RT-thread main函数分析


 * This function will startup RT-Thread RTOS.
void rtthread_startup(void)
    /* init board */
    rt_hw_board_init();//NVIC_config, SysTick_config, serial_device register, set CONSOLE for output(rt_kprintf(...)) in board.c

    /* show version */
    rt_show_version(); //show the version of rtthread by serial device(set to be console-device in board.c) in kservice.c 

    /* init tick */
    rt_system_tick_init();  //empty fucntion(since 1.1.0) in clock.c

    /* init kernel object */
    rt_system_object_init();//empty fucntion(since 0.3.0) in object.c

    /* init timer system */
    rt_system_timer_init(); //init rt_timer_list[0].next=rt_timer_list[0].prev=rt_timer_list[0](means rt_timer_list is empty) in timer.c

    rt_system_heap_init((void*)STM32_SRAM_BEGIN, (void*)STM32_SRAM_END);//init system heap in mem.c

    /* init scheduler system */
    rt_system_scheduler_init();//init the system scheduler, and init rt_thread_defunct(dead thread list) to be empty in scheduler.c

    /* init application */
    rt_application_init();     //init all defined thread in application.c

//#ifdef RT_USING_FINSH       //replace finsh_set_device() after the function of rt_components_init() in rt_init_thread_entry() of application.c
    /* init finsh */
    //finsh_system_init();    //INIT_COMPONENT_EXPORT(finsh_system_init) in shell.c, so it needn't finsh_system_init here
    //finsh_set_device( FINSH_DEVICE_NAME );//sets the input device of finsh shell(rt_device_open(dev, RT_DEVICE_OFLAG_RDWR | 
//#endif /* init timer thread */ rt_system_timer_thread_init();//init system software timer thread(opened by #define RT_USING_TIMER_SOFT in rtconfig.h) in timer.c /* init idle thread */ rt_thread_idle_init(); //init idle thread(cleanup all dead thread), then start to be ready in idle.c /* start scheduler */ rt_system_scheduler_start(); //startup scheduler(first swith to the highest priority thread and enable interrupt )in scheduler.c /* never reach here */ return ; }
int main(void)
    /* disable interrupt first */
//enable interrupt(CPSIE I) when the first thread switch(rt_hw_context_switch_to) in lipcpu/cortex-m4/context_rvds.S
rt_hw_interrupt_disable(); /* startup RT-Thread RTOS */ rtthread_startup(); return 0; }


posted @ 2015-06-14 14:42  King先生  阅读(2226)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报