Libevent 事件管理和添加事件

*   我们先来看一下事件的创建
event * event_new(struct event_base *base, evutil_socket_t fd, short events, void (*cb)(evutil_socket_t, short, void *), void *arg) { struct event *ev; ev = mm_malloc(sizeof(struct event)); if (ev == NULL) return (NULL);
    //调用assign 给ev 赋值
if (event_assign(ev, base, fd, events, cb, arg) < 0) { mm_free(ev); return (NULL); } return (ev); } int event_assign(struct event *ev, struct event_base *base, evutil_socket_t fd, short events, void (*callback)(evutil_socket_t, short, void *), void *arg) { if (!base) base = current_base; if (arg == &event_self_cbarg_ptr_) arg = ev; event_debug_assert_not_added_(ev);     //设置ev结构体的各个参数 ev->ev_base = base; ev->ev_callback = callback; ev->ev_arg = arg; ev->ev_fd = fd; ev->ev_events = events; ev->ev_res = 0; ev->ev_flags = EVLIST_INIT; ev->ev_ncalls = 0; ev->ev_pncalls = NULL; if (events & EV_SIGNAL) {
if ((events & (EV_READ|EV_WRITE|EV_CLOSED)) != 0) { event_warnx("%s: EV_SIGNAL is not compatible with " "EV_READ, EV_WRITE or EV_CLOSED", __func__); return -1; } ev->ev_closure = EV_CLOSURE_EVENT_SIGNAL; } else { if (events & EV_PERSIST) {
            //如果事件是persist 清理记0 evutil_timerclear(
&ev->ev_io_timeout); ev->ev_closure = EV_CLOSURE_EVENT_PERSIST; } else { ev->ev_closure = EV_CLOSURE_EVENT; } } min_heap_elem_init_(ev);// 初始化最小堆索引为 -1    //void min_heap_elem_init_(struct event* e) { e->ev_timeout_pos.min_heap_idx = -1; }  if (base != NULL) { /* by default, we put new events into the middle priority */ ev->ev_pri = base->nactivequeues / 2; } event_debug_note_setup_(ev); return 0; }
 IO 事件管理
 反应堆中event_base 中
    struct event_io_map io;  
    struct event_signal_map sigmap;
  event_base->io       event_io_map ------> |    evmap_io   |--->|   io  |----->|   io  |---||------  event_dlist events.
                          ————————————————            此文件描述符关心的所有事件链表
                          |               |
                          |               |
            struct evmap_io {
            struct event_dlist events; //链表管理一个文件描述符所有关心的io事件
            ev_uint16_t nread;
            ev_uint16_t nwrite;
            ev_uint16_t nclose;
          struct evmap_signal {
        struct event_dlist events;//链表管理所有的信号事件

      Linux 下的事件的hashmap io与signal相同。
      #define event_io_map event_signal_map
      struct event_signal_map {
          /* An array of evmap_io * or of evmap_signal *; empty entries are
           * set to NULL. */
          void **entries;     //entries 管理的是evmap_io \ evmap_signal
          /* The number of entries available in entries */
          int nentries;
    int evmap_io_add_(struct event_base *base, evutil_socket_t fd, struct event *ev)
      const struct eventop *evsel = base->evsel;
      struct event_io_map *io = &base->io;
      struct evmap_io *ctx = NULL;
      int nread, nwrite, nclose, retval = 0;
      short res = 0, old = 0;
      struct event *old_ev;

      EVUTIL_ASSERT(fd == ev->ev_fd);

      if (fd < 0)
          return 0;
    // Linux  use it
    #ifndef EVMAP_USE_HT
      if (fd >= io->nentries) {
          if (evmap_make_space(io, fd, sizeof(struct evmap_io *)) == -1)
            return (-1);
      //初始化一个evmap_io 并将ctx指针 指向这个结构体 linux下文件描述符即为key。
      GET_IO_SLOT_AND_CTOR(ctx, io, fd, evmap_io, evmap_io_init,
            #define GET_SIGNAL_SLOT_AND_CTOR(x, map, slot, type, ctor, fdinfo_len)    \
        do {                                \
            if ((map)->entries[slot] == NULL) {            \
                (map)->entries[slot] =                \
                    mm_calloc(1,sizeof(struct type)+fdinfo_len); \
                if (EVUTIL_UNLIKELY((map)->entries[slot] == NULL)) \
                    return (-1);                \
                (ctor)((struct type *)(map)->entries[slot]);    \
            }                            \
            (x) = (struct type *)((map)->entries[slot]);        \
        } while (0)
      //一个event 可能对应多个事件
    // 这里就是上一个的事件类型
      nread = ctx->nread;
      nwrite = ctx->nwrite;
      nclose = ctx->nclose;

      if (nread)
          old |= EV_READ;
      if (nwrite)
          old |= EV_WRITE;
      if (nclose)
          old |= EV_CLOSED;
        //新的事件加入 若之前存在就不再设置res 但是会将各个事件个数加一
      if (ev->ev_events & EV_READ) {
          if (++nread == 1)
              res |= EV_READ;
      if (ev->ev_events & EV_WRITE) {
          if (++nwrite == 1)
              res |= EV_WRITE;
      if (ev->ev_events & EV_CLOSED) {
          if (++nclose == 1)
            res |= EV_CLOSED;
    if (EVUTIL_UNLIKELY(nread > 0xffff || nwrite > 0xffff || nclose > 0xffff)) {
        event_warnx("Too many events reading or writing on fd %d",
        return -1;

    ctx->nread = (ev_uint16_t) nread;
    ctx->nwrite = (ev_uint16_t) nwrite;
    ctx->nclose = (ev_uint16_t) nclose;
    LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&ctx->events, ev, ev_io_next);
    return (retval);



int event_add_nolock_(struct event *ev, const struct timeval *tv, int tv_is_absolute) { struct event_base *base = ev->ev_base; int res = 0; int notify = 0; EVENT_BASE_ASSERT_LOCKED(base); event_debug_assert_is_setup_(ev); event_debug(( "event_add: event: %p (fd "EV_SOCK_FMT"), %s%s%s%scall %p", ev, EV_SOCK_ARG(ev->ev_fd), ev->ev_events & EV_READ ? "EV_READ " : " ", ev->ev_events & EV_WRITE ? "EV_WRITE " : " ", ev->ev_events & EV_CLOSED ? "EV_CLOSED " : " ", tv ? "EV_TIMEOUT " : " ", ev->ev_callback)); EVUTIL_ASSERT(!(ev->ev_flags & ~EVLIST_ALL));     //若事件标志是终止事件, 就不再将事件加入 if (ev->ev_flags & EVLIST_FINALIZING) { /* XXXX debug */ return (-1); } /* * prepare for timeout insertion further below, if we get a * failure on any step, we should not change any state. */
//先把堆空间准备好, 后续再插入定时事件
if (tv != NULL && !(ev->ev_flags & EVLIST_TIMEOUT)) { if (min_heap_reserve_(&base->timeheap, 1 + min_heap_size_(&base->timeheap)) == -1) return (-1); /* ENOMEM == errno */ } /* If the main thread is currently executing a signal event's * callback, and we are not the main thread, then we want to wait * until the callback is done before we mess with the event, or else * we can race on ev_ncalls and ev_pncalls below. */ #ifndef EVENT__DISABLE_THREAD_SUPPORT if (base->current_event == event_to_event_callback(ev) && (ev->ev_events & EV_SIGNAL) && !EVBASE_IN_THREAD(base)) { ++base->current_event_waiters; EVTHREAD_COND_WAIT(base->current_event_cond, base->th_base_lock); } #endif if ((ev->ev_events & (EV_READ|EV_WRITE|EV_CLOSED|EV_SIGNAL)) && !(ev->ev_flags & (EVLIST_INSERTED|EVLIST_ACTIVE|EVLIST_ACTIVE_LATER))) {
        //如果事件是未被加入的 那么就先加入map中  上面所述
if (ev->ev_events & (EV_READ|EV_WRITE|EV_CLOSED)) res = evmap_io_add_(base, ev->ev_fd, ev); else if (ev->ev_events & EV_SIGNAL) res = evmap_signal_add_(base, (int)ev->ev_fd, ev);
if (res != -1) event_queue_insert_inserted(base, ev); //此处并没有将event加入到queue 只是将事件中的flag指为EVLIST_INSERTED  (base)->event_count += 1 if (res == 1) { /* evmap says we need to notify the main thread. */ notify = 1; res = 0; } } /* * we should change the timeout state only if the previous event * addition succeeded. */
if (res != -1 && tv != NULL) { struct timeval now; int common_timeout; #ifdef USE_REINSERT_TIMEOUT int was_common; int old_timeout_idx; #endif /* * for persistent timeout events, we remember the * timeout value and re-add the event. * * If tv_is_absolute, this was already set. */ if (ev->ev_closure == EV_CLOSURE_EVENT_PERSIST && !tv_is_absolute) ev->ev_io_timeout = *tv; #ifndef USE_REINSERT_TIMEOUT if (ev->ev_flags & EVLIST_TIMEOUT) { event_queue_remove_timeout(base, ev); //已有定时事件将从最小堆中删除原先那个定时事件 } #endif /* Check if it is active due to a timeout. Rescheduling * this timeout before the callback can be executed * removes it from the active list. */

         //如果此事件已经被激活并且返回了timeout事件就将事件终止, 并删除被激活的定时器事件 进而重新调度定时器
if ((ev->ev_flags & EVLIST_ACTIVE) && (ev->ev_res & EV_TIMEOUT)) { if (ev->ev_events & EV_SIGNAL) { /* See if we are just active executing * this event in a loop */ if (ev->ev_ncalls && ev->ev_pncalls) { /* Abort loop */ *ev->ev_pncalls = 0; } } event_queue_remove_active(base, event_to_event_callback(ev)); }         //初始化定时器 gettime(base, &now);         //选用链表记时器还是最小堆 common_timeout = is_common_timeout(tv, base); #ifdef USE_REINSERT_TIMEOUT was_common = is_common_timeout(&ev->ev_timeout, base); old_timeout_idx = COMMON_TIMEOUT_IDX(&ev->ev_timeout); #endif if (tv_is_absolute) { ev->ev_timeout = *tv; } else if (common_timeout) { struct timeval tmp = *tv; tmp.tv_usec &= MICROSECONDS_MASK; evutil_timeradd(&now, &tmp, &ev->ev_timeout); ev->ev_timeout.tv_usec |= (tv->tv_usec & ~MICROSECONDS_MASK); } else { evutil_timeradd(&now, tv, &ev->ev_timeout); } event_debug(( "event_add: event %p, timeout in %d seconds %d useconds, call %p", ev, (int)tv->tv_sec, (int)tv->tv_usec, ev->ev_callback)); #ifdef USE_REINSERT_TIMEOUT event_queue_reinsert_timeout(base, ev, was_common, common_timeout, old_timeout_idx); #else event_queue_insert_timeout(base, ev);//加入到最小堆 #endif         //多线程定时器 if (common_timeout) {
struct common_timeout_list *ctl = get_common_timeout_list(base, &ev->ev_timeout); if (ev == TAILQ_FIRST(&ctl->events)) { common_timeout_schedule(ctl, &now, ev); } } else {
struct event* top = NULL; /* See if the earliest timeout is now earlier than it * was before: if so, we will need to tell the main * thread to wake up earlier than it would otherwise. * We double check the timeout of the top element to * handle time distortions due to system suspension. */ if (min_heap_elt_is_top_(ev)) notify = 1; else if ((top = min_heap_top_(&base->timeheap)) != NULL && evutil_timercmp(&top->ev_timeout, &now, <)) notify = 1; } } /* if we are not in the right thread, we need to wake up the loop */
   //若为多线程 则需要唤醒主线程进行防止主线程仍阻塞在select/poll/epoll_wait. pipe/eventfd
if (res != -1 && notify && EVBASE_NEED_NOTIFY(base)) evthread_notify_base(base); event_debug_note_add_(ev); return (res); }


posted on 2017-12-04 17:44  沐浴凌风  阅读(796)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
