一周最新示例代码回顾 (4/30–5/6)
2012-05-07 10:53 Jialiang 阅读(1522) 评论(1) 编辑 收藏 举报回顾上周微软一站式示例代码库最新发布的7篇示例代码:
[Sample of May 6th] Customize Outlook UI with Ribbon XML
该示例演示如何通过Ribbon XML定制 Outlook 界面
[Sample of May 5th] Use XPath to read XML
[Sample of May 4th] Crop the image from Windows Forms PictureBox control
该示例演示在windows forms 的PictureBox控件上对图片进行切割截取。
[Sample of May 3rd] C# app dynamically loads a native DLL
该示例演示如何从C#程序动态地加载和调用native DLL
[Sample of May 2nd] C#/VB P/Invokes a native DLL
该示例演示.NET Pinvoke native DLL
[Sample of May 1st] ASP.NET GridView Row Event Support
该示例演示如何对ASP.NET GridView控件添加row event
[Sample of Apr 30th] Run scripts after server side validation in ASP.NET