
Professional Bio:

Wangda Tan is a staff engineer at Hortonworks Hadoop YARN team. He is also a committer and PMC member on the Apache Hadoop project. His major working field is Hadoop YARN resource scheduler, participated features like node labeling, resource preemption, container resizing etc.

Before join Hortonworks, he was working at Pivotal, working on a project to integration OpenMPI/GraphLab with Hadoop YARN.

Before that, he was working at Alibaba, participated ODPS project (Open Data Processing Service), which is a large scale machine learning, matrix and statistics computation platform using Map-Reduce and MPI.

Contact me:

mail: wheeleast (at) gmail (dot) com

posted @ 2016-07-06 10:06  LeftNotEasy  阅读(4837)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报