


选择一个图表组件是一项复杂的任务,因为这项选择必须考虑你的应用程序现在和将来的需要。下表比较了市场上流行的JavaScript (HTML5) 图表库 — FusionCharts、HighCharts、Google Charts、extJS Charts、Chart.js、Flot、jqPlot 和 gRaphaël — 关于最后输出、设备和浏览器支持、图表类型、特性和支持选项。


 FusionChartsHighChartsGoogle Chart ToolsSencha ExtJS ChartsgRaphaël
概要 Delightful JavaScript charts for web and mobile applications Interactive JavaScript charts for your web projects Display live data on your site Plugin-free Charting (part of the extJS framework) Stunning charts on your website
首次发布 2002 2009 2007 2011 2009
图表表现在 JavaScript (HTML5) Charts using SVG and VML SVG and VML JavaScript (HTML5) Charts using SVG and VML HTML5 charts using SVG and VML JavaScript Charts using SVG and VML JavaScript (HTML5) Charts using SVG and VML
输入数据格式 JSON and XML JSON JavaScript API JavaScript API JavaScript API
浏览器支持 All modern web and mobile browsers, including IE6+ All modern web and mobile browsers, including IE6+ All modern web and mobile browsers, including IE6+ Modern web browsers. Need to use Sencha Touch for mobile web apps. All modern web and mobile browsers, including IE6+
图表和地图种类 90+ chart types in both 2D and 3D. 950+ maps spanning all continents, countries, US states and regions, European countries and counties etc. 25+ chart types in 2D. Maps and 3D charts are not supported. 13 chart types in 2D. Maps available as GeoChart. 13 chart types in 2D. Maps and 3D charts not supported. 4 chart types in 2D. Maps and 3D charts are not supported.
用于下载和修改的可用源代码 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
许可证制度 Development and testing licenses are free. Deployment licenses start at $199. Per-developer licensing fee starts $390 per developer. Website licenses at $90. Non-commercial usage is free. Free for all usage. Available only as part of Sencha Touch Bundle or Sencha Complete. MIT
文档 Extensive documentation of over 1,500+ pages. Getting started guides, detailed API references, integration examples and tutorial-style explanation of the advanced capabilities. Getting started guide, API references and simple examples. Getting started guide, detailed API references and simple examples. Getting started guide and API references. Basic getting started guide and API reference
用源代码的现实商业例程 Yes. Numerous plug-and-play real-life demos available for download with source code. No Few Yes. Extensive demos available. No
支持选项 Personalized tech support and community forum with 20,000 active members Personalized tech support Discussions Group Personalized tech support and community forum Discussions Group
顾客和用户 23,000+ customers, 500,000 developers N/A N/A N/A N/A
团队规模 60 10 N/A N/A 1


  FusionChartsHighChartsGoogle Chart ToolsSencha ExtJS ChartsgRaphaël
动画 Yes Yes Yes, but turned off by default Yes Additional code required
下钻 Can be configured in data or JavaScript code. Multi-level drill-downs made possible easily through LinkedCharts. Through JavaScript code Through JavaScript code Through JavaScript code Through JavaScript code
工具提示条 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
图例 Yes. Interactive legend to show/hide data series. Conditional scroll bars for overflow. Yes Yes Yes No
放大 Yes, with support for pinning Yes No No No
滚动 / 平移 Yes Yes No No No
X-轴标签管理 Intelligent x-axis label management to avoid overlapping of labels. Automatically rotates labels, wraps labels or adds ellipses to long labels. Support for rotation and stepping. Not available. Labels overlap when no space is available, leading to a cluttered look. Not available. Not available. Not available.
多个轴 Yes Yes Yes Yes No
数字格式化 In-built with ability to provide suffix, prefix, and custom number scaling Yes Yes Yes No
调色板和主题 In-built palettes, and further customizations through attributes in data Using additional JSON theme file or attributes in code Using attributes in code Using SASS and Compass Using attributes in code.
渐变 Supported, with full control over constituent colors, ratios, alphas and angles Yes No Yes Yes
趋势线 Yes Yes Yes Yes No
能够导出图表为JPG、PNG 或PDF Yes. Support for PNG, JPG and PDF. Can use hosted export handlers, or host them yourself. Yes No No No
本地jQuery集成 Yes, through FusionCharts jQuery plugin Yes Through third-party / community contributions No No
JavaScript事件表现图表和数据 Yes Yes Yes Yes Not native
服务器端APIs用于轻松集成,无需编写JavaScript代码 Yes, for ASP.NET, PHP, ASP, Java, Ruby on Rails etc. Through third-party / community contributions No No No
定制标签垂直线以显示重要信息于X轴 Yes Yes No No No
附加点评 Different chart types in FusionCharts Suite offer additional features not listed here.   The JavaScript files are loaded directly from Google's servers. So your application always has to be online to view the charts.    


  FusionChartsHighChartsGoogle Chart ToolsSencha ExtJS ChartsgRaphaël
概述 90+ chart types in both 2D and 3D. 950+ maps spanning all continents, countries, US states, European districts / counties etc. 25+ chart types in 2D. Maps and 3D charts are not supported. 13 chart types in 2D. Maps available as GeoChart. 13 chart types in 2D. Maps and 3D charts not supported. 4 chart types in 2D. Maps and 3D charts are not supported.
柱形图表 Yes. In 2D and 3D. Yes. In 2D only. Yes. In 2D only. Yes. In 2D only. Yes. In 2D only.
条形图表 Yes. In 2D and 3D. Yes. In 2D only. Yes. In 2D only. Yes. In 2D only. Yes. In 2D only.
直线图表 Yes. With zooming, scrolling and pinning support. Yes. With zooming and panning support. Yes. No zooming or panning. Yes. No zooming or panning. Yes. No zooming or panning.
区域图表 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
饼形和圆环图表 Yes. In 2D and 3D, with interactive rotation capability. Yes. In 2D only. Yes. In 2D and 3D. Yes. In 2D only Yes
分散 (XY) 和气泡图表 Yes, with interactive options on scatter chart to select groups of data points visually Yes, with interactive zooming Only Scatter charts. Bubble chart not available. Yes Scatter chart possible through their dot chart.
堆叠图表 Yes, with 100% stacking support Yes Yes Yes No
Pareto 图表 Yes, with 100% stacking support Yes Yes Yes No
烛台/股票图表 Yes Yes Yes No No
车速表/仪表图表 Yes Yes Yes Yes No
漏斗和金字塔图表 Yes. In 2D and 3D. Yes. No pyramid chart. No No No
Mekko/Marimekko图表 Yes No No No No
子弹图 Yes No No No No
甘特图表 Yes No No No No
瀑布 Yes Yes No No No
微型或微小图表例如火花线、Columns 和 Win/loss 图表 Yes No Deprecated No No
可滚动图表 Yes, in all column, line, area, stacked and combination charts No No No No
组合柱形、直线和区域图表穿越多个轴 Yes, including combinations for 3D columns Yes Yes Yes No
线性、LED和灯泡仪表 Yes No No No No
温度计和圆筒图表 Yes No No No No
温度地图图表 Yes No No No Can be represented using dot chart
对数和倒数轴图表 Yes Yes Yes Yes No
齿条图表 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
错误条形和分散图表 Yes Yes Yes No No
极地 No Yes No No No
雷达 Yes Yes No Yes No
节点图用于网络仿真,机构图表 Yes No No No No
可视化可编辑图表运行drag-n-drop数据改变 Yes - in column, area and line No No No No
附加图表种类支持 Error bar & scatter, Box & Whisker Plot, Multi-level pie, Kagi charts Wind rose Treemap charts, Stepped Area Charts, Table Charts / Grids   Dot Charts


posted @ 2015-11-02 13:56  焦涛  阅读(896)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报