GPU Down Sampling For Point Based Rendering

Abstract : Is the EWA splatting will be better than my GPU multipass supersampling method ? Of course Not !
Zusammemfassung : Ist die EWA splatting so besser als meine GPU multipass supersampling Methode ? Naturlich nicht!


  During careful benchmark and balancing, I decide to abandon the EWA filter, turn to use GPU supersampling filter method in offline rendering, did as the same as NVIDIA Gelato.


  We will render the whole scene into a big enough RT( Render Target ) not beyond the capability of hardware, filter this RT by Catmull-Rom, gaussian, sinc filters etc. It divides into X and Y pass, results nearly as the same result as offline render for preview relighting result, its quality is much better than EWA, avoid to using MSAA supplied by poor hardware.

  做法很简单。根据用户设定的超采样率,将图像渲染到RT(Render Target,下同)里。尔后采样过滤器生成查找表,计算真实过滤半径。将原始RT的纹理寻址模式设置为GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE,而不能使用GL_CLAMP或者GL_REPEAT。建立FBO,建立2张临时RT,第一个临时RT储存X方向上过滤后的结果,第二张储存完全过滤后的结果,如果用户需要则输出为指定格式图片。下面是一些琐碎的代码块和图,仅供参考。过滤器代码来自RenderMan Interface Specfication。

    int SSRate = RT.width() / DstSizeX;//计算超采样率,为了省事XY方向上的超采样率相同
    int RealRadius = FilterRadius*SSRate;
float WeightSum = 0.0f;
forint i=-RealRadius; i<RealRadius; i++ )
float W = RiCatmullRomFilter( (i+0.5)/(float)RealRadius,0, FilterRadius, FilterRadius);
+= W;
        Weights.push_back( W );

float* WeightPtr = new float[ Weights.size() ];
for( size_t i=0; i<Weights.size(); i++ )
= Weights[i] / WeightSum;

    delete [] WeightPtr;

//Copyright Bo Schwarzstein ( bo[dot]schwarzstein[at]gmail[dot]com ) 2008
//Filter on X|Y direction, Y is in comment.
//TEX0 binds the origin sampler
//TEX1 binds the filter weights
//WeightNum is used for loop
//SSRate is used to calculate the correct pixel offset on orgin sampler

uniform samplerRect TEX0;
uniform samplerRect TEX1;
int WeightNum;
int SSRate;

void main()
    vec4 WPOS 
= gl_FragCoord;

    vec2 Center 
= vec2( (WPOS.x+0.5)*float(SSRate), WPOS.y );//vec2 Center = vec2( WPOS.x, (ceil(WPOS.y)+0.5)*float(SSRate) );
    forint i=0; i<WeightNum; i++ )
float Weight = textureRect( TEX1, vec2(float(i)+0.5,0.0) ).a;
+= Weight*textureRect(TEX0,Center + vec2(float( i - WeightNum ),0.0));



Local Area ( click to view large picture )

filter Radius 2x2, supersampling Rate 4x4, left is using gaussian filter, right is using catmull-rom filter ( click to view large picture )


  Maybe some guy will say, " you big shit why not render tile by tile ?", yes, I tried, if did that, the all GPU point based rendering method will become "shit". Because if we rendering tile with modified perspective matrix, it will be wrong, it's not perspective correct result.

posted on 2008-05-22 16:00  Bo Schwarzstein  阅读(1661)  评论(9编辑  收藏  举报