想不出来:你考倒我了

13) A: It’s an important test.

  B: Yes, I will go for it! 加油!

12) A: Let’s have pizza for lunch.

  B: No way! 不行I hate pizza.

11) A: We lost the game again!

  B: Cheer up! 振作点You’ll do better next time

10)A: Tell me the truth. I don’t want nonsense. 胡说 八道!

  B: I am telling the truth.

9)A: Please come in.

  B: After you. 你先(请)

8)A: Shall I tell him tonight or tomorrow?

  B: Whatever! 随你的便

7)A: May I leave a message, please?

  B: Hold on. 请稍等

6)A: What were you talking about?

  B: Mind your own business. 别多管闲事

5)A: Check, please.买单

  B: Yes, sir.

4)A: Do you really want to quit your job?

  B: I mean it. 我是说真的

3)It‘s on me. 我来付

  A: The beer is on me

  B: Thank you.

2)A: Hey! What’s up?嘿! 近来过得如何?

  B: Nothing much! As usual.

1)A: I have to go.

  B: See you later. 待会见;再联络


1. absolutely not. 绝对不是。
2. are you coming with me? 你跟我一起去吗?
3. are you sure? 你能肯定吗?
4. as soon as possible. 尽快。
5. believe me. 相信我。
6. buy it . 买下来!
7. call me tomorrow. 明天打电话给我。
8. can you speak slowly? 请您说得慢些好吗?
9. come with me. 跟我来。
10. congratulations. 恭喜恭喜。
11. do it right! 把它做对。
12. do you mean it ? 你是当真的吗?
13. do you see him often? 你经常见到他吗?
14. do you see it? = do you understand? 你明白了吗?
15. do you want it? 你要吗?
16. do you want something? 你想要些什么?
17. don’t do it . 不要做。
18. don’t exaggerate. 不要夸张。
19. don’t tell me that. 不要告诉我。
20. give me a hand . 帮我一下。
21. go right ahead. 一直往前走。
22. have a good trip. 祝旅途愉快。
23. have a nice day. 祝你一天过得愉快。
24. have you finished? 你做完了吗?
25. he doesn’t have time. 他没空。
26. he is on his way. 他现在已经在路上了。
27. how are you doing? 你好吗?
28. how long are you staying ? 你要呆多久?
29. i am crazy about her. 我对她着迷了。
30. i am wasting my time . 我在浪费时间。
31. i can do it . 我能做。
32. i can’t believe it . 我简直不能相信。
33. i can’t wait . 我不能再等了。
34. i don’t have time . 我没时间了。
35. i don’t know anybody. 我一个人都不认识。
36. i don’t like it . 我不喜欢。
37. i don’t think so .  我认为不是。
38. i feel much better. 我感觉好多了。
39. i found it .  我找到了。
40. i hope so . 我希望如此。
41. i knew it .  我早知道了。
42. i noticed that. 我注意到了。
43. i see. 我明白了。
44. i speak english well. 我英语说得很好。
45. i think so . 我认为是这样的。
46. i want to speak with him. 我想跟他说话。
47. i won. 我赢了。
48. i would like a cup of coffee, please. 请给我一杯咖啡。
49. i’m hungry. 我饿死了。
50. i’m leaving. 我要走了。
51. i’m sorry. 对不起。
52. i’m used to it . 我习惯了。
53. i’ll miss you. 我会想念你的。
54. i’ll try. 我试试看。
55. i’m bored. 我很无聊。
56. i’m busy. 我很忙。
57. i’m having fun. 我玩得很开心。
58. i’m ready. 我准备好了。
59. i’ve got it . 我明白了。
60. i’ve had it . 我受够了。
61. it’s incredible! 真是难以置信!
62. is it far? 很远吗?
63. it doesn’t matter. 没关系。
64. it smells good. 闻起来很香。
65. it’s about time . 是时候了。
66. it’s all right. 没关系。
67. it’s easy. 很容易。
68. it’s good. 很好。
69. it’s near here. 离这很近。
70. it’s nothing. 没什么。
71. it’s time to go . 该走了。
72. it’s different. 那是不同的。
73. it’s funny. 很滑稽。
74. it’s impossible. 那是不可能的
75. it’s not bad. 还行。
76. it’s not difficult. 不难.
77. it’s not worth it .  不值得。
78. it’s obvious. 很明显。
79. it’s the same thing. 还是一样的。
80. it’s your turn. 轮到你了。
81. let me see . 让我想想。
82. let me know . 告诉我。
83. me too. 我也一样。
84. not yet. 还没有。
85. relax! 放松。
86. see you tomorrow.  明天见。
87. she is my best friend . 她是我最好的朋友。
88. she is so smart. 她真聪明。
89. show me .  指给我看。
90. tell me . 告诉我。
91. thank you very much.  多谢。
92. that happens. 这样的事情经常发生。
93. that’s enough. 够了。
94. that’s interesting. 很有趣。
95. that’s right. 对了。
96. that’s true. 这是真的。
97. there are too many people here. 这里人很多。
98. they like each other. 他们互相倾慕。
99. think about it . 考虑一下。
100. too bad! 太糟糕啦!
101. wait for me . 等等我。
102. what did you say? 你说什么?
103. what do you think? 你认为怎样?
104. what is he talking about? 他在说些什么?
105. what terrible weather! 多坏的天气。
106. what’s going on/ happening / the problem? 怎么啦?
107. what’s the date today?今天几号?
108. where are you going ? 你去哪里?
109. where is he? 他在哪里?
110. you are impatient. 你太性急了。
111. you look tired. 你看上去很累。
112. you surprise me. 你让我大吃一惊。
113. you’re crazy. 你疯了。
114. you’re welcome. 别客气。
115. you’re always right. 你总是对的。
116. you’re in a bad mood. 你的心情不好。
117. you’re lying. 你在撒谎。
118. you’re wrong. 你错了。

posted on 2008-01-23 22:03  Mainz  阅读(1266)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报
