The Flatmates - 3

Episode 75

hang up


end of story

it's over


Episode 74

have high hopes     feel very positive and optimistic about the future

that's that     the situation is completed and can't be chaged


Episode 73

fancy doing sth


Episode 72

a bit to eat     a snack or light meal     I usually have a quick bit to eat.


Episode 71


be seeing each other      keep a romantic relationship

get on well together


Episode 70



Episode 69

by all means     of course/certainly

social status



Episode 68

such a bloke

to be down in the dumps     to be sad or miserable

vet     兽医

be up to one's ears      be very busy in doing sth or occupied with sth


Epsiode 67

I'd be up for that     I'd like to do that(especially for group action)

get serious     


Episode 66

don't you agree     don't you think so

style is always more important than fashion


Episode 65 


Episode 64

Weird!     奇怪

I see what you mean.

genuine     行货     fake     假货


Episode 63

It seems like only yesterday, I ...


Episode 62

tempting     诱人的     = inviting/attractive


Episode 61

for good      =      for ever



Episode 60

to count on someone     to be able to rely on someone


Episode 59

folks      family or parents(informal)


Episode 58     complaint

The alarm doesn't work and the strap lives a green mark on my wrist when I take it off.

under guarantee

being inconvenienced

refund or have it replaced/ get it changed


Episode 57

take the plunge     decide to do something important, risky or difficult

greedy     you eat more than you need


Episode 56

symptom      problems with your body which show you have a particular illness


Episode 55

green fingers     people who are good at gardening and looking after plants and flowers

a slog     =     hard graft     =      hard or difficult work

head filled with romance and love     not realist


Episode 54

jinx sth     to cause back luck to sth


Episode 53


I hardly touched a drop     滴酒不沾

get chatted up     get to know someone and talk to him or her in a romantic way

give me a break     don't annoy me


Episode 52

patch it up     修补(关系等)

toast     干杯


Episode 51


cheer up     make someone feel happier

posted on 2009-01-04 16:56  Joe Hou  阅读(228)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报