


2012-09-26 01:06 by 圣殿骑士, 4386 阅读, 收藏, 编辑
摘要: 入职新的工作,希望有个好的开始! 阅读全文

(30 Mins)A Simple WCF Test

2012-09-09 17:29 by 圣殿骑士, 1764 阅读, 收藏, 编辑
摘要: Task : Implement a WCF Service that contains a method that counts the number of words in a given text. The WCF Service will be released in 2 phases. For the phase 1 release, the WCF Service should satisfy the conditions in the Phase 1 Specifications. For the second release, the service should satisf 阅读全文