
20162325 2016-2017-2 《程序设计与数据结构》第8周学习总结


throw和throws位置和用法上的区别 以及用途意义
I/O系统是对数据进行读写操作 分输入输出流 有三种分类方法 read和 write方法


  • 问题1:throw和throws位置和用法上的区别
  • 问题1解决方案:throws出现在方法函数头;而throw出现在函数体。


  • 问题1:程序10-7出现编译性错误
  • 问题1解决方案:查源代码改错,原来是少了一整行



  • 错题1
    Late binding is _______________ than _______________ (后绑定比____更_____).
    A .
    more efficient, compile-time binding(编译时绑定,更有效)
    B .
    less efficient, compile-time binding(编译时绑定,更低效)
    C .
    more efficient, run-time binding(运行时绑定,更有效)
    D .
    less efficient, run-time binding(运行时绑定,更低效)
    E .
    All of the above(以上都正确)(以上都正确)
    答案: B
    Late binding is less efficient than compile-time binding due to the overhead associated with determining the code that should be executed at run time.

  • 错题2
    Let Dog be a subclass of Animal, and suppose Animal has a method called speak() that is overridden in the Dog class. Consider the following code(假设Dog是Animal的子类,且Animal有一个方法speak(),该方法在Dog类中被重载).

Animal spot = new Dog();

Which of the following is true? (下面哪项是正确的)
A .
This code will result in a compile-time error. (这段代码会引起编译时错误)
B .
This code will result in a run-time error. (这段代码会引起运行时错误)
C .
The speak method defined in the Animal class will be called. (将会调用Animal类中的speak方法)
D .
The speak method defined in the Dog class will be called. (将会调用Dog类中的speak方法)
E .
The speak method will not be called at all. (不会调用任何speak方法)
答案: D
The speak method defined in the Dog class will be called in this case. At run-time, the Java virtual machine determines that spot is pointing to an object of type Dog and binds the method to the methods defined in the Dog class.

Which of the following methods are included with any object that implements the Iterator interface? (下面哪个方法包含了实现Iterator接口的对象?)
A .
B .
C .
D .
all of the above(以上都正确)
E .
a and b(a和b)
答案: D
The Iterator interface specifies that all objects that implement it must have the hasNext and next methods. Since all objects in Java are a subclass of the Object class, it will also include the toString method.

Suppose Animal is an interface that specifies a single method – speak. Now suppose the Dog class implements the Animal interface. In addition to the speak method, the Dog class also has a method called wagTail. Now consider the following code(假设Animal是一个指定了单一方法的接口--speak。现在假设Dog类实现了Animal接口。除了speak方法外,Dog类还有一个方法wagTail。现在思考下面的代码:).

Animal a = new Dog();

Which of the following is true about this code?(关于这段代码,下面哪项是正确的)
A .
It will result in a compile-time error(这段代码会引起编译时错误).
B .
It will result in a run-time error.(这段代码会引起运行时错误)
C .
It will call the speak method defined in the Animal interface. (这段代码将会调用Animal接口中的speak方法)
D .
It will call the wagTail method defined in the Dog class(这段代码将会调用Dog类中的wagTail方法).
E .
none of the above are true. (以上都正确)
答案: A
This code will result in a compile-time error since the Animal interface does not specify a wagTail method. This compile-time error can be avoided by explicitly casting a as a Dog when calling the wagTail method.

Consider a reference declared in the following manner(思考下面方式声明的一个引用).

Animal a;

This reference may only point to an object that created by instantiating the Animal class(这个引用只能指向一个通过初始化Animal类创建的一个对象).
A .
B .
答案: B
This reference may point to an object of any type that is compatible with Animal. In particular, it may point to any object that is an instance of a class that is a subclass of Animal.

Let Animal be an interface. Then it is possible to create an object by instantiating the Animal interface(假设Animal是一个接口。那么,通过初始化Animal接口创建一个对象是可能的).
A .
B .
答案: B
An interface cannot be instantiated.

The next method of the Iterator interface returns a reference to the next element in a collection and removes it(Iterator接口的next方法返回集合中下一个元素的引用,并删除它).
A .
B .
答案: B
The next method only returns a reference to the next element in a collection; it does not remove it.


FHS(英文:Filesystem Hierarchy Standard 中文:文件系统层次结构标准)定义了两层规范,第一层是()?
A .
/etc 应该放置设置文件
B .
/ 下面的各个目录应该要放什么文件数据
C .
针对 /usr 及 /var 这两个目录的子目录来定义
D .
/bin 与 /sbin 则应该放置可执行文件
E .
/var/log 放置系统登录文件
F .
/usr/share 放置共享数据
答案: B
FHS(英文:Filesystem Hierarchy Standard 中文:文件系统层次结构标准),多数 Linux 版本采用这种文件组织形式,FHS 定义了系统中每个区域的用途、所需要的最小构成的文件和目录同时还给出了例外处理与矛盾处理。
FHS 定义了两层规范,第一层是, / 下面的各个目录应该要放什么文件数据,例如 /etc 应该放置设置文件,/bin 与 /sbin 则应该放置可执行文件等等。
第二层则是针对 /usr 及 /var 这两个目录的子目录来定义。例如 /var/log 放置系统登录文件,/usr/share 放置共享数据等等。

A .
B .
C .
D .
答案: D
使用 cd 命令可以切换目录,在 Linux 里面使用 . 表示当前目录,.. 表示上一级目录(注意,我们上一节介绍过的,以 . 开头的文件都是隐藏文件,所以这两个目录必然也是隐藏的,你可以使用 ls -a 命令查看隐藏文件), - 表示上一次所在目录,~ 通常表示当前用户的 home 目录。使用 pwd 命令可以获取当前所在路径(绝对路径)。
passwd 修改用户登录口令,tree给出目录树结构。




  • 本周结对学习情况

    • 20162311

    • 结对学习内容

      • throws&throw用法
      • 教材第十章
      • 云班课视频中IO流的相关知识
  • 上周博客互评情况




代码行数(新增/累积) 博客量(新增/累积) 学习时间(新增/累积) 重要成长
目标 3000行 15篇 400小时
第一周 61/61 1/1 10/10
第二周 339/392 1/2 14/24
第三周 282/674 1/3 14/38
第四周 571/1245 1/4 16/54
第五周 831/2469 1/5 14/68
第六周 335/2804 1/6 10/78
第七周 411/3205 1/7 12/90
第八周 306/3511 1/8 14/104
  • 计划学习时间:12小时

  • 实际学习时间:14小时

  • 改进情况:学习过程细化了


posted @ 2017-04-23 22:22  20162325金立清  阅读(196)  评论(4编辑  收藏  举报