第二部分 : 简单句的核心变化(情态)

3. 情态


1. 情态动词 + 动词原型 2. 情态动词的人称变化无 3. 情态动词的动态变化有限 4. 情态动词变否定/疑问


现在时 过去时
can could
will would
shall should
may might
must “必须”  can/could“能够,可以” will/would“愿意/将要” may/might“可以,可能” should“应该”
1 情态动词表示情态
* We must finish the work within a week.
  • Air pollution must be taken seriously.

  • The government can solve the problem of water pollution.

  • Tony could walk when he was only one year old.

  • Will you marry me?

  • I will travel abroad with my family.

  • Potential buyers would cheer for lower interest rates.

  • To some extent.expressions may influence emotions.

  • Such bodily reaction might help moderate the work stress.

  • Students should work hard to pass the exams.

  • Those sick people should seek help from doctors.

2 情态动词表示推测
  • The details may be unknowable.

  • Such searches must take years.

  • The loss of patience can potentially have a damaging impact on our professional and personal wellbeing.

  • The way of saying those things may have led to misunderstanding.

  • Now something similar could be happening in the South Africa.


  1. In order to be a good salesclerk, you (must not/will not) be rude to a customer.
  2. This pie is very good. You (should/must)try a piece.
  3. Rice (should/must/may) have water in order to grow.
  4. Don't be nervous. I think you (can/must) make it.
  5. I am not sure. Probably he (may/should) come later.
第一题 1.must not
第二题 2.should
第三题 3.must/should
第四题 4.can
第五题 5.may
posted @ 2018-05-14 16:26  HuiProgramer  阅读(421)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报