How to Creat a Xilinx TCL Script without GUI ? Try the following example:

project new my_proj1.ise
project set family spartan3e
project set device xc3s500e
project set package fg320
project set speed -4

# Modify the xfile add argument for the source files in the design

puts "Adding Source Files..."
xfile add ../src/dice.vhd
xfile add temp.ucf

# Set optional implemenation options here. There is a problem with setting
# project properties that at least one source must be added to the project
# first. Therefore, the "project set" commands are after the "xfile add"
# commands.

puts "Setting Project Properties..."

project set "custom compile file list" "fpga_b.prj"
project set "Optimization Effort" High
project set "Cores Search Directories" ../src
project set "Read Cores" true ;# default is true, don't need to set
project set "Macro Search Path" ../src
project set "Map Effort Level" High
project set "Perform Timing-Driven Packing and Placement" 1
project set "Place & Route Effort Level (Overall)" High
# Do not generate the default post place static timing report
project set "generate post-place & route static timing report" false

# Run the design.

process run "Implement Design"
puts "Implement design done"
process run "Generate Programming File"
puts "Bit file ready!"

project close

puts "project closed!"


posted on 2010-05-14 15:28  剑武江南  阅读(681)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报