SharePoint 2010 学习随笔


上个月非常忙,我负责给伦敦的一个世界级的保险公司做SharePoint 2010的规划和开发,这可能是微软在SharePoint2010/FAST 的第一个大项目。我之前有SharePoint 2003/2007的经验,但2010比较新,所以需要晋级学习,微软安排了免费的SharePoint 2010 Ignite的强化培训,我也整理了一些网上的免费学习的资料,希望和大家一起学习。

Microsoft Office 2010的发布时间已经定在了今年6月份,看来随着Office 14 WAVE而来的SharePoint 2010正式版发布也将紧随在6月之后了。 

很遗憾由于项目的原因不能去参加微软在美国西雅图举办地的MVP 2010的大会,我真希望认识请教SharePoint  MVPs一些东东。


What I have looked at are (at January 2010):

MSDEV: A First Look at Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010

Microsoft SharePoint 2010: Overview for TDM's
Microsoft SharePoint 2010: Overview for Developers
Microsoft SharePoint 2010: Overview for Implementers
Microsoft SharePoint 2010: Developing with Visual Studio 2010
Microsoft SharePoint 2010: Developing with SharePoint Designer

MSDN: Get Started Developing on SharePoint 2010

Module 1: Getting Started: Building Web Parts in SharePoint 2010
Module 2: What Developers Need to Know About SharePoint 2010
Module 3: Building Blocks for Web Part Development in SharePoint 2010
Module 4: Accessing SharePoint 2010 Data and Objects with Server-Side APIs
Module 5: Accessing SharePoint 2010 Data and Objects with Client-Side APIs
Module 6: Accessing External Data with Business Connectivity Services in SharePoint 2010
Module 7: Developing Business Processes with SharePoint 2010 Workflows
Module 8: Creating Silverlight User Interfaces for SharePoint 2010 Solutions
Module 9: Sandboxed Solutions for Web Parts in SharePoint 2010
Module 10: Creating Dialog Boxes and Ribbon Controls for SharePoint 2010

CHANNEL9: SharePoint 2010 Developer

SharePoint 2010 Developer Roadmap
Visual Studio 2010 Tools for SharePoint 2010
UI Enhancements
Lists and Schemas
LINQ to SharePoint
Client Object Model
Services Architecture
Accessing External Data
Enterprise Content Management
Extending Search
PerformancePoint Services
Sandboxed Solutions
SharePoint 2010 Security

Microsoft download:

SharePoint 2010 Beta Developer Training Kit
SharePoint 2010 Reference: Software Development Kit
SharePoint 2010: Professional Developer Evaluation Guide and Walkthroughs 
SharePoint 2010: Getting Started with Development on SharePoint 2010 Hands-on Labs in C# and Visual Basic

Online resources:

SharePoint 2010 Forum
SharePoint Developer Center
Microsoft SharePoint Team Blog
Microsoft SharePoint Developer Documentation Team Blog


posted @ 2010-02-14 20:06  MicrosoftCRM  阅读(2054)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报