

zoj 1623

View Code
 1 #include <iostream>  
 2 #include <fstream>
 3 using namespace std;  
 4 #include <string>
 5 #include <string.h>
 7 int main()  
 8 {  
 9     /*ifstream cin("1.txt");//*/
10     /*ofstream cout("2.txt");//*/
11     int cas;       
12     cin>>cas;  
13     char ch[10000];
14     while(cas--)  
15     {  
16         int line,row;
17         int counts = 0;// number of comment
18         cin >> line;
19         getchar();//
20         string str;
21         for(row = 0; row < line; ++ row){
22             gets(ch);
23             str += ch;    
24             str += '\n';
25         }
26         unsigned int begin = 0,end = 0, onepiece = 0,start = 0,i;    
28         begin = str.find_first_of('/',start);
30         while(begin != string::npos){
31             if(begin + 1 < str.length() && str[begin + 1] == '/'){// null comment is count as one too:asdffdsa//
32                 ++ counts;//find one comment
33                 end = str.find_first_of('\n',begin + 1);//
34                 for(i = begin ; i < end ; ++i){
35                     if(str[i] >= 'a' && str[i] <= 'z'){
36                         str[i] -= 32;
37                     }
38                 }
39                 start = end + 1;
40                 if(start >= str.length())break;
41                 begin = str.find_first_of('/',start);//
42                 continue;
43             }
44             bool find = false;
45             if(begin + 1 < str.length() && str[begin + 1] == '*'){
46                 end = str.find_first_of('/',begin + 1);
47                 while(end != string::npos){
48                     if(str[end - 1] == '*' && (end - begin > 2)){
49                         find = true;
50                         ++ counts;//find a comment
51                         start = end + 1;
52                         for(i = begin ; i < end; ++i){
53                             if(str[i] >= 'a' && str[i] <= 'z'){
54                                 str[i] -= 32;
55                             }
56                         }
57                         break;
58                     }
59                     else end++;
60                     if(end + 1 < str.length()){
61                         end = str.find_first_of('/',end + 1);
62                     }
63                     else break;
64                 }
65             }
66             if(!find)++ start;
67             if(start >= str.length())break;
68             begin = str.find_first_of('/',start);//
69         }        
70         cout << counts << endl << str << endl;
71     }  
72     return 0;  
73 }  


View Code
 1 #include <iostream>  
 2 #include <fstream>
 3 using namespace std;  
 4 #include <string>
 5 #include <string.h>
 7 int main()  
 8 {  
 9     /*ifstream cin("1.txt");//*/
10     /*ofstream cout("2.txt");//*/    
11     int cas;       
12     cin>>cas;  
13     char ch[10000];
14     while(cas--)  
15     {  
16         int line;
17         int counts = 0;// number of comment
18         cin >> line;
19         getchar();//
20         string str;
21         while(line--){
22             gets(ch);
23             str += ch;    
24             str += '\n';
25         }
26         unsigned int begin = 0,end = 0, onepiece = 0,start = 0,i;    
28         while(true){
29             begin = str.find("/*",start);    
30             onepiece = str.find("//",start);
31             if(begin != string::npos)end = str.find("*/",begin + 2);
32             else end = string::npos;
34             if((begin != string::npos && end != string::npos) || onepiece != string::npos){
35                 int ch = 2;//onepiece    
36                 if((begin != string::npos && end != string::npos) && onepiece != string::npos){
37                     if(begin < onepiece) ch = 1;//begin-end
38                 }
39                 else if(onepiece == string::npos) ch = 1;                
41                 if(ch == 2){
42                     begin = onepiece;
43                     end = str.find_first_of('\n',onepiece);
44                 }
46                 for(i = begin; i < end; ++i){
47                     if(str[i] >= 'a' && str[i] <= 'z')    
48                         str[i] -= 32;                        
49                 }    
51                 start = end + 1;
52                 ++ counts;
53             }
54             else
55                 break;
56         }                
57         cout << counts << endl << str << endl;
58     }  
59     return 0;  
60 }  

int p1 = findstr(start,s,"/*");  

int p2 = findstr(start,s,"//"); 

int p3 = findstr(p1+2,s,"*/");


posted on 2012-05-10 22:29  Im_hear  阅读(232)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报