使用JDBC连接SQL Server 2000 命名实例(Named Instance)

        最近比较闲,就爱摆弄一些玩意,前时间对ruby on rails比较感兴趣,就想继续看看,但是系统坏了好几次,前段时间配好的eclipse+rdt+sqlserver的环境也就得重新diy了;
        按照 Setting up a Rails Development Environment on Windows Using Eclipse上的步骤,一步一步走的挺顺利的,可是到Install the DBEdit Eclipse plugin的时候,想恢复以前的直接连接自己比较熟悉的SQL Server 2000,可是死活也无法连上,老是报[Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Error establishing socket.错误,起初以为是没有打sp3包,就干脆重新安装了个msde sp4的命名实例,可是懵了,怎么连命名实例啊,想起总是用net start mssql$InstanceName 启动命名实例服务,突发其想以为可用jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://serverName$InstanceName:Port来连接还是报[Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Error establishing socket.错误,说明猜想不对,google了一下找了n多资料一直没有解决,最后在msdn上发现有这么篇文章How To Connect to a SQL Server 2000 Named Instance with JDBC  找到解决方案了:

 To find the SQL Server instance port number, follow these steps:

1. On the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 server, start the SQL Server Network Utility.
2. Click the General tab, and then click the instance you want from the Instances drop-down menu.
3. Click TCP/IP, and then click Properties. Note that the port number for this instance appears in the Properties dialog box.

As soon as you have this value, you can use it in your connection URL when you connect to SQL Server through JDBC. The following is an example of a typical connection URL:



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