补充部分官方文档里没有的Client Library以及代码提示Schema更新(三)
2006-10-12 14:58 Jeffrey Zhao 阅读(752) 评论(9) 编辑 收藏 举报
配合《深入Atlas系列:Web Sevices Access in Atlas(4) - 特别的访问方式》,补充了对于<serviceMethod />的提示Schema。
请点击这里下载,所有的下载链接均已更新。使用方式可以见我前一篇文章《为VS.NET 2005增加Atlas Scripts的代码提示功能》,那里的Schema下载也以更新。
以下是我写的Client Library,希望对大家有所帮助。
ServiceMethodRequest Class
A component designed for invoking Web Services method and retrieving the result.
Script components: required
Inherits: Sys.Component
请点击这里下载,所有的下载链接均已更新。使用方式可以见我前一篇文章《为VS.NET 2005增加Atlas Scripts的代码提示功能》,那里的Schema下载也以更新。
以下是我写的Client Library,希望对大家有所帮助。
ServiceMethodRequest Class
A component designed for invoking Web Services method and retrieving the result.
new Sys.Net.ServiceMethodRequest();
aborted="event handler"
appUrl="the url of the web application"
completed="event handler"
dataContext="source for data binding operations"
error="event handler"
id="identifier for looking up the component by name"
methodName="the name of the web services method"
priority="the priority of the request"
propertyChanged="event handler"
timeout="event handler"
timeoutInterval="the time to wait before failing the request"
url="the url of the web services"
<!-- actions -->
<!-- bindings -->
<!-- actions -->
<!-- actions -->
<parameters prop1="value1" prop2="value2" ... />
<!-- actions -->
<!-- actions -->
aborted="event handler"
appUrl="the url of the web application"
completed="event handler"
dataContext="source for data binding operations"
error="event handler"
id="identifier for looking up the component by name"
methodName="the name of the web services method"
priority="the priority of the request"
propertyChanged="event handler"
timeout="event handler"
timeoutInterval="the time to wait before failing the request"
url="the url of the web services"
<!-- actions -->
<!-- bindings -->
<!-- actions -->
<!-- actions -->
<parameters prop1="value1" prop2="value2" ... />
<!-- actions -->
<!-- actions -->
Script components: required
Inherits: Sys.Component