Git 版本回退


Git is a distributed version control system
Git is free software under the GPL.


$ git add readme.txt

$ git commit -m "add GPL"
[master 8975acf] add GPL
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)



版本控制系统肯定有个命令告诉我们的历史记录,在Git中,我们利用git log命令查看:

$ git log

commit 8975acf33555932316172fb9edd73844a08d478f
Author: LV <>
Date: Sat May 14 14:12:29 2016 +0800

add GPL

commit 4b1d71bafb2cc7bec44cff1c7e3e305ea01888d7
Author: LV <>
Date: Sat May 14 13:55:44 2016 +0800

modify the readme.txt commit

commit 2141c92f28b51cbe35008c8d66b8d0e31f9257c1
Author: LV <>
Date: Sat May 14 12:56:36 2016 +0800

wrote readme file

git log命令显示从最近到最远的提交日志,我们可以看到3次提交,如果嫌输出的信息过多,可以加上参数 --pretty=oneline参数:

$ git log --pretty=oneline
8975acf33555932316172fb9edd73844a08d478f add GPL
4b1d71bafb2cc7bec44cff1c7e3e305ea01888d7 modify the readme.txt commit
2141c92f28b51cbe35008c8d66b8d0e31f9257c1 wrote readme file

"8975acf33555932316172fb9edd73844a08d478f"这段字符串是commit id(版本号)






现在,我们要把当前的版本"add GPL"回退到上一个版本"modify the readme.txt commit",就可以使用git reset命令:

$ git reset --hard HEAD^
HEAD is now at 4b1d71b modify the readme.txt commit


看看readme.txt内容是不是版本modify the readme.txt commit

$ cat readme.txt
Git is a distributed version control system
Git is free software.

果然回退到了"modify the readme.txt commit"的这个版本,我们还可以继续回退,不过且慢,我们用git log再看一下现在版本的状态:

$ git log
commit 4b1d71bafb2cc7bec44cff1c7e3e305ea01888d7
Author: LV <>
Date: Sat May 14 13:55:44 2016 +0800

modify the readme.txt commit

commit 2141c92f28b51cbe35008c8d66b8d0e31f9257c1
Author: LV <>
Date: Sat May 14 12:56:36 2016 +0800

wrote readme file

最新的那个"add GPL"版本已经看不到了,如果我们在回退了之后再想回去怎么办?只要当前的命令行窗口没有关的话,我们就去找,找到"add GPL"的commit id就能返回去

$ git reset --hard 8975acf335559 //commit id可以不用写全,但是也不能只写前几位,因为Git可能找到多个版本,无法确定是哪一个,位数越多越好,最好是全部
HEAD is now at 8975acf add GPL


$ cat readme.txt
Git is a distributed version control system
Git is free software under the GPL.


Git的版本回退速度非常快的,因为Git在内部有个指向当前版本的HEAD指针,当你回退版本的时候,Git仅仅是把HEAD从指向"add GPL"

当你回退到某个版本,想要回退到新版本,又找不到新版本的commit id怎么办?Git提供了一个命令 git reflog用来记录你的每一次命令:

8975acf HEAD@{0}: reset: moving to 8975acf335559
4b1d71b HEAD@{1}: reset: moving to HEAD^
8975acf HEAD@{2}: commit: add GPL
4b1d71b HEAD@{3}: commit: modify the readme.txt commit
2141c92 HEAD@{4}: commit (initial): wrote readme file


posted @ 2016-05-14 15:29  玉曲风  阅读(461)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报