Dear XXX: I really feel I have to let you the below things as it comes to me again and again. 我觉得我必须和你说说以下的事情了,因为它一直的在我身上发生 I mean no offense, but I have to let you know, please kindly read it and understand the point I stand. it is XXX(months or years) since I joined XXX(公司). 我没有冒犯之意,但是希望你可以看懂并理解我的立场 自我加入XXX公司已经有XXX年XXX月 I really enjoy the culture and the environment, it really makes me feel excited and passion. 我很喜欢这里的文化和环境,让我觉得很兴奋并且有激情 Since XXX(时间) I worked for you on XXX(项目名称)project, I really learn so much and find that you are really a good manager and expert on human-resources(如人事) and people management. 自从与你一起加入到XX项目,我学习到很多并且发现你是一个很好的经理和人事管理的专家。 your prefessional presentation, totally understanding of every side of HR are the beautiful approach for us to win such a case and always lead us out of the issues and difficultities from the project. 你专业的技能,对HR各个方面的全部掌握是带领我们避免各种困难和问题的制胜法宝 However, it is really makes me a lot of tasks especially on off-work hours. 然而,我却因此经常有许多工作在非工作时间。 Please kindly understand I really like to work and facing the challenges our team met and learn so much from me makes proud to work with you, but it really disturbed my personal time and decrease my family time. 请理解,我是很喜欢这个工作并且喜欢面对挑战,学习到甚多并在你下面工作让我觉得自豪,但是,这些非工作时间的工作着实影响到我的私人时间和我的家庭时间。 I find that some tasks assigned to me is around 5:30 pm and I did't decline it as I wanted to finish it as soon as possible, but it really needed at least 2~3 hours or even more when I was back to home. 经常会有5点半左右这种时间给我安排工作,而我很想完成它所以一直没有拒绝,但是,每天回到家都要做2~3个小时甚至更多。 I really appreciate your dedication and passion for such a job, but cosidering to my profit as curently my contract is standard working hours with no overtime payment currently. 我非常欣赏你的敬业和激情工作,但是,我也得我为我的利益着想,我现在的合同是标准工作时,而且目前好像没有额外的加班费。 Here is just a suggestion that if there is any tasks comes to me, please kindly let me know a little earlier and I will do my best to finish it as sooner as possible, however, if it could not finished by the end of 6:00 pm, I will let you know and start it the next day. 我仅仅是一个建议,如果以后给我安排任务,请早点通知我,我会尽我所能的提早完成,如果不能在6点前完成,我会让你知道并在第二天继续做。 Or we could design another contract for such a job description. 或者我们可以重新设计一个针对这种工作的合同。 Please kindly understand that and if there is any unintentional offenses, forgive me. 请理解如果有无心的冒犯之处,请海涵。 thank you very much for your kindly understanding and gentle. 感谢你的理解和绅士风度。 Yours XXX.